Exciting times.
The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!
diumenge, de febrer 07, 2010
Cami del TRI....
Avui nova entrada en Català, la raó es ben sencilla, ahir varem tenir trobada de Catalans a Greenville, un grup reduit però ben avingut, que aprofitar de poder parlar la seva llengua mentre gaudeix d'un bon soparet. El grup format per l'Alba (la meva jefa), la Lourdes, la Carme, i l'Ivan, amb les seves respectives parelles en Wayne (que parla un català perfecte), en Rob...aquest quasi res...i la Megan, vem disfrutar d'una bona taula, regada amb vi....i com no podia ser enys, "beer"...es que he de continuar liderant la taula.....no fos cas.
De fet, un cop explico això, que no te res a veure amb el tema d'aquest Blog, he de canviar inmediatament a aquest matí, amb una sortida camí del Triathlon....hem comneçat fent una mica de "duatló". De fet la sortida ha estat força bona, el dia era fred al matí, però un sol imponent ha escalfat ràpidament l'ambient, i en tornar a casa la temperatura era perfecte per fer sport.
Hem sortit de nou amb equipament blanc i negre, però avui no era l'equip Gore Bikewear, sino el Castelli, això si, ben protegit per termics Gore tant als braços com a les cames. Per començar 20 milles de road bike, més o menys uns 33 KM, fent un buce que tinc ben controlat a prop de casa, i que hem permet controlar el "meu estat de forma", el resultat, amb una sortida bàsicament aeròbica, ha estat força bó, i els 33 KM han caigut en poc mes d´una hora i 15 minuts.
Un cop arribat de nou al punt de sortida...el garatge de casa meva...canvi de sabates i a correr una estona, acompanyat d'en Google, el meu gos....perfecte per marcarme un ritme suau de correr, que a ell li permet trotar suament. Hem fet una volta sencera a la urbanització, de fet no gare cosa, poc més de mitja horeta corrent, però prou per anar acumulant, i sobretot, per fer la combinació bike-correr que a vegades es tant perillosa, donçs carregues de forma molt diferent les cames.
En fi, anem camí del TRI, però de moment pel DUATLO...tot arribarà, i es que el fred encara ens envolta, i per mostra una imatge d'aquests darrers dies.
Salutacions d'un Genet a SC
Lapierre Zesty 514 (2010)
Dos genets SS 29"?.
"Dimecres serà el gran dia, el dia D, el dia SS, el dia 29er"
dissabte, de febrer 06, 2010
SS al SS.
Ahir va ser una jornada més, com la de la foto, però aquest cop dins del que han de ser les prèvies a l'arribada de la resta de 29" a aquest espai, ja n'és de curiós que la roda sigui un tema tant sonor, sí és més gran, però sembla que un pas com el de donar entrada a aquestes bikes de rodes grosses, sigui quelcom més que això, i com tot, haurem d'esperar a que els dies posin les coses al seu lloc.
divendres, de febrer 05, 2010
dijous, de febrer 04, 2010
Sort que només vaig enregistrar els resultats en un DRAC que si no.
8 sortides.
268,91 km
6.015 m +
12.759 kcal
Vm 15 km/h
FCm 119 bpm.
De cervesses del 15 al 31 unes 4/5, ei, no llegir 45.
Betty, com pots veure estic dins els teus numeros.
Lo bo del GARMIN 705, apart de tenir moltes de les funcions que tenia el 305 es que aquest incorpora els mapes cartogràfics, tenen la seva utilitat quan en MQL s'enreda per camins que evidenment no són marcats al cartogràfic però, quan no tenim sortida podem saber on és el camí més pròxim per anar a buscar-lo.
A més totes les rutes que has realitzat, quan passes per sobre d'elles les marca amb unes linies discuntinues, bona utilitat.
Evidenment té la funció d'entrenament, es a dir corres contra tú mateix virtualment e intentant-te superar o com a molt seguirte al ritme que havies fet aquella mateixa ruta.
Altre punt bó es l'opció de destí, es a dir si no saps tornar, ell et guia per anar al punt d'origen.
En fi, petits utensilis que a vegades et són útils, sobre tot per la gran quantitat d'informació.
Giants Causeway Ireland
A neat coastal route, taking in minor roads and lots of off road twisting path. More climbing than you would imagine. This route covers 67km of some of the most breath taking scenary in Europe if not the world. Riding through the world tourist attraction the Giants Causeway. The route on the way out ws mainly Single track along the coast with beach crossings and a bit of major roads where there is no trails. The return journey was all roads which had to be done on tiring legs. The highlight is the trail that leads along the cliff path through the Giants Causeway as seen in the photos with the trusty old Trek.
The Route Map
Leave Portstewart beach cycling along the coastal path, Along the cliff path around Dominican College (Extreme caution on this section as it is a walkers path and there are a few blind bends) into the town staying to the lower path to the harbour.
Turning into the harbour car park the path leads between the houses facing the harbour and up onto the green. Follow the path past the herring pond (a natural sea swimming pool) and along the seafront to the golf course car park.
Through the car park keeping left you should see the first trail leading left away from the first tee. I have had a few golfers tell me you are not allowed on the course but I checked it out (This is a public right of way and the trail follows the Golf course on the sea side of the course).
A few sections lead onto the golf course path between holes but if common sense and courtesy is shown most golfers are fine with you passing them. This single track continues along the coast to ballyreagh golf course. Again same rules apply stick to the trail on the seaside of the golf course.
The trail crosses the course briefly across a bridge on the 8th hole as the path is being fixed due to erosion. After the Par three course pass the pitch and putt and the trail leads onto the cycle path down into portrush following the west strand. Again follow this to the harbour and around Ramore head and onto the east strand.
From here it is either road all the way to Portballintrae or you can stick to the beach and follow it to the white rocks. At the white rocks leave the beach and follow the road up to the main coast road A2. Follow this road passing Dunluce Castle, making sure to check out the views of the cliffs and caves etc on your left.
After Dunluce Castle follow the A2 road taking a left onto the B145 into portballintray. Follow the road through the town to the carpark were a path leads down across the Bush river.
After the bridge take a right and follow this path to the small steam rail track. Take a left and follow this to the gates at the runkerry end of the beach. Turn left down onto the trail leading away from the beach and along the front of Runkerry House.
Follow this trail around the cliff paths this will take you to the back of the Giant's Causeway car park. You can take the lower road that leads to the Giants Causeway or the cliff path if you have already seen the Causeway. If you take the lower path after you pass the Causeway the trail cuts back were you have to climb the steps up to the cliff trail. From here it is sweet single track all the way to Dunseverick Castle, taking in all the ports and coves along the way. This is a walkers path and is very narrow in places so caution should be taken. The views along this are amongst some of the best in the world and the lesser seen part of the Causeway but the most dramatic. There are a few gates and steps to cross along the way but this trail just seems to go on for ever with different scenery around every corner.
After Dunseverick Castle (Which isn't much other than a three wall ruin just so you arent disappointed. Photo above of me passing the Castle on the Causeway Marathon) follow the trail around the coast for about ½ a mile. Just before Dunseverick harbour there is a small natural sea water swimming pool to your left opposite the steps to the road. Stop for a dip to cool off on hot days which I did and it was very refreshing. Follow the steps to the road and follow the road down into Dunseverick harbour.
There is a toilet block at the back of this car park. From the car park follow the trail along the sea and around the coves and stoney beach till you come to a cave that you go through and follow the trail to portbrandden. Portbradden boasts the smallest church in Ireland and it is so small blink and you will miss it. It is on the right up the side of the houses. Leaving the church follow the trail of the road to the left.
The next section onto whitepark bay beach will mean carrying the bike and the boulders are large and slippery so take care. When you reach the beach about 1/3rd of the way along follow the road on the right that leads off the beach and up past the old and new youth hostels. There is a path at the far end of the beach that leads to Ballintoy Harbour but at present the farmer that owns the land has closed this path.
From the youth hostel you join the A2 whitepark road taking a left through Ballintoy village and then leave the road taking a left down to larrybane and the single track to the Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge.
The return journey was on a mixture of major and minor roads.
Ser i com ser-hi.
El Blog és tècnic, és protocol.lari, però també ha de ser proper i també ha de "ser". Aquest espai, és l'espai de genets de Drac, i avui és el que és, de sempre que és així.
dimecres, de febrer 03, 2010
dimarts, de febrer 02, 2010
Sant Sopar
dilluns, de febrer 01, 2010
Canvis de tendència.
És una realitat, les meves intervencions, així ho manifesten, bé i l'arribada de la Vicious així ho deixa clar, les intervencions d'en Tagama22, les d'en Colorado, les d'en Ratrasse, en Ritrasse, 29", 29", 29".
Fent números
Aquest mes de gener ha estat, sens dubte, un mes ple de converses a casa on els números han estat els protagonistes; rodes 29, 1velocitat, que si 1x1, 2x1, 2x2…
Tenint en compte que el virus que ha atacat a lagranevasio ha estat, de moment, benèvol amb mi, he aprofitat tant com he pogut per fer la meva llista de números, sí sí, jo també, però com que la meva evolució biker està molt més enrera que la vostra, jo amb el meu 3x9 m’he dedicat a sumar números al comptaquilòmetres.
Han estat tants dies de gener sortint sense la companyia de lagranevasio, que avui mentre pedalava, i tenint en compte que pedalant sola a una li passen coses pel cap ben peculiars, i més quan estant al punt de la sortida més llunyà de casa comença a caure aigua neu, he anat llistant mentalment les poques sortides d’aquest mes, a mode de resum, i em fa gràcia tancar el mes de gener amb aquests números;
15 sortides mountain bikeres
1 sortida acompanyada - 14 SOLA
4 sortides amb la YETI ARC - 11 sortides amb la YETI ASR
3 sortides nocturnes i SOLA (Tot un esdeveniment!)
4 sortides sota la pluja
2 sortides trepitjant neu
3 sortides vestida de rigurós hivern la resta amb pirates
1 sortida sense ni un núvol al cel
Total; 557km i 11.560m d’Ascenció, de felicitat i patiment
Afrontant ja, l’inici del mes de febrer, on espero poder seguir sumant quilòmetres a poder ser amb la companyia de lagranevasio i el seu nou drac, tinc moltes ganes de veure com ens ho fem per fer una ruta plegats, tinc la sensació que per tal de coincidir algun tram hauré de sortir un parell d’hores abans de casa! Veurem, em fa molta il.usió veure’l en acció!
I no me’n oblido de l’alegria del mes de febrer; el Sant Sopar, gironins i bordilencs, em fareu viure amb l’intriga de la vostra decisió/evolució ciclista fins el dia del sopar?
diumenge, de gener 31, 2010
dissabte, de gener 30, 2010
Niner....again !!!!
Niner The Big Revolution from Alessandro Beltrame on Vimeo.
From SC, Xavi Paricio
Vicious de bona casa.
El distribuidor de les Vicious a la pensínsula és un biker, un apassionat de la marca propietat d'en Colorado, Voodoo. I em va donar unes imatges perquè en el seu moment les posés a aquest espai. Els hi vaig demanar jo.
Vídeo viciós.
És un vídeo SS, on queda clar que muntar i desmuntar les bikes és la moneda del dia a dia...
divendres, de gener 29, 2010
Pro vs Retro.
El pes de la nova Air 9 Carbon amb les pistes de direcció i la forquilla és senzillament difícil d'assimilar, és molt baix per ser una 29".
dijous, de gener 28, 2010
Mirant de tancar el cercle.
El manillar i potència de la Vicious, ara per ara, Easton Monkey Lite SL 610 mm. doble alçada i Syntace F99 105 -6º, punys els Pedros, els frens, bé m'he decidit per comprar una pinça Magura Marta Post Mount i així amb l'adaptador que ja tinc Post Mount a SI 160-160 mm. tot anirà perfecte, perquè això em permet posar unes arandeles de gruix entre la unió de la pinça a l'adapatador fet que evita que el pont interior de la pinça toqui amb la part exterior del disc Shimano XTR 2007.
dimecres, de gener 27, 2010
Vicious, Vicious, Vicious.
A les darreres fotos que he posat de la presentació de la Vicious, i després de parlar amb en Ratrasse, he decidit posar la part de més pendent de la The Motivator SS, que també té la seva part bona, i és que després d'una bona sortida a Bordils no falta mai o bé la Coca Cola Made in Colorado, o bé la cervesa del país, diverses sempre, perquè en Tagama22, és un anfitrió com pocs.
Posant ordre, i una imatge val més que mil paraules...
El tema Yeti a casa cal d'una revisió a fons.
dimarts, de gener 26, 2010
Black & White
Time to set objectives,
One year later is time to seat goals, to put dates on the calendar, to start to train, even if at the end there is no way to finally get them, only the pursuit is a goal itself. This season it will be a different one, as I already set my goals, and those are clear, TRI....and TRI means Triathlon, so road bike, running and swimming.
Road bike is something new for me, but similar to my loved MTB, with clear differences, but on a 29" spirit. Running is part of my all live training, and even I´m really bad on that when I compare whith other people,I know I can compete and suffer....the worst will be the water element, this is the worst side of this bet, but I´m really focused, and I know it will be also a great experience.
So once the goals are setted, the planning must be in place to achieve them, and it´s time to train, even harder than usually. I will let you all know where this new experience drives me during this year, as I´m sure I will have enough new ideas and thoughts to share with you.
And as a new year is in front, a new "dress" is set for the season, and I decided it will be related to the road, so Black and White, as the roads, this will be the official colors of the new season...and why not, maybe also related to te 29"
From SC, Xavi Paricio
dilluns, de gener 25, 2010
Converses 29".
Avui dia d'equipament 29"SS.
dissabte, de gener 23, 2010
El segell del meu nou Drac, "29SS".
Avui , volia sortir amb la Vicious, volia, perquè no ha pogut ser.
divendres, de gener 22, 2010
On-One's Carbon 456 hardtail
So far I’m impressed, and one of our regular testers Gareth has just grabbed it for a gritty session in the woods. Stevo tells us that production models will be subject to a few minor mods, though, and it hasn’t been through the CEN standards testing process yet.
While On-One built their reputation on no-nonsense, low-budget, steel-framed, single-geared bikes, they soon branched out into offering a selection of multi-geared options and a variety of frame materials, including the well liked scandium-alloy-framed Scandal and a very classy titanium version of the 456.
The name refers to the fact that the geometry allows you to run it with 4, 5 or 6in travel forks. From that, you can probably guess that the new carbon composite 456 is no skinny-ribbed racing snake… although On-One tell us they’ll be creating one of those soon. It’s constructed for riders who want to really attack big terrain without carrying any excess metal.
The frame
On-One say their target weight for the Carbon 456 frame is 1.6kg (3.5lb). Production versions will have different seatstays with more tyre clearance, different cable routing and slightly different swapout dropouts (you can change the sliding dropouts to accommodate a single gear or derailleurs), but the basic carbon layup and geometry is sorted.
Stevo explains: “We have a lot of experience with carbon on Planet X bikes and wanted to develop a range in carbon for On-One. We have both 26in and 29in cross-country frames coming for spring 2010, as well as the 456.
"Our DN6 Chromoly steel 456 frames are great, but they have a weight penalty. Other manufacturers use alloy for their long-travel hardtails, but this can produce a harsh ride. On-One choose materials that give a good ride feel.
"Carbon is a good frame material for both designers and suppliers, and we can alter the layup to change the ride feel. We're still in the process of this and the production frame will have a carbon/Kevlar mixture on the down tube and chainstays.
"We wanted to create a carbon version to fit within the range and price of the steel and titanium frames, but I’ve added a few features to the carbon one. There’ll be a whippet cross-country version coming soon too; a completely different design.”
Notable design features on the Carbon 456 include a tapered 1.5in to 1.125in headset that will suit Chris King’s taper standard and a few other brands like FSA. This should help to future-proof the frame. The seatpost is 31.6mm, which suits most adjustable height posts, and the down tube profile is shaped to effectively distribute shock impacts.
We’re not going to say much about the ride just yet as we need to put a lot more miles into it on different types of terrain with different riders on board. We’ll be reporting in What Mountain Bike after we’ve taken delivery of the first official production bike.
However, first impressions are excellent. The slack geometry, on paper, would appear to suggest the likelihood of a lazy ride feel. But that’s not the case. With the 6in-travel fork set soft and the ride position well centred, you end up riding rough terrain with a fair bit of weight on the fork, letting the back end just skip through.
A lighter 5in-travel through-axle fork would seem to be the obvious choice for those who consider themselves cross-country riders, but the 6in one is more able to forgive line errors. Feel-wise, the carbon structure is more forgiving and nimbler on rough terrain than an aluminium or steel-framed long-forked hardtail. But we’ll reserve further judgment until we can get a hold of a production model and fit it with a bunch of our favourite kit.
RRP for the Carbon 456 is £499, and this particular build weighs in at 24.3lb (11.02kg) without pedals. For more details, see http://www.on-one-shop.co.uk/.