Exciting times.
The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!
dijous, de novembre 30, 2017
Unes segones :-)
Vindrien ja, que no serà, però de ser serien un 43 1/3, segurament no el 44 que porto ara, curiós les meves Fury són un 43 1/3 i dubtava si eren justes, les de la imatge les vaig fer venir amb el 44, i el dubte és, millor un 43 1/3 :-)
Mavic Crossmax SL Ultimate MTB Shoes.
dimecres, de novembre 29, 2017
dimarts, de novembre 28, 2017
dilluns, de novembre 27, 2017
El cor, el cor :-)
Que et diu el cor?
Al Montnegre, el Montnegre té la intensitat en el seu estadi més lleu, en el menys intens perquè el nom d'aquesta intervenció sigui com a mínim aquest :-)
diumenge, de novembre 26, 2017
dissabte, de novembre 25, 2017
divendres, de novembre 24, 2017
Les millores :-)
Caldrà definir, concretar una selecció dels pneumàtics que han de fer equip amb aquestes rodes, ara per ara el Linx 2.25 davanter, i l'Ikon 2.2 posterior estan funcionant molt bé a la Vicious, seran els protagonistes ara amb les noves rodes?
DT SWISS Spokes.,
dijous, de novembre 23, 2017
Xenon :-)
La millor jaqueta d'hivern de casa?
Ho deu ser, ho deu ser, perquè en ve una segona cap al Mirador, el pensament, tenir les eines per poder coincidir aquesta final de tardor, i aquest proper hivern amb les Fades de la Foscor molt a abans del trenc d'alba, sí ja ho sé, penseu que no hi haurà aquesta coincidència mai, ja m'està bé, ja m'està bé, per coincidir-hi prefereixo ser-hi jo sol, entre cavallers de la llum, entre Destructors de Murs.
Hi per ser-hi cada dia necessito jaquetes per a temperatures entre els 0°C i els 10°C. Ara en tinc una, una Xenon com la de la imatge en color groc, ara en tindré dues.
Em falten guants nous més preparats pel fred més intens, i agafades de la mà dels guants també necessito tèrmiques de màniga llarga més específiques per aquestes temperatures esmentades. Culots llargs no caldrà que en vingui cap més, crec, ara mateix hi ha cinc jocs a punt directes per sortir, i tres més curts +, amb els seus camals llargs d'hivern esperant la seva propera oportunitat, i tant, i la tindran, i la tindran de donar-se lez circumstàncies, oi?
Hi ha dies per tot, pensades fins i tot coincidències? coincidències cap, crec, crec :-)
dimecres, de novembre 22, 2017
dimarts, de novembre 21, 2017
En primer terme :-)
Passar-ho molt bé.
No sempre va així, o sí, o sí :-)
Però dia darrera dia aquesta és la intenció.
dilluns, de novembre 20, 2017
Colorado ... Boulder, Day 2
Sunday morning,
Boulder is just the perfect city I will have no problem to retire...if it was not so expensive :(
The city is 30 minutes from Denver and all the amenities there, 40 minutes to an international airport with connections to all the big hubs in USA and Europe. University of Colorado campus is in the city limits, and the atmosphere of young people, start ups, cycling and mountain lovers creates an spirit I've seen in very few cities.
So as explained on my previous entry, we decided to have our first ride here in Boulder before to drive to Crested Butte. It was a hot day, Luis rented a Pivot Firebird, and I had a Santa Cruz Tall Boy Carbon. Both bikes were top line, but the weather was way hotter than expected, so instead of hitting the local trails from downtown, we drove some miles up the valley trying to fins some cooler air.
The guys from University Bikes recommended us an area just 15 minutes from town, with enough elevation but without having to drive so far away, and we followed their advice.
Just the driving was perfect, Colorado is such a beautiful estate, that at some point you will not even think about riding the bikes ... but we came for the MTB, so we drove to the trail area. just arriving there there was plenty of cars with bikes or bike hangers, no way to be lost looking for the area.
We started really slow, it was so hot and dry, that we needed to adjust ourselves to the high and dry air. It was amazing the feeling, first ride in Colorado ... but at some point, it turned more in "first ride in high elevation since La Cerdanya" ... and you know how difficult is to adjust.
Now I just attach here some pics, they speak more that I can do with words.
Boulder is just the perfect city I will have no problem to retire...if it was not so expensive :(
The city is 30 minutes from Denver and all the amenities there, 40 minutes to an international airport with connections to all the big hubs in USA and Europe. University of Colorado campus is in the city limits, and the atmosphere of young people, start ups, cycling and mountain lovers creates an spirit I've seen in very few cities.
So as explained on my previous entry, we decided to have our first ride here in Boulder before to drive to Crested Butte. It was a hot day, Luis rented a Pivot Firebird, and I had a Santa Cruz Tall Boy Carbon. Both bikes were top line, but the weather was way hotter than expected, so instead of hitting the local trails from downtown, we drove some miles up the valley trying to fins some cooler air.
The guys from University Bikes recommended us an area just 15 minutes from town, with enough elevation but without having to drive so far away, and we followed their advice.
Just the driving was perfect, Colorado is such a beautiful estate, that at some point you will not even think about riding the bikes ... but we came for the MTB, so we drove to the trail area. just arriving there there was plenty of cars with bikes or bike hangers, no way to be lost looking for the area.
We started really slow, it was so hot and dry, that we needed to adjust ourselves to the high and dry air. It was amazing the feeling, first ride in Colorado ... but at some point, it turned more in "first ride in high elevation since La Cerdanya" ... and you know how difficult is to adjust.
Now I just attach here some pics, they speak more that I can do with words.
My Tall Boy on the trail head ready to roll
Lluis on the Pivot, such an amazing bike !
Both bikes ready for the pic :)
Tall Boy details
Loving the trails, it was dry and dusty.
Team pic, first important ride for my Rapha CC gear :)
Pivot Fire Bird ... what an amazing bike
First trails
Loving it
Rapha CC ... nothing to add :)
From Greenville SC, Javi Paricio
dissabte, de novembre 18, 2017
divendres, de novembre 17, 2017
Colorado ... Boulder, Day 1 !
Colorado, Day 1 ... Boulder.
Saturday morning, baggage ready, cycling apparel packed, happy as in a few hours I will be back on the Colorado state, cradle of the most iconic MTB.
First flight from Greenville - Spartanburg (GSP) to Atlanta, where I met my friend Lluis arriving from BCN. It was a tight connection from him, but he made it on time for the Atlanta - Denver flight. Long weekend ahead of us, Denver, Boulder and finally Crested Butte.
As soon as we landed in Denver, we went to the car rental station and then headed to Boulder for dinner. Boulder is the perfect medium city for the mountain lovers, MTB, hiking, rafting, ... all you can imagine in sports adventure is there. Is also home of the University of Colorado, and one of the top places for start ups in North America. You can feel this environment driving around, especially on a Saturday night.
More to come, first ride in Boulder ... from Greenville SC.
Javi Paricio
Saturday morning, baggage ready, cycling apparel packed, happy as in a few hours I will be back on the Colorado state, cradle of the most iconic MTB.
First flight from Greenville - Spartanburg (GSP) to Atlanta, where I met my friend Lluis arriving from BCN. It was a tight connection from him, but he made it on time for the Atlanta - Denver flight. Long weekend ahead of us, Denver, Boulder and finally Crested Butte.
As soon as we landed in Denver, we went to the car rental station and then headed to Boulder for dinner. Boulder is the perfect medium city for the mountain lovers, MTB, hiking, rafting, ... all you can imagine in sports adventure is there. Is also home of the University of Colorado, and one of the top places for start ups in North America. You can feel this environment driving around, especially on a Saturday night.
Partners in crime :)
Sunday morning we started really early, target was the main bike shops in town plus a ride with our rental bikes (mine a Santa Cruz Tall Boy) ... but this will come tomorrow.
Regarding the shops, we visited the main ones, and I want to pay especial attention to the Rapha CC Boulder Club and University Bikes.
Rapha CC pictures are attached, I have already some Rapha gear, but have to say, visit the shop, with the coffee area and the quality of the materials, just blowed my mind. If I had enough money I will bring all the shop with me back to Greenville SC.
Rapha CC, just the best apparel you can find ...
View of the Rapha CC Club area, coffee is free if you pay the Club cost.
Cloth quality is for me the best I've seen in my life
University Bikes is just a different history, more on the traditional way of a bike shop, but with endless options in brands, bikes, apparel and accessories ... we spent some hours there while they prepared our rental bikes.
University Bikes ... most amazing bike shop I've ever seen
Fat Bike section ... paradise
Garage section :)
Bike rental area ... just amazing how professional and fast they were !
All kind of high level brands and bikes.
More to come, first ride in Boulder ... from Greenville SC.
Javi Paricio
dijous, de novembre 16, 2017
dimecres, de novembre 15, 2017
dimarts, de novembre 14, 2017
dilluns, de novembre 13, 2017
diumenge, de novembre 12, 2017
Colorado ... a dream come true :)
Dear friends,
I think I have Colorado, and especially Crested Butte on my bucket list since I was a kid reading "Solo Bici". At that time, I remember myself wondering through the pages, but especially falling in love with the monthly article from Xavi Fane, called "from Crested Butte".
So I have to say, it was a pleasure to finally visit the place, and ride some of the most iconic trails on earth, like the 401 Trail and Teocali Ridge ... attached one of the pics, more to come ... a dream come true :)
From Greenville SC, Javi Paricio
dissabte, de novembre 11, 2017
I no hi són tots :-)
Falten els equips específics de pluja intensa, i a on demà part d'aquest equipament concretament les dues jaquetes per pluja de Gore i 7Mesh hauran de fer Vol amb l'equipament d'hivern que triem entre les diferents opcions que proposa la imatge, més l'opció de calçat d'hivern que tampoc surt a la imatge.
Descartades les Shimano XC70, les Mavic Ultimate, les dues d'estiu, i sembla que ni les Giro Privateer ni les Five Ten Kestrel vindran demà, veurem, veurem :-)
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