Exciting times.

The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!


dilluns, de maig 09, 2011

OnOne Carbon 456

Something borrowed. While I have been left MTBless I have got a lend of my friends OnOne Carbon 456. I have only had one ride but it is a sweet bike. It does not feel like a hardtail. The back seems to follow you around over the technical stuff. Climbs well too although if it was mine I would be going for a better rolling tyre than the nobby nics.

1 comentari:

  1. Una devoradora de dobles a espais de baixades radicals, extremes.

    Una evolució més de la LT, quina sort poder rodar-hi. A les teves mans, expertes baixadores, una joia aquesta bike per gaudir baixada darrera baixada.

    Jo vaig estar a punt de ser un genet 456 LT Ti.

    De fet ho tinc tot a punt, tots els components, fins al darrer detall, forquilla, rodes especíques, pneumàtics, manillar, potència curta, frens de 180 mm.

    Quants i que bons tots els pensament On One 456 LT Ti.

    Michael, MTB, MTB, MTB.
