Exciting times.

The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!


dimarts, de febrer 21, 2012

Gates Center Track Experience.


Interessant, però de 46/32 a 46/28 que porta aquest biker, hi ha un tram important.

"Most of this build was stripped down from my other Misfit. What was new to this was the frame, belt and pulleys. From Peter's advice I decided to go with the new Gates Centerline Belt system. The Centerline makes alignment issues not as critical but I do have the pulleys lined up correct and Gates thoughts on larger pulleys allows less tension on the belt with no skipping. The pulley sizes are 46 tooth front and 28 tooth rear. Gates is coming out shortly with a 26 tooth and hopefully they listen to me and work on a 27. The 27 would be a perfect match for my 34, 20 combination chain drive set up."


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