Exciting times.

The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!


dilluns, d’abril 09, 2012



El tema guia cadenes, si seguim així tornarà a tenir la porta d'entrada oberta a casa.

Veig sensacional la proposta, un únic punt rar, o dos,  els gruixos de sota la potència, n'hi ha una pila important, per què? la cadena cau?

I una qüestió interessant, 650b?



És el que d'aquí una estona serà.

Avui amb en Miki i el seu fill, en serem quatre, quatre Single Speed al circuit Montalt, mtb, mtb, mtb.

Tres 29er i una 26".


Cal posar el fil a sortir dia sí dia també amb les bikes.

Avui el dia, per l'hora encara no sé com serà, en cap cas, les bikes a punt a baix, he de reparar les cales de les Giro meves, que els hi manca un gruix entre la cala i la sola. Ara un cop calat la flotació és enganxosa, i no ha de ser així.

La resta de 10/10, o quasi perquè la Longboard ha de visitar a en Narcís. La tensió del Belt Drive està a 85 Hz, no a 55, però això ja serà motiu de la la crònica que estic preparant de la darrera sortida.

Avui quatre Singles al Circuit Montalt.

Intense M9 FRO bis de bis.

I bé, ia això, el fet de ser la tercera, ja em deixa sensacionalment bé, tres Intenses M9, tres Intenses M9.



He de baixar a baix a veure les Yetis, i tant que sí.

Fatbike Wheelset.

Quin conjunt, sempre que veig propostes com aquestes hi vaig de pet a mirar-me-les, sempre.

Les veig i m'agraden molt. Quina sensació veure com van radiades.



És que com més hi penso, per a MTB, la veig la proposta més equilibrada.


Això sí, com em va dir en Narcís amb una cadena especial per evitar la sensació d'anar creuat.


La bike amb aquest color de 10/10 per a mi.

diumenge, d’abril 08, 2012


És que com la capçalera del Bolg que canviaré, però encara avui, em diu, anem a pedalar, encara que jo fins ahir  no podia, i per sort per a mi, el divendres va deixar de fer sol, per entrar a un dia gris, però del millor gris, i com plou, com plou, que bé, que bé, que bé, que plogui, que plogui, que ens fa molta però que molta falta, necessito que el circuit Montalt estigui perfecte per quan torni a rodar-hi, que serà d'aquí a 24-48 hores, si jo segueixo millorant i si el temps fa,  passades aquestes hores, un canvi a millor.

The king.


Ahir va ser, pedalada, avui també, mtb, mtb, mtb.

Construcció contradictòria.


Una imatge única, úniques, mtb, mb, mtb.

Directes cap al NAHBS 2012.

Un altre món?

Penses, sensacional, sensacional, sensacional, o el què és el mateix, MTB, MTB, MTB.

David Folch-NAHBS 2012.

Veus la imatges i penses, aquesta no és una foto d'un amateur, en cap cas.

La bike està bé, segur, ja és de la casa, qui no la recorda, no aquesta, la taronja enfilada al yellow car?


El retorn.

Va tenir una cloenda de jornada interessant.


Groovy 29er retro bike.


Ja va ser motiu d'una proposta a The Great Escape MTB, per això com les 69er de Trek, aquesta per diferents motius que les 69er, sona bé a aquest espai.


A on sóc? que ells en diuen retro i jo la veig, la sento actual, mtb, mtb, mtb.

Ecalfant motors.

Perquè el dia és de 10/10.

Quina llum, quines ganes de pedalar, que més puc demanar? primer esmorzar.


Dingles Speed Belt Drive.

  The Paketa mountain bike.

A casa, avui per avui no hi anirem, no, però com el 1x6 amb boixa específica Single, té un punt d'interessant, i tant que sí.

Fa poc a la recerca del manillar Groovy de la Longboard, vaig veure l'ENO Dingle, i atractiu ho és, molt.


Hunter Bicycles.

Hunter bicycles.
"Built by Rick Hunter of Santa Cruz, it’s a fully rigid touring frameset with 29er wheels. It’s a combination that handles singletrack, corrugation and rough trails alike, without feeling too lethargic over longer paved stretches."


Aquesta bike respira diferent, molt diferent.

dissabte, d’abril 07, 2012


El què ha estat avui. Primera enfilada a la Vicious després de dies de no fer-ho, mtb, mtb, mtb.

Demà miraré de consolidar.


Vaig a preparar una breu crònica, o no tan breu,  de la sortida d'avui.

SSEC 2012.

He rebut aquest Mail de l'organització, mtb, mtb, mtb.

"Welcome aboard

Bonjour à tous,

You are registered at the SSEC 2012 taht will take place in Floressas. Here are some useful information to prepare your trip.

Floressas, department du Lot : how the hell to get there ?

From Paris

Take the A10 highway to Orleans, the A71 to Vierzon, then A20 to Cahors, exit 57.

All details here :


 From Toulouse

 Take the A20 direction Paris, then exit 58

All details here :


From Bordeaux

Take highway A 62 direction Toulouse, exit 6 Aiguillon/ Villeneuve sur Lot

All details here.


You finally arrived !

You will be welcomed from 2 P.M. in Floressas. The staff will be recognizable thanks to their orange tee shirts, and will receive you by nationality and give you your attendee bag. It also the time to sign your disclaimer. We remind you that rigid helmets must be worn at all times during the race AND the rides.

The staff member who will receive you will be your contact to buy beverage tickets and to order bread and pastries (yummy yummy !). This order will be made in one shot as our baker must plan its stuff (no industrial crap here !)

Regarding the beverage tickets, you will be able to buy some more along the week-end.

Lottery tickets enabling you to win a gorgeous singlespeed SOBRE frame will be sold on several points on friday and Saturday. The ticket will be sold for 2€ each, 3 tickets for 5€ (that’s a bargain !). The lot wil be drawed on Saturday evening after a presentation of Yaika solidarité 46 organization who will receive all the money of the lottery.

Reminder :



A farmer of Floressas kindly put 3 fields at our disposal in the village around the castle. You will need all the camping stuff (tent/sleeping bag/toilet set/teddy bear/girlfriend of boyfriend). Fields will be equipped with dry toilets.

The organisation does not supply toilet paper.

Showers will be centralized next to the castle near the fields.

The organisation does not supply soap, shampoo, towels, hair conditioner, make-up or condoms


Breakfast :

We supply coffee and hot water. A baker will deliver bread and pastries. It is necessary to order and to pay them at your arrival on Friday

Meals :

We wish to show you our landscape, our culture and our food. You will only eat local food.

4 meals are included in the package : Friday evening, Saturday lunch, Saturday evening and Sunday lunch. Bread and water are included with meals but not wine or beer.

Nevertheless, you will be able to buy wine directly from wine-growers from Floressas at very reasonable prices (it is not a reason to get pissed, you winos).

During the week-end, a bar will be held where you can get soft drinks, and also delicious draught beers the the Brasserie artisanale Ratz.

In order to avoid to use cash at the bar, you will be able to buy beverage tickets at you arrival or later. They will be paid cash. You will use them to pay your drinks at the bar and wine during meals. We will not accept cash money at the bar.

Schedule of the week-end :

Local producers market :

We organised a local producers market to make you discover our region and its gastronomic pleasures. You will be able to bring little parts from us to you.

You can fill you shopping basket with honey, tourtières (local pastry, with a demo), prunes, sherbets, cheese, saffron, chestnuts, various wines of course, foie gras and duck products, liquors, gingerbread, and so on…

The tourist office will also be there to inform those willing to stay longer in our nice area.


Non-riding guests can hike on marked circuits. We advise you to bring good hiking shoes as the trails are really rocky. Of course, a small backpack and water are useful.

Schedule of the SSEC 2012

27, 28, 29 Avril 2012, FLORESSAS"

Estarem com ministres, com ministres.



 Naked Bicycles.

“I had already been working on my [turnbuckle chainstay] tensioning system for a few years,” Whittingham says of his innovative design, “so when I heard about the Gates competition, I knew it was the perfect time to take it to NAHBS.”


Jeff Jones.

Aquesta, aquesta, una  de les joies de la corona.


Preu molt, però que molt competitiu, la Diamond, no aquesta, però aquest el preu,  no determina res, sí la bike, quina construcció, quina construcció.


Yakkay Set Smart One Base Helmet with Tokyo Blue Technic Helmet Cover.

Mira que és interessant aquest món del MTB.

Anem a una cita del MTB?




No m'agrada especialment, més per la marca Rapha que per les imatges, i no és no m'agradi Rapha, que sí, que sí que m'agrada, si no per detalls, detalls que fa que tingui dubtes, dubtes i prou.





"Work at Rapha

As a result of exceptional sales growth in the last 12 months, Rapha is looking to hire full time staff for a number of exciting positions.
Available positions:

Head of Merchandising

Location: London
Rapha is an online emporium of performance roadwear. Our product range is continually expanding and evolving to meet the demands of our customers. We are hiring a key member of the management of the business to head up the Merchandising function and liaise closely with the product and supply chain teams. The role will be responsible for open-to-buy planning, allocation between sales channels, sell-through reporting and detailed product analysis. We are looking for an experienced and resourceful candidate to grow with the business.
The Role
  • Manage the merchandising function and staff and develop for future growth
  • Act as key member of the business management and contribute effectively to Head of Department meetings
  • Manage the open-to-buy development and execution, including ensuring constant stock holding, timely deliveries and advising the business of any exceptions.
  • Assist in shaping the strategic direction of the range and agreeing range size in line with strategic growth opportunities
  • Agree stock cover targets to maximise sales growth opportunities whilst maintaining efficient stock to sales ratios
  • Shape the business reporting and analysis to drive decision-making and provide suitable reports and analysis to the business and Board.
  • Analyse and advise the business of prior-season performance of products and product categories including pricing, margin and profitability and the impact of mix and expansion of product range
  • Facilitate setting of prices by currency and channel, taking into account local competitive prices, shipping and duty costs, price/demand elasticity, sales growth plans, price architecture and margin/profit maximisation
The Candidate
  • Experience in merchandising and merchandising techniques and in managing a merchandising function (apparel industry experience is not essential)
  • Very strong analytical and Excel skills
  • Proven track record in improving working processes in a fast growing company
  • Strong communication skills and commercially awareness
  • A self-starter and problem solver
  • An interest in cycling is an advantage
To apply for this position please send your CV, in confidence, to: careers@rapha.cc

Head of Sourcing

Location: London
The Rapha range comprises 100+ products across multiple categories, from performance cycling clothes and accessories to skincare, publishing and travel services. Rapha products are sourced from 15+ manufacturers worldwide. Rapha is looking to appoint a Head of Sourcing to add commercial rigour and efficiency to the sourcing operations of the business.
The purpose of the role is to ensure that Rapha’s ranges are produced and delivered to customers at the right price, on time, and to Rapha’s exacting quality standards, and that the range delivers Rapha’s desired profit margin.

  • Oversee and evaluate the work of Rapha’s overseas suppliers, particularly quality, delivery and ethical standards
  • Regularly review the Rapha supply base, locating new suppliers when needed in the right countries for Rapha’s needs, including fabric and trim manufacturers
  • Superintend the process of improving the visibility of progress in manufacture, and of quality control
  • Ensure products meet expected standards and are at a cost to achieve profitability goals
  • Negotiate payment terms and optimise shipping time frames and cost
  • Ensure regular factory audits are carried out with the supply base to ensure full compliance
  • Develop and foster long term strategic partnerships in particular with core European and Far East suppliers
  • Ensure that all Rapha suppliers agree to Rapha’s terms and conditions of business
The Candidate
  • Understanding of the Rapha brand and business model
  • Strong understanding of manufacturing processes including, sourcing, development, production and quality (apparel industry experience not essential)
  • Understanding of product costing and excellent negotiating skills
  • Deep experience of working with factories overseas, and an understanding of constraints and timescales
  • Understanding of the product development process, including product testing methods
  • Knowledge of the world’s key manufacturing countries and how to find and evaluate new suppliers
  • Accustomed to travelling widely and visiting a number of factories in different countries, and will be free to travel in future
  • An affinity for road cycling or active sports would be an advantage
  • The ideal candidate will have spent at least eight years working with a brand, manufacturer or retailer, and will have had responsibility for working with overseas suppliers
To apply for this position please send your CV, in confidence, to: careers@rapha.cc

London Cycle Club Manager

Location: London
Rapha requires an exceptional individual to manage our London flagship store that is due to open in April. Since 2004 Rapha has established itself as a leader in all aspects of luxury online retailing and we now aim to do the same on the highstreet.
Due to the success of the 'pop-up' versions of the Rapha Cycle Club, London will be the home of our second permanent location after San Francisco. From being the perfect brand ambassador to controlling P&L and a small, passionate team; the chosen candidate will be able to marry a café, clothing retail and a brand experience to articulate what Rapha means in a physical space.
Key requirements:
  • 5 years of retail management experience within the luxury clothing industry.
  • Some F&B retail experience.
  • A good understanding of various EPOS systems.
  • A passionate interest in road cycling.
  • The ability to work autonomously, to take responsibility for the daily operation of the Club and exceed sales targets.
  • Some experience of working with architects and shopfitters to deliver a stunning retail experience.
  • The ability to build a reputation for the club as both the best coffee house and the best brand retail experience in London.
  • The energy and charisma to host memorable cycling related events at the Cycle Club, which bring the Rapha brand to life.
  • Invite local press, community and social media attention.
  • An ability to hire, empower, and retain a loyal staff that grow with Rapha.
  • Clear presentation and communication of business forecasts and planning, and results.
To apply for this position please send your CV, in confidence, to: careers@rapha.cc

Marketing Manager – Central Europe

Since its launch in 2004, Rapha has become one of the most desirable cycling brands in the world, widely admired for its high quality products and creative marketing. The business has grown by 70% in the last 12 months and was recently named one of the 100 fastest growing companies in the UK by the Sunday Times Newspaper. Sales outside the UK account for two thirds of Rapha turnover.
The European business has grown quickly in both importance and size and Rapha is now looking to strengthen the team by employing a Marketing Manager responsible for Area Central Europe.
Working closely with the Head of Sales and Marketing Europe, the candidate will be responsible for executing various sales and marketing activities in central Europe aimed at raising awareness of the Rapha brand plus acquiring and retaining direct customers. These include:
  • Press/influencer liaison
  • Organizing and executing local grassroots events
  • Content creation
  • Handling and selecting an exclusive network of retail partners
  • Managing the language adaptation process
It is expected that the successful candidate will have 5+ years experience in a sales or marketing role, ideally with sports, fashion or luxury brands. It is vital that he/she is an active and enthusiastic road cyclist and is able to demonstrate clear understanding of the central European road cycling scene. Existing relationships with media or in the sport is an advantage.
Fluency in at least German or French, plus excellent command of the English language is a must. The role offers the opportunity to work remotely but will require regular travel around Europe.
Excellent communication and organizational skills are a given, as is the ability to deliver both on deadline and to the highest executional expectations.
Rapha represents an exciting career path with a clear market leader. A competitive remuneration and benefits package is offered.
To apply for this position, please send an application letter and CV, in confidence to careers@rapha.cc

Accounts Assistant

Location: London
Working closely with the Head of Finance in a busy accounting department, duties will include:
Processing Invoices
  • Raising Purchase Orders
  • Coding
  • Inputting
  • Ensuring adherence to authorisation processes
  • Filing
  • Reconciling supplier statements
  • Inputting payments into the system
  • Creating payment runs
  • Ensuring correct sign off for payment
  • Creating payment runs
Stock Orders
  • Process Goods In when stock is received
  • Reconcile the Goods Received to Purchase orders
  • Reconcile the Goods Received not invoiced ledgers
  • File invoices and statements
Other general accounting duties as relevant.
To apply for this position, please send an application letter and CV, in confidence to matthew.sheffield@rapha.cc

Despatch Assistant

Location: London
After undergoing training you will be responsible for packaging, labelling and dispatching items to national and international destinations, and caring for stock and general upkeep of despatch facilities.
Key Duties and Responsibilities
  • Ensure outbound orders are processed accurately and within the agreed service levels.
  • Utilize internal software in order to facilitate export systems.
  • Utilize daily tracking report to ensure clearance/shipping delays are resolved efficiently.
  • To ensure good inter and intra team communication
  • Manage workload.
  • Monitor accuracy of processes used.
  • Anticipate, identify and resolve problems that could delay the release or movement of shipments.
  • Ensure high levels of customer service.
  • Restock our stock boxes and help with minor warehousing responsibilities.
Essential Skills & Requirements
  • The ability to exceed expectations for a demanding customer base.
  • It is essential to be able to display clear and positive communication skills.
  • Ability to use own initiative and proven track record of having solved problems successfully.
  • Proficient computer skills.
  • Prepared to work flexible shift patterns, and additional hours when necessary.
Personal Attributes
  • Self Confidence.
  • Ability to work under pressure in order to reach customer SLA’s.
  • High focus on customer service.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Excellent team working skills.
  • Excellent work ethic.
To Apply
Please send us an updated CV/Resume (including examples of relevant previous work) and a cover letter explaining why you feel you are suited to Rapha and this role. You must have a valid work visa or be a UK or EU resident to apply.

*Please note: We do not respond to all applicants. We will automatically keep your CV on file though, for future opportunities.
These should be emailed to enquiries@rapha.cc



La millor de les JJ,  en titani, millor encara, però al seu dia ens va confirmar que ja no pots disposar d'aquesta versió amb aquest material.

Les prestacions, de les millors, si el què has de fer no és escalar el 80% del temps. La realitat de cada biker s'escriu en singular, per això que el seu ús també.

Baixant, de les millors bikes rígides, per no dir la millor, el seu creador ho té clar, i ha portat a terme el què volia fer, no és una tasca fàcil aconseguir-ho, gens. 



Aquesta no pel color, sí perquè és una magnífica creació, mtb, mtb, mtb.

divendres, d’abril 06, 2012

Sóc a baix.

Vols que anem a pedalar?

Ho dic perquè ara fa una estona mentre en Josep marxava, m'he quedat puntualment entre les quatre bikes definitives de l'espai de casa. De fet són nou, però actives i amb possibilitat de sortir d'aquí a cinc minuts en són quatre. 

Les quatre, quatre? sí, sí, quatre, la de la Betty, la del meu germà, la d'en Josep, i al darrera, la de lagranevasio.

Quatre bikes per a quatre bikers, en diferents estadis, diferents estadis. El del meu germà que és el motor d'aquesta disciplina a casa, el motor, qui fa més de vint anys ja sortia sol, jo diria que trenta, o poc li faltarà, i a on a l'arròs de cada dijous a Can Font a Granollers, a Can Font del registre, durant cinc dècades, ell arribava ben rascat, somrient  i ben rascat, i jo pensava, que bé que s'ho passa el meu germà.

Han passat els anys, i com amb les bicis de carretera, el pioner ell, com amb les motos,  el pioner ell, com amb en les bikes, el pioner ell, a casa nem tots a roda seva, així de planer, així de senzill, en Xavier Font és l'arrancada de tot plegat, i des d'aquest primer principi, tot roda, i mai millor dit a aquest espai.

Quants anys millorant les bikes, li deia jo a en Josep fent el cafè a peu com cada mig dia, quines bikes que tenim, increible.

El nivell de bikes, el nivell de la construcció de cada un dels quadres, de les geometries, dels acabats fa que pensi que rarament perseguiré res de diferent que no sigui poder gaudir d'aquestes sensacions, sigui l'àmbit que sigui, ja n'hi ha prou de correr, des de fa una pila d'anys que ja no correm, oi que no?

Mentre en Josep recollia uns components, els darrers, que hem de tornar, mentre la porta del despatx es tancava, abans d'incorporar-me a la feina del despatx, he admirat aquestes quatre joies, les dues ASR-SL, la Long Board i la The Motivator, aquesta darrera no podria ser de ningú més, oi que no? aquest nom i m'adono avui que m'escau perfectament.

Un terme comentàvem mentre anàvem a dinar a peu, quan passàvem pel pont de la riera de casa, fer-ho bé i gaudint mentre ho fem, per això aquesta sensació amb les bikes, perquè, i seguint amb la conversa iniciada ahir a la nit, i que seguirà aquesta nit, aquestes bikes són el mirall dels seus propietaris, ni més ni menys, no són repetibles aquestes bikes, nosaltres tampoc,  són vives aquestes bikes, pel que fa referència a elles,  a l'evolució de cada component, pel què fa a nosaltres, que evolucionem cada dia.

Anem a pedalar?

Serà d'aquí a uns dies, oi que sí?

Ahir dia SSEC 2012 a BO.



De molta densitat les fetes ahir amb l'Oriol, una em va deixar glaçat.

Ens comprem dues Jeff Jones?

Sort que tots dos tenim, dues magnífiques bikes, bé ell la bike entre bikes a punt d'arribar. 


Mavic Helmet.

És el nou cas d'en Xavier.

Un aspecte del 10/10.

No és el primer de la llista de Mavic que ell volia, sí el primer amb la visera específica de MTB.

Sí ja ho sé, ara molts bikers ja no la portem, però cal ser prudents, per a MTB és la millor proposta, portar la visera.


En posaré cròncica més detallada properament.

Un detall, no és lleuger, sí molt còmode, un aspecte important el casc és com el seient, en menor grau però cada cap com cada cul, és un món.


Una Willits i aquesta Lenz, poc més a sumar, més varietat, no diré que no, millor proposta en cap cas, sempre hi ha sorpreses, sempre hi ha sorpreses agradables, i tant que sí.


Mireu de memoritzar aquesta joia, i amb la Willits, passaran els anys, i no podré millorar aquestes dues aportacions, igualar-les, val, milllora-les, per a mi difícil.



Interessant, un conjunt que diu, vinem a veure, vinem a veure.


Aquesta pel color, com el meu casc, el meu casc nou.



 11 Kg.

Crec qua una Single Speed amb aquest material podria ser una bike difícil de repetir.