Exciting times.
The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!
diumenge, de novembre 29, 2009
Duatló, propera triatló?.
dijous, de novembre 26, 2009
No Èpica.
dimarts, de novembre 24, 2009
diumenge, de novembre 22, 2009
dissabte, de novembre 21, 2009
Tornant als orígens?
Vaig prometre’m a mi mateixa, i ho vaig fer saber a tot aquell qui treia el tema, que per a mi allà on hi hagués una bicicleta de doble suspensió, una rígida no hi tenia res a fer, i em negava a admirar qualsevol bike rígida del mercat ni la de titani d’en Colorado.
Era l’any 2007, vaig tornar exultant del ROC D’AZUR, havia participat al Roc Marathon de divendres i al Roc de diumenge, un total de 145km i 3.600m de desnivell positiu, sense cap tipus d’incidència, em sentia com una campiona, però la realitat és molt més dura (com les rígides) no sóc cap "pro", m’agrada pedalar, m’agrada patir sobre la bicicleta, però no em considero masoca i quan vaig tornar a pedalar pels corriols del Maresme em vaig desmotivar i molt, em feia mal el cul, l’esquena, les cervicals, els braços, els canyells i en alguna ocasió fins la dentadura, i no baixava per enlloc, de fet la sortida de Manresa del 25 de novembre de 2007, on vam coincidir per primera vegada amb en Xavi Paricio va ser l’acomiadament de la Yeti rígida, n’estava farta de tanta rigidesa!
Sallent 2007
Va venir a casa la meva estimada YETI ASR petita petita, amb una geometria idèntica a la YETI ARC i se’m va obrir una nova concepció del mountain bike, allò que no pugi o no baixi la meva doble, no és culpa de la màquina sinó de la maquinista, però poc a poc, com tot el que faig ens anem coneguent.
Han estat dos anys de sortides i trobades, prop i lluny de casa, amb companyia dels de casa i amb companyia d’altres bikers apasionats, les rutes han variat alguns dels components del meu petit drac també, però res, fins la setmana passada, m’havia fet pensar en compartir les sortides bikeres amb una altra bike que no fos l'ASR.
Durant aquestes últimes setmanes, a casa, en aquest espai, i a les sortides on jo no us he pogut acompanyar, em consta que el tema de debat ha estat intens , ara roda 29, ara no, ara alleugerim les 26, ara ens ho venem tot, ara no fem res…
Com que a casa ja fa temps que se’n parla han estat entrant components per aquesta nova aventura bikera, però fa un parell de diumenges el tema va fer un gir inesperat i sorprenent per a mi. La Yeti ARC estava col.locada sobre un armari a casa, la veia cada dia, sense mirar-me-la, pensant “noia ho tens clar per tornar a sortir”, de fet estava a la venda desde el dia que la vàrem desmuntar, el desembre del 2007, i aquest mateix diumenge ja estava muntada i dilluns ja hi pedalava.
Pedalant amb l'ARC
Bé, he tornat a pedalar amb una rígida, de moment només hi he fet 80Km i 2.000metres de desnivell positiu, per un terreny bàsicamente “pistero” sense cap dificultat tècnica, i què us he de dir, que m’agrada, m’agrada molt, és molt ràpida, em crida, sí sí crida me la miro i sento com diu “a pedalaaaaar” i som-hi, en quatre dies no hi he pedalat més de cinc hores, deu ser per això que ja tinc mono de tornar-la a agafar, quines coses oi? I segueixo sense creure en els avantatges de les rígides, només hi veig inconvenients, és tan dura, no dóna descans, ni un minut de relax, perquè si ho fas és quan aquell maleït sot t’impacta que el notes fins a l’espinada, però no ho sé, deu ser que m’agrada pedalar.
Ara a punt per sortida corriolera amb la YETI ASR que des de dimecres que la tinc abandonada, i la pobre no sap ben bé què passa ella que es pensava que era la reina de la casa, sembla que el reinat s’haurà de compartir, ja veurem…
dimecres, de novembre 18, 2009
Alleugerar la Santa
Demà vaig a veure una forquilla lleugera (SID)per substituir la Fox, ja us diré quelcom.
Properament penjaré fotos i us diré el pes. Ara està en 11,2Kg. L'objectiu es que quedi per sota dels 11Kg., però amb neumàtics "decents" tubeless.
Les dues Ibis de casa, perfectes, mon germà entusiasmat.
Salut, Fliper
Inner Tube Torch Mount
Here is a trick for mounting the torch using old inner tube.
Take one old inner tube and cut to the size of the torch.
Cut a section out of the middle.
Pull the tube through the torch under the Bars then feed the torch into the tube again. Using the section you cut out to place between torch and bars for padding.
dilluns, de novembre 16, 2009
40-26. Inici d'una coneguda etapa. Light-Bike.
És així, fas un invent que fa anys ja vas fer, i que per cert no em va funcionar. Com són el plats 29-44 de la Cannondale Scalpel Team Replica 2002. Sí, sí amb Q-factor, "Q-llunut", però va ser l'època més cansada del MTB per a mi.
The Trailbadger.com was set up to highlight and document the trails we ride in Ireland and further a field. Please feel free to email the boys with any trails you have mapped photographed or documented. If you want send me the details and I can get them uploaded. Be good to push Trailbadger into the global trails guides.
dissabte, de novembre 14, 2009
29" OUT.
dijous, de novembre 12, 2009
What is your Dream Bike?
Session 88
The Session is the industry benchmark for downhill performance. Featuring World Cup-winning geometry and industry-leading suspension performance, the 2010 Session 88 sees a significant upgrade to the Fox DHX RC4 rear shock and Trek World Racing team paint.
dimarts, de novembre 10, 2009
Tallboy=100 Km. Camins de les Guilleries 2010?.
dissabte, de novembre 07, 2009
Turner Sultan.
El pes del quadre 3 Kg. Això sí, impacta, i mira que el color per a mi, no és el color. Però el que deia, el pes és determinant, amb aquests xifres, la Nomad passa a ser la nova candidata, ja se que no tenen res a veure, però és un "automatisme", 3Kg=Nomad 2010.
divendres, de novembre 06, 2009
Molts dies parlant, mirant, estudiant, les diferents alternatives de bikes de 29".
dimecres, de novembre 04, 2009
The worlds gone mad!!
Our project, simplicity in inner city bicycling, was at first glance a fun aesthetic opportunity in new trends, color, and materials. Our target lived / worked in an inner city environment with minimal space. Bicycling at this level can be more about fashion and culture than speed and performance.
After the first few brainstorm sessions we knew there where bigger opportunities. The project ended up rethinking what a “frame” meant, getting ride of basic key components, and creating a new type of compact bicycling. Inspired by the first the "hobby horse" from it's simplicity and secondly the cafe race scene. Each is an exercise in stripping something down to its core.
The final design came down to a frame system and a really difficult rear hub. Everything else is rider preference.
Before all of the bike fanatics get all fired up, we know this bike doesn’t solve everyone’s personal transportation dreams. Performance wise, the bike is on the
slow side, quirky, and fatiguing over longer distances. Consider it a cafe racer with the performance of a beach cruiser. The positives are easy quick turns, huge
power to the rear wheel to go over curbs and other city scape structures, and great start / stopping / sitting situations.
We re-thought everything 2 wheeled with simplicity in mind. This is as stripped as you can get.
Very few parts.
The bike components can vary but overall it would be made up of 29” rims, huge big apple tires, a rear hub (planetary internal freewheeling, unicycle through
axle) and a single front disc brake.-->
dissabte, d’octubre 31, 2009
No importa on, sí amb qui.
dijous, d’octubre 29, 2009
GPS while riding
So why would I need a GPS? I know the trails and dont mind an adventure if I did get lost.
The technology the new systems have and in such a compact unit is stunning. To think back to when my father got his first GPS unit for Hillwalking. I joked that he needed a spare backpack just to carry the unit around. These new systems seem to have everything a gym would have that fits in the palm of your hand. Training centre, Route mapper, Speed, Distance, Heart Rate, Calorie Count. The list goes on and on.
So what unit? Garmin 705
The Training and multi functions of the Garmin 705 is making me want to get one. I have reviewed this unit and looked at the multi functions that could in theory improve me as a rider (With fitness anyway, I dont think Garmin have a function for tuning my skills levels. If Only!!)
Do you use a GPS when riding if so what unit? Should I get one?
dimarts, d’octubre 27, 2009
diumenge, d’octubre 25, 2009
II de II.
divendres, d’octubre 23, 2009
Provant la Hekler.
Aquesta tarda-nit, com acostuma a ésser habitual el divendres hem sortit a rodar, però per mi no ha estat un divendres qualsevol, per diferents raons, roda XTR posterior amb raid trencat, Rock Shox Lyric amb el two step espatllat, i fox talas amb pèrdues d'oli a la botella esquerra, han fet que hagi pogut provar la SC heckler d'en Ratrasse.
A visual of Irish Riders and local Trails
Here is a clip:
Break the Cycle Trailer from Andy Yoong on Vimeo.
My local Downhill trail
Colin Ross rides Cave Hill from Andy Yoong on Vimeo.
Work on the Trail
National Trails Day on Heil Ranch from Bikes Belong on Vimeo.
From SC, Xavi Paricio
dimecres, d’octubre 21, 2009
Boulder Bike Story from Bikes Belong on Vimeo.
From SC, Xavi Paricio
dimecres, d’octubre 14, 2009
I'm back on the Bike
I have been off the bike for over 2 months due to training for the Marathon. I completed the marathon in 4hrs32:33. You can see my Blog http://causewaymarathon.blogspot.com/
The Night Ride (29.3Km)
Last night and only three days after completing the marathon I decided to hook up the lights and go for a night ride. I checked the lights only to find they weren’t charged. At this stage I had already changed into my riding gear. The sky was clear and the Moon was giving a bit of light so I decided to put on the head torch and head out anyway. I started on roads through the city warming up. I headed down to the River Lagan that flows through Belfast. There is a series of walking paths and a tow path that runs along the banks of the river. I stick to the gravel paths as there is a nice section of climbs and descents. Nothing major just bumps really, followed by a steep set of steps. Across the a footbridge and into the forest and single track trails. I turned on the head torch and realised just how little light it provided. I followed this trail in reverse and climbed it. The ground surface through this forest trail is mainly wet earth topped with pine needles. The majority of the trails surface has been eroded away leaving the roots from the trees as a slippy technical part of climbing this short trail. After the short climb I got to the start of a small technical decent. Very narrow trail starting with a hard gravel top changing to forest surface very wet and slippery. The trail isn’t very long but a mix of bumps, berms and roots keep you in concentration. I turn a corner were there was a very wet section only to find a small bit of north shore built by the trail fairy’s. This is a much needed addition to this trail as it keeps things flowing. Down a few tight corners and onto the “LOG” (Pictured above) this is a skinny made from about three large pine trees. It only sits about 1 foot off the ground but in the dark it seemed a lot higher. The center bounces so a mixture of balance and composure is needed to make it to the end. I come to the end of the forest and back onto the tow path. The night sky is bright and I am well warmed at this stage. A drink of water from the hydration pack and off I go again. A short wood with a very dry bumpy surface. This trail surface is mainly roots soft pine needles. This follows along the side of the River Lagan. I cross the tow path and follow this for about 1km. Turning back onto single track and through a wood. This trail is long but very smooth and not technical. I pick up the speed and feel the adrenaline of not knowing what is in front of me. At the end of this trail I am back onto the tow path and follow this to a footbridge that takes me across the Lagan and onto a road. The road is a country road with no street lighting so I pick up the pace to get off it with my limited lighting. Turning right onto a single track through some farmland I am glad to be off a small but busy road. The next section is a mix of grass surface followed by a hard packed earth. The trail follows the outside of some fields to the Giants Ring. (Pictured above) Around this grassy fort I am back onto roads for a short blast before turning back onto a dirt track. This track leads to an off camber bit of single track through a wood. A fast decent through the trees back to the road. Straight across the road and onto a gravel trail that follows the river back on the opposite side I came on the outward ride. I back track along some trails from earlier. Riding them a faster this time as I have more confidence in the surface and my eyes are starting to adapt to the darkness. I follow a gravel forest trail for about 4km until I reach the footbridge again. After the footbridge I turn right and follow a grassy trail along the banks of the river before joining the tow path. From here it is tow path back into the city. A nice ride along the street lights and a calm river. I get back onto the road and follow it through the city centre to home.