Exciting times.

The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!


dissabte, d’abril 19, 2014

A tocar de les 2

De la matinada, hem sopat, OMG. Després d'una jornada de MTB, clar que yes!


De cara a demà prepararé la crònica d'avui. Ara des del Mirador del Drac toca descansar. 

1 comentari:

  1. Oh Punk IPA! That little beer was the start of a very eventful session for me back in 2010. It ended with me going over the bars of my fixie and spending a couple of nights in hospital getting stitched up.

    I still fondly remember it being a tasty little number though.

