Exciting times.

The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!


diumenge, d’octubre 06, 2013

Travel Case

Interessant, molt interessant.

 The thule round trip elite is a bit bulkier but the hardshell obviously offers a measure more protection than the softshell pro. the case can handle virtually any time of bike one would travel with (and no, we don’t know of anyone who travels with a fat bike…): the thule round trip elite is a bit bulkier but the hardshell obviously offers a measure more protection than the softshell pro. the case can handle virtually any time of bike one would travel with (and no, we don’t know of anyone who travels with a fat bike…)


Ho dic perque l'anterior proposta de maleta per a portar les bikes la vaig veure diferent.

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