Exciting times.

The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!


divendres, de desembre 06, 2013

Una jornada de colors

Prepararé crònica d'una micro sortida de macro sensacions. 

No diferents, sí, intenses. 

La Bec per la seva darrera intervenció, el Phil per la presentació de la seva amiga des del test, avui han pesat molt tots dos durant la sortida.

Per a vosaltres dos Bec&Phil, colors de dies inoblidables, des del Mirador del Drac.

1 comentari:

  1. Gracies Marcal! We are thinking of you too, and although we are currently a bit preoccupied with wedding stuff, we are talking about you two all the time and taking photos that will one day make their way to the blog.

    Thanks for the awesome photos over the last few weeks. I'm really enjoying the contrasts of the black and white photography with the coloured shots.
