Exciting times.

The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!


diumenge, de juliol 25, 2010

Gear Cables and Outers!

I have managed to explode the housing from my front gears. The gears did not seem to tight or like they were sticking. I was on a road going downhill went to change gear and heard a bang. When I looked down I could see the cable housing had exploded as I tried to change. This section is between the top tube and the front deraileur.

The outers are Jag Wire which I thought was very strong. I am going to replace cables and outers on both gears as the rear got a battering in Scotland also.

Question 1: Has this ever happened to any other bloggers?

Question 2: What is your thoughts on full enclosed outers? (I hear the gear changes will not be as smooth with fully enclosed.)

3 comentaris:

  1. No m'ha passat mai.

    Però sembla que per algun motiu el desviador ha quedat clavat i al púlsar has rebentat literalment la funda.

    És el primer cop que ho veig, però pensa que jo fora de les bikes de casa i la d'en Colorado, poques bikes veig.

  2. Lagranevasio,recordarás un cable de canvi que sortia de la seva funda, després del meu passat viatge per terres argentines.Ho recordes?
    El moviment continuat de la part posterior del camió en el que vaig haver de carregar la bici va anar llimant literalment la funda, tant que quan giraba el manillar, el cable del canvi treia el cap!

  3. Això és veritat, però també ho és que amb la Moots no va ser provocat pel seu ús.

    El Michael en principi té aquest problema motivat pel seu ús, fet que fa que no entengui massa bé com pot passar.

    Penso que pot ser d'una pujada brusca de plat, on aquest queda enganxat no es mou i rebenta la malla de la funda.
