All Mountain bike! Well its proving to be just that. The bike has been handling anything I've thrown at it with ease. The bike is handling the conditions better than me. I took it for a real open mountain adventure at the weekend. (Storm Clouds over Belfast)
New helmet time also as mine has got to old. Giro Athlon. Nice big air vents for the warmer months. (In reality in this country the vents are for the rain to run off it easier)
Bona ruta, bona bike, bon casc i millor genet.
ResponEliminaA aquí també fa un temps de m,olta pluja, fins i tot de neu, a menys de 30 Km. de casa, al Montseny hi ha molta però que molta neu.
És primavera, estimo aquesta estació.
The weather is very strange and getting harder to predict. I dont mind riding in bad weather but I hate washing my bike after it.
ResponEliminaLOL.....they should design a helmet with umbrella !!!!
ResponEliminaSi ja s'enganxa amb les branques baixes, el llum a sobre del casc i la càmera de vídeo, ja no et dic res si hi portéssim un paraigües, quin mal.