Exciting times.

The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!


dijous, de febrer 25, 2010

I won! I won!

Belfast hosted a MTB display day promoting the 7Stanes mountain bike parks in Scotland. The day was sponsored by http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/ They had kindly donated a Beone Kosmos MTB for a prize draw. The display had stalls from the local bike shops and http://www.trailbadger.com/ CRC had a try it area with bikes and obsticals like small skinnys etc.

The main display was the 7Stanes trials team. They had set up an arena with jumps, skinnys, platforms etc. Some amazing riding skills had the crowds look on in amazement.

The draw to win a bike: To win the bike you just filled in a form of your days experiance and your contact details. At the end of the day they would randomly select a member of the public to pick a form for the winner. I wasnt there for the draw but they asked a friend of mine to pick out the winner. He picked my name. He telephoned to say I had won the bike and I didnt believe him until I went back down and the Guys from CRC had asked what size I wanted.
Its only the second time in my life I have won something. As the CRC guys said glad it went to a biker rather than some old granny. Ebay!!!!

3 comentaris:

  1. Felicitats pel premi Michael, una bike!!!.

    Impressionant, t'ha tocat una bike sencera a un sorteig, no un component de bike, no, una bike complerta.

    Bé, de fet et mereixes que sigui així, la quantitat i la qualitat de les participacions a les aventures que ens has anat exposant a aquest blog, i que cada una és millor que l'anterior, fa que si algú tenia que ser l'agraciat per mèrits propis, aquest siguis tu, de ben segur.

    Bé, jo ja estic nerviós per la teva propera visita al nostra país petit, haurem de preparar una ruta per a un campió, sí, sí, un campió, aquesta bike, és el premi a la teva constància, a l'esforç d'aquest recorregut, que està clar que el gaudeixes i molt.

    Michael, MTB, MTB, MTB!!!.

  2. Congratulations Michael....as Lagranevasio is saying, you deserve it !!!!

    By the way, and after months of doing so....I always put 4 exclamation points on my mails....a direct reference to the 4 stripes in our Catalan flag !!!!

  3. Xavi, em deixes aturat, quina idea més bona, he pensat de posar-ne cinc per les bandes grogues, però seria una acte de "mimetisme" extrem, deixo per a tu aquesta posició tant encertada.

    Això sí de tant en tant si que utilitzaré les quatre barres, és que és una idea que permet manifestar el signe de identitat de la nació catalana.
