Exciting times.

The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!


Es mostren els missatges amb l'etiqueta de comentaris Rain and summer/pluja i estiu. Mostrar tots els missatges
Es mostren els missatges amb l'etiqueta de comentaris Rain and summer/pluja i estiu. Mostrar tots els missatges

dissabte, de febrer 01, 2014

Enjoying the rain

It's been a tough week on the bike. I've had to get up before 5 each morning to have enough time to grab a quick coffee, then ride into work and be ready to drive the work car out to the excavation by 6.30. Sometimes managing to grab some breakfast in that our and a half, sometimes not. Then digging holes in 32-39 degree heat before dragging myself and the Fargo Drac up the hill to home in the hottest part of the day.

Eat, drink, sleep, repeat.

Friday was the hottest day of the week, it was 39C by 2pm. I changed into my bike gear at 3pm, only to see rain starting to fall outside...and a smile crept across my face.

Any other day and I would have cursed the fact that I had no wet weather gear. But yesterday I was excited to ride home in the rain knowing that it was going to be cooler.

When I reached the hill up Bindubi, the  biggest and last hill on the way to the Mirador del Canberra, the rain started to fall harder and my smile grew as my body finally reached a comfortable riding temperature.

Blue sky was still visible ahead, but around me the rain was bucketing. And boy oh boy do those paddocks need rain. Just look at how brown the grass is!

Not that we got enough rain to make a difference, just enough to make me smile.

Sleeveless top, fingerless gloves, rain...and still sweating. It's a long way from the scary red hands in the Mirador de SV, but the temperature extremes in the antipodes bring their own set of problems.

I think I can hear the surf calling. Soon, soon we will go visit Bawley Point and Old Blotchy. Soon we will reunite with the tree that was a seedling when Catalonia was last independent.

Clar que yes!