Exciting times.
The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!
diumenge, de gener 31, 2010
dissabte, de gener 30, 2010
Niner....again !!!!
Niner The Big Revolution from Alessandro Beltrame on Vimeo.
From SC, Xavi Paricio
Vicious de bona casa.
El distribuidor de les Vicious a la pensínsula és un biker, un apassionat de la marca propietat d'en Colorado, Voodoo. I em va donar unes imatges perquè en el seu moment les posés a aquest espai. Els hi vaig demanar jo.
Vídeo viciós.
És un vídeo SS, on queda clar que muntar i desmuntar les bikes és la moneda del dia a dia...
divendres, de gener 29, 2010
Pro vs Retro.
El pes de la nova Air 9 Carbon amb les pistes de direcció i la forquilla és senzillament difícil d'assimilar, és molt baix per ser una 29".
dijous, de gener 28, 2010
Mirant de tancar el cercle.
El manillar i potència de la Vicious, ara per ara, Easton Monkey Lite SL 610 mm. doble alçada i Syntace F99 105 -6º, punys els Pedros, els frens, bé m'he decidit per comprar una pinça Magura Marta Post Mount i així amb l'adaptador que ja tinc Post Mount a SI 160-160 mm. tot anirà perfecte, perquè això em permet posar unes arandeles de gruix entre la unió de la pinça a l'adapatador fet que evita que el pont interior de la pinça toqui amb la part exterior del disc Shimano XTR 2007.
dimecres, de gener 27, 2010
Vicious, Vicious, Vicious.
A les darreres fotos que he posat de la presentació de la Vicious, i després de parlar amb en Ratrasse, he decidit posar la part de més pendent de la The Motivator SS, que també té la seva part bona, i és que després d'una bona sortida a Bordils no falta mai o bé la Coca Cola Made in Colorado, o bé la cervesa del país, diverses sempre, perquè en Tagama22, és un anfitrió com pocs.
Posant ordre, i una imatge val més que mil paraules...
El tema Yeti a casa cal d'una revisió a fons.
dimarts, de gener 26, 2010
Black & White
Time to set objectives,
One year later is time to seat goals, to put dates on the calendar, to start to train, even if at the end there is no way to finally get them, only the pursuit is a goal itself. This season it will be a different one, as I already set my goals, and those are clear, TRI....and TRI means Triathlon, so road bike, running and swimming.
Road bike is something new for me, but similar to my loved MTB, with clear differences, but on a 29" spirit. Running is part of my all live training, and even I´m really bad on that when I compare whith other people,I know I can compete and suffer....the worst will be the water element, this is the worst side of this bet, but I´m really focused, and I know it will be also a great experience.
So once the goals are setted, the planning must be in place to achieve them, and it´s time to train, even harder than usually. I will let you all know where this new experience drives me during this year, as I´m sure I will have enough new ideas and thoughts to share with you.
And as a new year is in front, a new "dress" is set for the season, and I decided it will be related to the road, so Black and White, as the roads, this will be the official colors of the new season...and why not, maybe also related to te 29"
From SC, Xavi Paricio
dilluns, de gener 25, 2010
Converses 29".
Avui dia d'equipament 29"SS.
dissabte, de gener 23, 2010
El segell del meu nou Drac, "29SS".
Avui , volia sortir amb la Vicious, volia, perquè no ha pogut ser.
divendres, de gener 22, 2010
On-One's Carbon 456 hardtail
So far I’m impressed, and one of our regular testers Gareth has just grabbed it for a gritty session in the woods. Stevo tells us that production models will be subject to a few minor mods, though, and it hasn’t been through the CEN standards testing process yet.
While On-One built their reputation on no-nonsense, low-budget, steel-framed, single-geared bikes, they soon branched out into offering a selection of multi-geared options and a variety of frame materials, including the well liked scandium-alloy-framed Scandal and a very classy titanium version of the 456.
The name refers to the fact that the geometry allows you to run it with 4, 5 or 6in travel forks. From that, you can probably guess that the new carbon composite 456 is no skinny-ribbed racing snake… although On-One tell us they’ll be creating one of those soon. It’s constructed for riders who want to really attack big terrain without carrying any excess metal.
The frame
On-One say their target weight for the Carbon 456 frame is 1.6kg (3.5lb). Production versions will have different seatstays with more tyre clearance, different cable routing and slightly different swapout dropouts (you can change the sliding dropouts to accommodate a single gear or derailleurs), but the basic carbon layup and geometry is sorted.
Stevo explains: “We have a lot of experience with carbon on Planet X bikes and wanted to develop a range in carbon for On-One. We have both 26in and 29in cross-country frames coming for spring 2010, as well as the 456.
"Our DN6 Chromoly steel 456 frames are great, but they have a weight penalty. Other manufacturers use alloy for their long-travel hardtails, but this can produce a harsh ride. On-One choose materials that give a good ride feel.
"Carbon is a good frame material for both designers and suppliers, and we can alter the layup to change the ride feel. We're still in the process of this and the production frame will have a carbon/Kevlar mixture on the down tube and chainstays.
"We wanted to create a carbon version to fit within the range and price of the steel and titanium frames, but I’ve added a few features to the carbon one. There’ll be a whippet cross-country version coming soon too; a completely different design.”
Notable design features on the Carbon 456 include a tapered 1.5in to 1.125in headset that will suit Chris King’s taper standard and a few other brands like FSA. This should help to future-proof the frame. The seatpost is 31.6mm, which suits most adjustable height posts, and the down tube profile is shaped to effectively distribute shock impacts.
We’re not going to say much about the ride just yet as we need to put a lot more miles into it on different types of terrain with different riders on board. We’ll be reporting in What Mountain Bike after we’ve taken delivery of the first official production bike.
However, first impressions are excellent. The slack geometry, on paper, would appear to suggest the likelihood of a lazy ride feel. But that’s not the case. With the 6in-travel fork set soft and the ride position well centred, you end up riding rough terrain with a fair bit of weight on the fork, letting the back end just skip through.
A lighter 5in-travel through-axle fork would seem to be the obvious choice for those who consider themselves cross-country riders, but the 6in one is more able to forgive line errors. Feel-wise, the carbon structure is more forgiving and nimbler on rough terrain than an aluminium or steel-framed long-forked hardtail. But we’ll reserve further judgment until we can get a hold of a production model and fit it with a bunch of our favourite kit.
RRP for the Carbon 456 is £499, and this particular build weighs in at 24.3lb (11.02kg) without pedals. For more details, see http://www.on-one-shop.co.uk/.
dijous, de gener 21, 2010
Presentació Vicious Cycles The Motivator SS.
La sensació un cop desmuntada tota la Vicious, és la de treballar amb una peça d’orfebreria.
En mirar detall a detall el quadre, mirant de protegir les zones de més risc on els cops podrien fer saltar la pintura, tirants, baines, “top tube”, tub tija, tots i cada un dels tubs de la bike, de pesar cada un dels components, de pesar el quadre, la forquilla, de seleccionar cada component per a mirar de construir la bike més lleugera possible, t'adones que darrera d'aquest concepte d'una Vicious Cycles de roda grossa, amb SS, el pes no és el que ha de primar i on els components són els que són i que després de mirar de rebaixar pes, xoques amb unes limitacions importants.
Si trec el seient Arione CX , de 180 g. amb rails de carboni, i poso el SLR 135 g,. perdré un segon coixi, i clar ja no queda res més, la potència Thomson de 110 mm. 6º+, 4x de 172 g. , l'he tret i ara porta la Syntace 105 mm. 6º- de 112g. i el manillar Race Face Evolve XC de 254 g. d'uns 660-670 mm. l'he substituit pel Easton Monkey Lite de 135 g., però de 610 mm., que implica perdre control baixant i sembla ser que per a rodar amb SS el manillar va bé que sigui com a mínim de 660 mm., aquest canvi, el de la potència i manillar cre que el tiraré enrera, és que tinc debilitat per la 4x.
Poso a part els pesos del quadre, rodes i forquilla, perquè és una xifra que cal tenir present:
Forquilla Vicious, d’acer, 437 mm., 970 g..
Rodes Shimano XT 2008?, 1.761 g.. M'he quedat parat, són molt lleugeres, per ser Tubeless de veritat.
Demà posaré crònica de l'estrena de la Vicious a la sortida d'avui de quatre hores tocades escalant i baixant pels corriols del Maresme.
Biking in Scotland Next Sat 30th Jan
What Kirroughtree has to offer:
Video Here
Trail Map Here
Kirroughtree, home to some of the best technical singletrack in the country is also a favourite family venue with a wide range of trails, seasonal café and a great kids’ play area.
The TrailsThe green-graded Bargaly Wood trail uses a mix of minor public roads, wide tracks and one short section of easy singletrack to take you around the scenic Bargaly Glen.
When you’re ready for the next step up the trail riding ladder, try the 2 km blue-graded Taster Loop. You can also practice your technique in the skills area, which has blue, red and black- graded options.
More challenges await on the Larg Hill blue route, with long sections of narrow, flowing singletrack ending in a superb plunge through magnificent woodland. The optional Doon Hill extension adds 4km and some great views.
After a moderate start, The red-graded Twister trail gets more demanding, with rock step-ups, drops, berms and jumpable sections, all on the tight and twisting trail that’s typical of Kirroughtree.
To top it all, the black-grade Black Craigs route ups the ante, adding 14km of challenging riding on to the red route. For many the highlight is ‘McMoab’ – huge slabs and ridges of exposed granite, linked by boulder causeways. Skill and bags of nerve required…
Trail profilesThe Kirroughtree trail profiles (PDF 489k) show where climbs and descents occur on routes at Kirroughtree.
"McMoab" Its one step closer to riding the real Moab!
dimecres, de gener 20, 2010
Vicious Cycles The Motivator SS.
Gran Video,millor paisatge
La bici...preciosa!
dilluns, de gener 18, 2010
New bike time!
In March I will be doing this. I am looking at an all mountain machine. I am setting myself £3000 limit. If I get the right deal will go a bit more for a better bike. First on the list is the Trek Remedy 8. I could always sell my other bikes and go Carbon 9.8. What is your thoughts on the Remedy 9.8? Is there better bikes for the same or less money? It is a lot of money for a bike so I want to be sure. I love the Treks as I said before so it will take some convincing to take me away from them. Help an Amigo make the big choice.
Time to remember
Primer Ministre.
Tal com sona, és que ahir vaig tenir Consell de Ministre, amb singular, perquè era la conversa amb l'únic Ministre que tenim.
diumenge, de gener 17, 2010
29" SS o 29" Trail King 1x10.
És que jo 100 % rígida la veig com a SS, 1x1, i 3x9 hi veig la Tallboy, pel pes i per ser una doble de 2,240 Kg. crec recordar.
Per aquest motiu acceptaria una rígida 100% com a bike definitiva sí fos la Trail King, fins i tot amb una White Brother Magic-29 80 mm., també seria per a mi la bike, no per prestació pura, però com amb la Ibis abans de provar-la, és un pas que el veig, fora d'aquesta passo directament a la TallBoy, i ja he exposat on som amb aquesta.
Com que no hi ha Tallboy, i la Trail King esperan, bé ara a la matinada de diumenge, sóc mirant el podi, la Vicious a sobre i la Trail King sembla que vol caure, però no, encara hi ha dos N1, però la Vicious agafa una mica més de tarima, a veure que respira la gent de Willits.