Exciting times.
The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!
dimecres, de febrer 01, 2017
Ametllers florits
dimarts, de gener 31, 2017
El fet però :-)
dilluns, de gener 30, 2017
Open your eyes :-)
diumenge, de gener 29, 2017
1/2 dia :-)
dissabte, de gener 28, 2017
Novetats :-)
divendres, de gener 27, 2017
Bien está
dimecres, de gener 25, 2017
Recuperació passiva :-)
dimarts, de gener 24, 2017
Travel :-)
dilluns, de gener 23, 2017
Ara que no plou
diumenge, de gener 22, 2017
El Pas del Destructor Independent :-)
dissabte, de gener 21, 2017
The singlespeed is the vinyl record among the bikes : primeval, puristic, stylish. And even exhausting in case you need to justify the retro technology to the ignoramus or to those who rather prefer to change gears secretly. But the real fans appreciate their singlespeeder as the Oldtimer driver its gullwing. For those we build up this antithesis of the miracle wheel: normal rims, normal spokes and our basic front hub. Only the rear hub has been developed extra. Our promise: no stress with the material so that you can keep all your power for biking. Uphill you will need it!"
Per l'explicació que fa Tune ja hauria de ser la meva candidata número u, oi?