Exciting times.

The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!


diumenge, d’octubre 04, 2009

Fotos Puigmal

Aqui us deixo unes quantes fotos de la sortida al Puigmal.

7 comentaris:

  1. Colorado,

    Thanks for the pictures, it was the best gift I can have on a Sunday morning, I was just taking my breakfast before to ride, for first time in some months, with my Ibis, and those pics are the best energy I can have to sart again.

    Puigmal, no words, the place, the eye over our country, and the last pic, that one where Lagranevasio is climbing on a tarmac road, with all Cerdanya valley down there....and my small Guils just on the other side, a small spot up on the hills.

    Thanks !!!!

    From SC, Xavi Paricio

  2. I tant, i molta conversa va ser de la nostra darrera pujada, on en Colorado no entenia el seu dia, perquè nosaltres, tu, jo i la Betty no veniem...

  3. Xavi, tots dos sabem el que representa per a nosaltres la Cerdanya...la sortida del Puigmal va ser el "nostre petit homentaje" a tu.


  4. Home, millor que vingui i hi anem a rodar junts, no?.

    Una pujada, la del Puigmal, destacada. Una baixada que serà recordada.


  5. Gràcies mil....

    From SC, Xavi Paricio

  6. Renoi quantes voltes que dóna tot.


  7. I torno a aquesta aventura ))
