Hi ha un realitat, a les prèvies a les aventures de Bici Oci, com a les de casa, coincidim 100% amb la manera de viure-les.
Pel fet que la setmana abans de l'esdeveniment el tema és sempre converses sobre la propera aventura.
Esmento a les prèvies perquè després de l'aventura per la lògica de la velocitat del dia a dia de tot sels entorns propers a casa, i perquè a casa restem aturats molt de temps gaudint d'aquesta, i per aquesta lògica la velocitat que imprimeix el dia a dia d'aquests entorns fa que cada aventura sigui tot seguit normalment l'entrada d'una nova aventura de bikes, i en cas de no ser propera aquesta nova aventura de bikes després de la darrera aventura viscuda, el pas dels dies deixa enrere el què feia unes hores semblava que era el top entre els top. I no diré que quedi absolutament en l'oblid, això mai, sí enrere.
Què són les prèvies, si ens em de preguntar això, aleshores no cal seguir llegint.
Una setmana abans teníem ja al cap què el dia 2 de desembre Salt seria el lloc de trobada de la propera aventura de bike.Sempre hi ha dubtes, certament, però la conversa era la propera Salt-Olot.
Una Salt-Olot per a mi no seria si no fos per la Tramunbike, i la Tramunbike no seria si no fos per en Narcís i en Mateu, podria anar més enrere pel què fa a aquesta èpica, però no seria un rememorar alegre, bé alegre sí, però després ens posaríem tristos, segur. Vull dir que coneixia de veu, entre bikers de l'existència d'aquesta cursa abans de venir a BO, però aquesta no és la història ni d'avui ni de demà.
Encara recordo en Mateu i en Narcís com van insistir amb que havia de participar a la Tramunbike del 2011. Després d'aquelles sensacionals i entranyables converses ha baixat molta aigua pel riu, certament, però aquelles avui les recordo com mancades de velocitat, que per a mi és sinònim de bons instants, i per a mi els 80 Km/h de la VW, com les converses sense presses són per a mi els millors moments.
Vaig seguir el seu consell i l'aventura de la meva primera Tramunbike va ser de somni.
"Dic dels millors perquè res millor que les pedalades amb bons companys de ruta, vull dir amb els que pedales sigui quina sigui la ruta, els que pedalen per coincidir pedalant, no per la ruta en si, que també".
Per la manera de viure la meva primera Tramunbike, per la manera amb que la recordo, és el què fa que la Salt-Olot sigui per a mi una gran aventura. Pel fet que en Narcís m'explicava que era una manera d'invertir la Tramunbike, de mirar de fer-la a l'inrevés, sí ja ho sé, no pot ser-ho, hi ha llocs de molta pendent a la Tramun, però per això fa falta com deien des de Floressas, l'home dels cabells blancs, en aquest cas en Narcís, que ja enfoca la Salt-Olot de manera que no hem de patir per haver de fer aquests trams de la Tramunbike a l'inrevés.
Són moltes les hores que en Narcís dedica a preparar aquesta aventura, i com sempre el recorregut acaba sent al dia de l'esdeveniment senzillament brillant, brillant és la paraula que em ve al cap.
Però anem a pams, encara estem a una setmana abans, fins aquella setmana, tant el dijous des de BO al mig dia com des des de casa el matí, fins divendres ja portava dies i dies pedalant, per a partir de divendres caure en un refredat la resta dels dies, fins a la mateixa Salt-Olot, fet que em va permetre d'organitzar-nos a casa, cal pensar que a una jornada normal dues hores alliberades de pedalar cada dia, així com tot el cap de setmana donen per molt.
La primera decisió va ser, no haver-nos de llevar d'hora la matinada de la Salt-Olot, la segona derivada d'aquesta va ser un clàssic ja que hi som, és a dir ja que dormiríem a Salt, per què no pujar la VW dissabte el matí a Olot i baixar fins a l'hotel en bike?
Aquest va ser el primer plantejament, i aquest va ser més o menys el què vàrem portar a terme.
Reserva de l'hotel amb esmorzar inclòs, a on dissabte a primera hora, podíem deixar la bossa amb l'equipament de bike de diumenge, així com la muda de carrer de dissabte a la nit, així com també podíem deixar la muda utilitzada de dissabte al matí per recollir-la diumenge a la nit, les bikes, punt u, podien anar guardades a una sala de juntes quedant tancades i amb la clau a les nostres mans, o bé pujar-les a l'habitació amb nosaltres. el tema esmorzar interessant, obert des de les 6 del matí, necessari per a nosaltres el diumenge matí, pel fet que la sortida començava a les 7, molt interessant poder esmorzar a primera hora.
El lloc impecable, i dic impecable, perquè tot estava impecable, fins i tot per pujar les bikes, l'ascensor era enorme, vull dir les bikes i nosaltres dos hi pujàvem sense cap mena de limitació d'espai, i l'habitació tenia una entrada amplia per a poder deixar en el nostre cas, les dues bikes.
Un punt impecable també, indiferentment del torn de recepció, les facilitats per a guardar les bikes, la bossa, tant abans com després sempre de 10/10, totes i cada una de les persones de l'hotel ho tenien més que clar, de 10/10.
Senzillament quan ha de sortir bé, si camina bé des de bon principi sembla que obligatòriament anirà bé, no té perquè però en aquesta ocasió va ser així.
Proposta que no vàrem agafar, però que si haguéssim sopat amb els BO, vull dir que si la festa s'hagués allargat sí ho hauríem fet, per una xifra d'euros més, podíem passar una nit més, la de diumenge a dilluns, proposta que la trobo literalment autèntica per a nosaltres, uns 27 euros els dos, crec recordar.
Ep, i podem dir, i perquè estàs tan content, si ets únicament a les portes de, vull dir tot just ets a la reserva de l'hotel, per això, per això, perquè ens agrada viure les aventures així, cada biker és com és, uns ni pensen en la sortida, fora de recordar el compromís, d'altres segurament la decisió de venir va lligada a què faran la nit abans, d'altres no vindran a dinar, o s'incorporaran a mig camí, és un dir, nosaltres respectem cada manera d'enfocar una aventura, i per això gaudim tant de la nostra, de fet, i no ho dic amb cap segona intenció ni en demèrit de la Salt-Olot, en Narcís i en Mateu saben de la meva devoció, però en el meu cas de no haver fet la Salt-Olot diumenge, també tindria la sensació d'aventura pel sol fet de dormir fora de casa, de cercar l'hotel, d'organitzar portar la VW a Olot, de la tornada de dissabte a la tarda amb l'autocar, com del del sopar al Viena del mateix dia.
Són maneres, totes increïbles de viure un cap de setmana, quants anys no pujava amb la moto a Andorra, sense fer-hi res en concret, i després passats aquests amb el cotxe, vull dir que és molt més lluny, i no hi anava a fer res, fins i tot vaig pujar fins a Paris amb el cotxe, pel fet d'anar a i tornar, ni parar a dormir-hi, l'aventura era el viatge no el punt d'arribada.
Ara passats els anys les anades per carretera han donat pas a la muntanya i prou, ja no vaig a Andorra amb la moto, no tinc moto, ni amb el cotxe, no tinc cotxe ara tinc la VW, és més poques vegades surto de casa, dels voltants de casa, certament, com a lluny la barrera dels 100 Km. si és per afició, per feina mai, més enllà d'aquestes distàncies ja són fites de MTB, i tampoc mai cap el Sud, sempre cap el Nord, és a dir passada la nostra frontera, i aquestes encara planificades amb més cura, però si no, per la feina, al poble i rodalies, perquè el anar frenètic de primera hora i el tornar en la nocturnitat de la jornada ho deixo pels més valents.
Sí que hi aniré per carretera a Andorra, vull dir en bicicleta de carretera, això sí, però no ara, crec. Bé, ara a aquesta estació a on som, d'entrada ho veig com impossible, el fred avui una barrera important per a mi, com també la calor a pic d'estiu, però la tardor menys extrema, i la primavera més càlida sí que tinc clara la imatge, fins i tot la bici, i evidentment tinc clar el 100% l'equipament. fins i tot tinc clar que plourà, i penso, que bé, que bé, que bé, pedalant en bici de carretera entre un plou i fa sol.
Són imatges que han de ser, una bike de carretera, single speed, de cromo, segurament, Brooks, bé, imatges atacant la Collada.
Com us ho deia, en primer terme la reserva de l'hotel, un cop fet aquesta la preparació dels equipaments, va coincidir que la setmana que vàrem estar aturats, la Betty per una infecció que va requerir d'antibiòtic fins el mateix diumenge de la Salt-Olot, gaudíem d'una temperatura que no baixava cap dia dels 11ºC, i el pronòstic per diumenge era d'una mínima de -1ºC, i una màxima de 11ºC.
Per aquest motiu vàrem obrir decididament la caixa on hi tenim guardats els equipaments d'hivern, i teníem un sol dubte, equipament de 6ºC, o de 11ºC. Portàvem a les bosses els dos, i va primar el de 6ºC, un cop vàrem decidir que no feríem la tornada d'Olot per deixar la VW en bike, si no en autocar, pel fred intens en arribara l'hotel al matí de dissabte. Fet que va canviar lleugerament els plans, les bikes ja van descansar a l'habitació de l'hotel el dissabte el matí, i nosaltres la muda de carrer de la nit, ja la portàvem sortint de deixar les bikes a l'habitació, el fet és que vàrem arribar dissabte el matí equipats de bike, i després de descarregar una de les dues bosses, i les dues bikes, vàrem sortir equipats de carrer, rar per a nosaltres pel fet d'haver programat una aventura de bike de dos dies, però encertat i prudent per com havien transcorregut les darreres jornades a les prèvies a la Salt-Olot, vull dir refredat i amb la petita infecció de la Betty.
De fet ja vàrem arribar gelats a l'hotel, com sona, a casa mentre ho carregàvem tot a la VW, ja estàvem gelats, quin fred que portàvem al cos, i en arribar a l'hotel, baixar de la VW, i quedar encara més garratibats de fred, mare meva, mare meva, mare meva.
Abans de sortir de l'hotel vàrem fer dues xocolates ben calentes, és un servei gratuït de l'hotel, infusions, cafès, i derivats gratuïts, i que en aquesta ocasió ens vàrem fer revifar una mica d'aquest fred tan arrelat a dins nostre des de primera hora del matí.
Si arribem a tornar en bike des d'Olot a Salt el dissabte tarda-nit, diumenge no hauríem pogut fer la Salt-Olot, perquè crec que no hauríem pogut arribar dignament a l'hotel aquella tarda, quin fred que feia caminant pels carrers d'Olot, després de deixar la VW.
L'autocar ens va portar fins a una parada molt propera a l'hotel, a uns cinc minuts, com del Viena, que és on vàrem decidir anar tot seguit, perquè teníem gana, molta gana, des de l'hora d'esmorzar que fora de la xocolata no havíem pres res, i ja tocava menjar a quarts de cinc de la tarda, ja tocava.
Una sopa de galets, i un entrepà de pollastre rostit amb prunes i pinyons el meu dinar, la Betty amanida i entrepà clàssic del Viena, aigua per veure, i dos cafès llargs, sortint del Viena volta breu per l'espai gironès , a descobrir què si dóna, i vàrem comprovar que hi ha molta, però molta gent, però no si dóna res.
Sortint de l'Espai Gironès ja decidim anar cap a l'hotel, a l'habitació, a on una llarga dutxa d'aigua calenta va ser la millor eina per refer-nos, i a on després de baixar la temperatura de l'habitació dels 22ºC fins als 17ºC, una televisió de canals i més canals ens va submergir dins del somni més profund.
Havíem passat la meitat de l'aventura, i d'aquí a res viuríem la segona meitat, la que d'inici ens havia portat fins aquí.
Escric fins a quest punt, i em ve al cap la frase de l'Andreu mentre reparàvem la tija de la bike d'en Gibrat, hi reflexionaré, certament, hi reflexionaré, certament.Un bon consell cal tenir-lo present sempre.
A les cinc del matí em vaig llevar a pujar la temperatura de la calefacció perquè a dos quarts de sis la temperatura fos de 21ºC. Equipar-nos d'hivern, amb dos jocs de guants, un de recanvi, jo dos d'hivern, la Betty un d'hivern i un d'estiu, una segona tèrmica per després de l'esmorzar a Amer, i res més. Aquestes tèrmiques de recanvi no les utilitzaríem en tota la sortida, feia cada cop millor temperatura, sí, però no suficient.
Portava per aquesta ocasió un segon bidó ple a la Vicious, no d'aigua però si no de fruits secs no salats.
Després d'equipar-nos a les sis del matí, anem esmorzar, un esmorzar de 10/10 ens esperava.
Quin esmorzar, quin esmorzar. Us poso aquestes imatges però no en vaig tocar ni un, de mini de xocolata mig, res més.
Després d'esmorzar vaig a buscar la bossa a l'habitació que l'hotel ens guardaria fins a la tornada al vespre amb la VW des d'Olot. Bossa amb la muda de paisà de la nit anterior, i l'equipament de dissabte que no vàrem utilitzar.
Després recollir les bikes de l'habitació, directes a la Plaça de l'església de Salt, a les set menys cinc ja hi érem.
Una arribada singular, certament, de nit, amb un fred intens, la llum artificial de molta intensitat, semblava una recepció feta expressament per a donar el tir de sortida d'aquesta edició de la Salt-Olot 2012.
Els bikers van anar arribant, fins a ser un grup molt nombrós, molt.
Des de l'arribada a la plaça veig bikers equipats justets, vull
dir equipament d'estiu, amb camals, manegots, mallot, jersei de màniga
llarga, tot d'estiu, i com a molt una Lite, fins i tot culot curt, i guants d'estiu!
Passades les primeres salutacions, directes a trobar el segon grup a on ens esperava en Narcís i un reduït segon grup de bikers, s'esperaven a peu de riu, mare meva, a sota zero, quina duresa que tenen aquests bikers de la Catalunya Nord.
Un cop coincidim amb en Narcís i el seu grup, seguim ruta riu a munt, fa una mica de fred, una mica, el grup es va aturant, per reagrupar-se, és encara de nit, i les aturades a peu de riu són divertides. En arribar a trenc d'alba, una explosió de calor ens envaeix, certament, -4ºC? no ho sé, però fa fred, però fred, els camps, les basses, tots glaçats, fa que la visió d'aquests sigui interplanetària, ja no recordava aquests paisatges blancs, la memòria és efímera, certament, no com els dos segons dels peixos, però de poc més.
Ens anem aturant, ara ja ha sortit el sol, però com que no fa fred, ens aturem a l'ombra, per sota de 0ºC s'està d'allò més bé a l'ombra.
Les rialles són qui manen, un grup amb moltes ganes de passar-ho d'allò més bé impera entre aquestes temperatures extremes.
Passades les dues primeres hores, hora més, hora menys, arribem a Amer, a on ens aturem per esmorzar. som un grup nombrós, i a la plaça del poble ens repartim entre els diferents bars, nosaltres anem al forn, comprem una trena, un panet, i una tableta de xocolata amb avellanes.
Ens ho cruspim, primer la trena amb la xocolata, després un bon cafè amb llet a on hi suco el panet, mtb, mtb, mtb.
Phil&Bec, a la vostra salut.
Fins aquí, una ruta planera, a on el fred, per la manca de pujades ens ha marcat sempre el territori, a partir d'Amer, som nosaltres qui marquem com i de quina manera serà la jornada, un batec fort de les ales dels nostres dos Dracs fa fora el fred, per donar pas ara sí encara més a una jornada 100% de MTB, a on en Narcís ens porta entre centenars de corriols cada cop més a munt, cada cop per zones més amagades a la vista més distreta.
Entre senders a on no saps com, no saps d'on, en Narcís dibuixa ara sí, ara també, cada nova entrada dels corriols, i a on no pares de recordar la frase d'en Puyal, ara ja em puc morir. Amb una diferència ell potser no la podrà repetir, nosaltres a cada corriolada ben treballada la sentim, ara sí, ara també.
Escalem, baixem, escalem cada cop més, i baixem cada cop menys, fet que fa que la sortida tingui el carisma més marcat, que la sensació sigui la inversa, és a dir la ruta passa a ser la protagonista no pas els bikers que hi som, sense cap mena de dubte.
Passen els minuts, sumem hores, jo no sé fora de la Betty, qui ve i qui no ve, vull dir que em concentro sense voler en els senders, en els interminables corriols, a on cada metre, cada quilòmetre és millor, i cada cop millor, i a on a cada suma de minuts, penses, que més podem demanar?I la contesta és una, que no s'acabi, que no s'acabi.
Des del darrer dijous, dues setmanes enrere rodant per la Vall de Sant Daniel, que no pensava en seguir pedalant, de fet com a Sant Daniel, mentre rodem, també a les aturades ara ja des d'Amer moltes menys, per anar-nos reagrupant, que els meus pensaments són únicament de bikes, bikes, i més bikes, fent referència a pedalar, pedalar, i pedalar, res més, ni a on som, ni quan queda, ni si falta molt o poc, em limito a gaudir, sender darrera sender.
Escalem, baixem, escalem baixem, entre paratges de somni, La Garrotxa és lloc de Fades de la Nit, de Dames d'Aigua, de cavallers de la llum, és zona se foscor, certament, també de molta llum.
La Vicious va senzillament perfecte, però perfecte, posició, grip dels pneumàtics, amplada del manillar, els punys Brooks, el seient, fora d'escala aquest darrer.
De tot el grup dos Brooks, el d'en Mateu, el d'en Mateu i el meu, i per a la propera edició de la Salt-Olot, tres mínim, perquè el de l'Oriol serà, és el tercer, i no parlo del quart perquè m'estic/estem refredant.
Unes Guilleries, els 100 Km. Camins de les Guilleries, va forjar un bon pont, un pont entre lleres? no un pont entre bikers single speed.
Hi hauran més Guilleries single speed, però no hi haurà un altre cop unes primeres Guilleries single speed per a nosaltres, aquestes les vàrem forjar el 2011. I podrem dir, home tothom ho pot fer, bé us respondré, això ho diem ara que dos single speeds les vàrem fer per primer cop al 2011, perquè fins a aquella edició, la del 2011, la feina per a nosaltres era afrontar unes Guilleries amb geareds, i si no li pregunteu en Mateu.
"Als geareds els que és dels geareds i als single speeds el que és nostre, les primeres Guilleries amb single speed ja no ens les treu ningú, crec".
La Vicious encara té dos punts a millorar però sóc de passa curta jo, de tres endavant i dos enrere, és així, he de ser realista.
Un Mirador del Drac, el meu Drac, porta oberta a Guilleries 2013, mtb, mtb, mtb.
Quan descarregava la meva Vicious de la VW, per portar-la a l'habitació de l'hotel, vaig fer-ho en marxa a dalt de la bike, i la sensació va ser de comoditat extrema, a la plaça de Salt, l'endemà, i a la plaça d'Amer hores després en David em deia, que bé que va el Brooks, que bé que va el Brooks.
Fem una escalada de dos quilòmetres molt difícils de superar, tant que la deixem per a la propera edició, oi que sí? jo no m'haig de preocupar tinc al single speed triomfant, segur.
La sensació que la Vicious va molt i molt bé és recorregut de bones sensacions, de les millors, sí senyor, i ara per ara, sempre penso, quina bona pensada, quina bona pensada, però aquesta, aquesta pensada ja la deixo per a una nova intervenció.
Arribem a una pista diferent, un punt diferent, a on estan aturats els bikers, el negre el color, el gel el moment, la remor de les converses animades del bikers l'escalfor que atura a tots dos.
Entre tres bikers que portem molts i molts dijous pedalant, una resposta a una frase que vaig dir-te Narcís, quan siguis fora, aquest dijous proper serà el primer dijous que surto des de BO i a on no coincidiré amb tu al darrers dos anys, bé la tradició es manté, sempre que havia vingut havia sortit amb tu, i l'única vegada que això no ha sigut així, no vaig coincidir amb ningú més, no ho sé, però ara mentre rememoro aquesta aturada a la Salt-Olot a on les parets negres, el terra negre, ens envolten hi ha tres bikers, tres bikers fent el mateix, mtb, mtb, mtb.
D'aquest punt seguim ruta, el ritme d'aquest grup BO, sempre és molt bo, molt, ens anem acostant a Olot, són ja la una molt tocada, d'aquest punt fins a l'arribada el grup roda més espaiat, molt més, hem fet dos grups, uns per muntanya, i un segon grup que no sé per on ve, crec.
Corriols, més corriols, uns de pam, però de pam que ens portem fins a metres, pocs d'on nosaltres tenim la VW. Un pont ens porta fins l'arribada.
Un pensament entre molts a aquest punt, continuar ruta, podríem seguir pedalant, i anar al restaurant a l'hora del cafè, una proposta en aquesta línia i la dutxa quedaria per a l'arribada a casa, queden dues hores de bike encara sense l'arribada del fred més intens, perquè penso així té molt de sentit, sempre ho hem fet així, sempre.
Un cop a Olot, carregar les bikes a la VW, agafar les bosses amb les dues mudes de carrer, i passat un quart d'hora tocadet ja som un altre cop a la VW, dutxats i a punt per entaular-nos.
D'aquí directes a dinar, dino poc, dinem entre converses de bikes, bikers, i més bikes.
Daniel, Cristine, un titiu, dos titius, tres titius, a la vostra salut.
Passem el dinar entre somriures, converses emocionants, somriures, i a on després d'un bon dinar, enfilem directes cap a Salt, directes a l'hotel, hem de recollir la bossa.
No serà una tornada senzilla, després d'haver marxat, a vint quilòmetres d'Olot hem de tornar al punt de partida, d'aquí tornem a començar i aquest cop directes a l'hotel, d'aquí a BO, i de BO a casa, a on baixem de la VW i tanquem les portes d'aquesta, i d'aquí directes al llit, ja se sap, a la taula i al llit al primer crit.
Dies de MTB.
Equipats 100% d'hiver, sense capes de cap tipus 100% d'hivern.
Eines, totes, manxa i una càmera de recanvi per a les dues bikes.
Incidències, cap, he d'inflar el pneumàtic davanter dos cops, quaranta manxades cada cop, i treure una mena de fil del Belt Drive de la Longboard, i a on detecto que la tensió de la corretja no és la correcta, tensió que deixo per un cop siguem a casa.
Si he triar un moment de la sortida, els corriols de pam després d'Amer, senzillament pels colors de l'entorn, pels senders, per les rialles de tots, mtb, mtb, mtb.
Exciting times.
The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!
dimarts, de desembre 04, 2012
dilluns, de desembre 03, 2012
Coming Soon
La crònica de dos genets de Drac a la Salt-Olot 2012.
I no la crònica d'ahir únicament, si no de tot el cap de setmana, perquè per a nosaltres l'aventura va començar dissabte, i de fet entre els millors moments, els de divendres a la tarda/nit. Els preparatius, les prèvies a l'aventura són si no millors, sí quasi idèntics als instants de l'aventura mateixa.
En aquest cas, pel fred de diumenge, els preparatius, ara des de casa, puc dir que fins i tot un xic per sobre fins i tot, i tant que sí.
Una mínima de -4ºC no és per a nosaltres la millor arrancada d'una jornada d'aventura, sí la màxima de 14ºC.
Però això ja serà per a la propera crònica, mtb, mtb, mtb.
Dies de MTB.
Que bé que va la meva Vicious.
I no la crònica d'ahir únicament, si no de tot el cap de setmana, perquè per a nosaltres l'aventura va començar dissabte, i de fet entre els millors moments, els de divendres a la tarda/nit. Els preparatius, les prèvies a l'aventura són si no millors, sí quasi idèntics als instants de l'aventura mateixa.
En aquest cas, pel fred de diumenge, els preparatius, ara des de casa, puc dir que fins i tot un xic per sobre fins i tot, i tant que sí.
Una mínima de -4ºC no és per a nosaltres la millor arrancada d'una jornada d'aventura, sí la màxima de 14ºC.
Però això ja serà per a la propera crònica, mtb, mtb, mtb.
Dies de MTB.
Que bé que va la meva Vicious.
Podria ser a casa, i senzillament ens passaria com amb les que ja tenim, sensacionals, en el cas que en ens ocupa, magnífica.
diumenge, de desembre 02, 2012
A 15 minuts d'enfilar-nos a les bikes i directes a Salt.
Dies de MTB.
Un bon esmorzar, la millor entrada a la Salt-Olot
A 15 minuts d'enfilar-nos a les bikes i directes a Salt.
Dies de MTB.
Un bon esmorzar, la millor entrada a la Salt-Olot
Obrint els ulls
La Longboard, i la The Motivator ja fa uns minuts que han obert els ulls.
Primer però abans de res, un bon esmorzar a les 6 ès ja la darrera barrera de pas que ens separa de creuar la porta d'entrada a la Salt-Olot.
Primer però abans de res, un bon esmorzar a les 6 ès ja la darrera barrera de pas que ens separa de creuar la porta d'entrada a la Salt-Olot.
100 minuts
I serem a la porta d'entrada de la Salt Olot.
A -2 graus C.
Es preveu una màxima de 11 graus C. Pero 0 a les 8, 2 a les 9, 4 a les 10, 7 a les 11, vull dir que abans no gaudim de 11 graus C, passaran unes quantes hores.
El fred serà el segon protagonista avui, el primer no en tinguem cap dubte serà la festa del MTB.
Dies de MTB.
Ara mateix a 22 graus C, ben protegits darrera la porta.
D'aquí a 100 minuts la porta quedarà darrera nostra i únicament veurem que aquesta és el punt de partida, únicament.
A -2 graus C.
Es preveu una màxima de 11 graus C. Pero 0 a les 8, 2 a les 9, 4 a les 10, 7 a les 11, vull dir que abans no gaudim de 11 graus C, passaran unes quantes hores.
El fred serà el segon protagonista avui, el primer no en tinguem cap dubte serà la festa del MTB.
Dies de MTB.
Ara mateix a 22 graus C, ben protegits darrera la porta.
D'aquí a 100 minuts la porta quedarà darrera nostra i únicament veurem que aquesta és el punt de partida, únicament.
dissabte, de desembre 01, 2012
Temps per una vista
De la meva Vicious.
Ara sí, ara sí, la nit ens cau al damunt, no el cel.
El dia, entre Dracs, la nit gaudint de veue'ls, són de casa.
Origen el Mirador dels Dracs, sense cap mena de dubte.
Dies de MTB.
Ara sí, ara sí, la nit ens cau al damunt, no el cel.
El dia, entre Dracs, la nit gaudint de veue'ls, són de casa.
Origen el Mirador dels Dracs, sense cap mena de dubte.
Dies de MTB.
Descansant a les prèvies
Ja hem dinat, ja som a l'Hotel, descansant.
Una jornada complerta, prudent també.
Perquè les bikes avui no han sortit, per què? feia molt fred, reservem les calories per demà.
Una jornada complerta, prudent també.
Perquè les bikes avui no han sortit, per què? feia molt fred, reservem les calories per demà.
Atacant tot just ara, un xic per sota de les cinc de la tarda, el dinar.
Moltes converses de bikes, bikers, i més bikes.
Dies de MTB.
Moltes converses de bikes, bikers, i més bikes.
Dies de MTB.
Olot conquerit
Si vols conquerir una plaça millor pactes abans i fas veure què.
No és veritat, fer-ho així no té essència, mtb, mtb, mtb.
Directes a Girona.
No és veritat, fer-ho així no té essència, mtb, mtb, mtb.
Directes a Girona.
Preparatius des de Girona
Llums per primera hora.
Una càmera de recanvi i prou, d'entrada per a dues bikes, en tindrem prou.
I després d'aquesta imatge encara se'ns gira molta feina.
Dies de MTB.
Llums per primera hora.
Una càmera de recanvi i prou, d'entrada per a dues bikes, en tindrem prou.
I després d'aquesta imatge encara se'ns gira molta feina.
Dies de MTB.
Dracs a punt
Des d'ahir.
Descansant, ja no des del Mirador del Drac, sí des de les zones d'enlairament.
Quan les ales fan els primers moviments el Mirador tremola.
Descansant, ja no des del Mirador del Drac, sí des de les zones d'enlairament.
Quan les ales fan els primers moviments el Mirador tremola.
Comença l'aventura
Des d'abans d'ahir tot gira vers la Salt-Olot.
Equipaments, d'avui, de demà, mudes de carrer per aquesta nit, per demà després de l'aventura.
Ara i des de les set del matí, acabant els preparatius, quasi tot a punt per carregar la VW, li hauré de posar nom, i marxar directes a Girona.
Per seguidament anar directes a Olot.
Dies de MTB.
Equipaments, d'avui, de demà, mudes de carrer per aquesta nit, per demà després de l'aventura.
Ara i des de les set del matí, acabant els preparatius, quasi tot a punt per carregar la VW, li hauré de posar nom, i marxar directes a Girona.
Per seguidament anar directes a Olot.
Dies de MTB.
integrated Bash Ring
Interessant, podrà ser-ho més encara si té un preu competitiu, si no millor separats.
dijous, de novembre 29, 2012
Redbull Foxhunt 2012 Belfast Ireland
The Redbull Foxhunt is a format into it's second year. Following on from a successful first year the Redbull crew in association with Plush MTB Club moved the venue to Cavehill Country Park, Belfast. A park with some breathtaking views across the city of Belfast, sprawling woodland and a majestic castle in an exquisite garden setting.
The format is a simple role reversal of the controversial Foxhunt. This format the hunters become the hunted. The Fox - former world champion Mountain Biker Gee Atherton. The hunters - A collection of Amateur and semi professional mountain bikers from Ireland, UK and Europe. The 120 hunters start in a mass start with the Fox starting 10 seconds after. Gee rides the course trying to pick off as many of the hunters as possible before the finish.
This event was held over the weekend of 24th and 25th November. The real work began 6 months prior to this, getting permits and a full backing from Belfast City Council. The organizers (Plush MTB club) addressed the issues that some of the local conservation groups forwarded. When the Council where happy that everything was in place the proposal went to Council Meeting for a vote and the event was passed unanimously.
The weather before the event wasn't the greatest with heavy rain. The organizers done a lot of hard work preparing the course to have as little impact on the area as possible. Clearing over grown areas piping drainage away from water logged areas and generally cleaning up an already eroded trail (From many years of walkers) This is the type of work that goes unnoticed by the majority. The type of work that some of us may take for granted but without this there wouldn't be an event.
Leaving the event village it was a short ride to the uplift track. The uplifts are tractors and trailers with riders and bikes loading up to save the energy for the descent. Myself and other keen riders where the first up the mountain. We arrived at McArts fort on the top of Cavehill, the trailer door open and riders hopped out to get a look at the start of the course. The view from here is spectacular with the mountain dropping away below our feet. The woodland carpets the land below stretching out to the suburbs of Belfast. The city of Belfast is within touching distance yet feels so far away from this heather and mountainous terrain. Belfast Lough stretches out below as far as the eye can see. To the south east Northern Ireland's highest peak Slieve Donard dominants the horizon with its tip covered in snow. Its not every day you can race in a setting like this and as the trailers kept arriving it became apparent the riders appreciated just how special this setting was. Everyone stopped to take in the views, pause for a second to marvel in the surroundings before getting their race face on.
I was the first to leave the start area, as this is a local track I know it fairly well so I pushed hard across the first section. Open mountain quickly filtered into the narrow single track that skirts the edge of the mountain face. This is usually a very fast section but conditions were tricky and as it was practice the pace dropped slightly. Reaching the top of the famous quarry trail a marshal stepped out to tell us the track hadn't been open yet. Some walkers where still on the track and we would stop to give them time to clear. We got the all clear and as no one was edging forward to go I took off down what is my favorite part of the track. The narrow single track hooks around the hill to the right with a series of banked corners cutting through the bedrock that can be taken flat out. The track from here opens into a mixture of soil and rock. It is quiet technical with bumps and a large rut cut down the middle. It is a very fast section that falls away with corners right and left before two lines open up. A steep drop into a step up jump or a flatter corner with a small kicker on the top. As the trail merges there is another series of tight corners with a few small drops and rocks that can catch you out. After this there is a long right hand corner before yet another set of tight fast flowing corners with a pitched almost berm like side so riders could keep the pace through here. The track narrowed with a fence to the left and the quarry to the right. It swooped down between some trees and across a burn on a grassy descent. A small jump lead into the next section which would turn into the scene of some amazing crashes as the weekend unfolded.
This was a steep grassy hill, in the middle a large rut, to the left and right slippery grass and at the bottom a tight right hand corner. This would lead onto another muddy slope across a river. Get it right and this was a very fast section get it wrong and it was carnage. First time through I made the jump staying to the right of the rut meant a tighter cut into the corner but I got around fine. As I dropped down the slope to the river the back wheel locked up and I ended up going down the slope sideways, a direction that I would become accustomed too by the end of Sunday. This was one of the sections the Plush crew had worked on and the gravel hard core meant we could ride out of the river and onto the flat section and around the bottom of the quarry. Back onto a grassy surface the pedaling became harder as the mud clogged the grip on the back wheel. The lower section of the quarry was a fast flat flowing section. I made the most of my Reverb Dropper seat post along this section pedaling hard. At the end of this I dropped the saddle for a drop and a small bridge across the stream. Another section I love is this narrow single track with steps dropping down and natural steps in the form of the exposed tree roots. A left hand corner which before the event was very narrow. Again the Plush crew made a great job of restoring a worn path and building up the sides of this section. This was the first section of the trail a fast technical and narrow trail leading from the open mountain to the forest woodland.
I was loving it and despite the rain the track was quiet grippy and riding well at this stage. I smiled as I rode knowing this was just the start of an epic weekend. We now joined the Belfast castle gravel based paths that would link the top quarry trail with the final single track river trail. This was I think every riders least favorite part of the track. A long section of rolling hills that had every rider gasping for air. The climbs weren't too steep but the pace before and the technicality of the track meant you were working hard from the word go. So reaching this stage the heart and lungs had already been pushing to there limits. Some areas of the path had steps but a gravel ramp had been filled so riders could stay in the saddle and pedal through. This was the case for the first practice anyway. After this tiring riders opted to walk the short climb and jump back on at the top. With 75% of the track complete we now dropped of the main walking path into the forest proper. The natural track meandered through the trees with a large natural roller jump.
The trail then fell away between more trees and dipping down into the river eventually crossing the walking path and into a final tree section. From here we followed the road through the castle car park we then skirted the grass lawns and back onto the path around the castle. By this stage we could tell we had been working hard and this was just a practice. I eased back to get my breath and a few riders joined me to look down the lawn towards the finish line jump through the Redbull arch. As I got my breath one of the riders took off down the hill with me and the other close behind. Over the jump and into the finish area. A lap complete and time for more practice before the seeding heats in the afternoon.
The seeding run was a mass start in our categories. As we lined up the elites took of first followed by the seniors which I was in. I hadn't the best of starts as both feet were on the ground as Colin shouted go taking me by surprise. By the first corner I had clawed my way back up to the top 20. I had great ride the rest of the course with only a couple of small incidents picking off rider after rider I eventually finished 11th. Saturday done and my face sore from smiling all day. We returned to the event village to give the bikes a much needed wash and load up to get some sleep before race day.
Race Day
Sunday was a hive of activity from very early morning. Riders setting up, international camera crews
and security loading golf buggies with cameras and equipment which would record the race for a global audience. Looking around it was almost surreal to be part of this and on my door step. This is the type of event I normally see on TV from central Europe or further afield. Mountain biking has come a long way and to see and be part of this event was amazing. This race wasn't just special for the riders. Spectators both young and old could get up close with a former world champion and possible future world champions. A format never seen before in the North of Ireland meant riders of all abilities could ride together to the entertainment of the crowds. People that may become inspired to pick up the sport and give it ago after seeing such a spectacle.
The Sunday schedule was a quick practice followed by the category races and then the main event of the weekend the Foxhunt. As time was limited we rode the lower section before taking the up lift. Heavy rain over night had made conditions worse with a slick muddy surface. Race day was going to be fun either in the saddle or out. The crowds where noticeably bigger on the Sunday with spectators lining the course from top to bottom.
Category Races
We lined up on the start line in our categories in rows of 5 in the order we finished the heats, I was in row three and picked a nice line off the heather onto the path. It felt like we were gladiators getting ready to go into battle. The bikes rocking back and forward as we pushed the pedals getting ready for the start. The elites got under way and after a short pause Colin let out a yell "Gooo" for my category to start. The first row go, quickly followed by the second row and then my row. Just as the first row started two riders tangled and crashed. I quickly passed them by as they bounced straight back up and onto the bikes. A good start but only a couple of places gained. As we dropped into the next section another crash had me passing riders. I was aware of a few riders close behind but I was concentrating on my own lines. At the first small climb I got a good line and passed a few more. Shortly after this on a very fast section a rider in front crashed and as I was going past tangled with me and I went down. Quickly back on but a number of riders had past. On another section a rider again crashed but before I had time to go round two had crashed into me from behind. I can only describe it as exciting carnage. Although crashes were happening most of the riders laughed and joked as they got on with it. A tough middle section had me tiring for the last river trail. As I approached the roller I pedaled hard for a big jump. I went big having landed this all day Saturday. Big mistake as I landed hard my front wheel washed out. I remember seeing two kids dive for cover as me and the bike bounced out of control. As I hit the ground I bounced back to my feet raising my hands and cheering to the crowd "Best twenty pounds I've ever spent" I got a good laugh at that and jumped back on the bike to finish the race. As I pedaled the next section I noticed the gears slipping. A combination of a bent hanger from the crash, thick muck, grass and twigs caked into the cassette meant the gears weren't at their best. We rode straight back to the tractors for the uplifts for the main event of the day. Unbeknown to us most went back to wash the bikes so their gears would work again.
The Foxhunt
The horn went with a few sharp blasts and it was go. As the race starts that line you picked goes straight out the window and you try aim for any space there is which there isn't much. This isn't the type of race to make friends. Every rider for himself, elbows, bar ends, knees and toes anything that you can use to get in front and stay in front. It may be looked at as aggressive but in a competitive way and not a nasty way. Inexperience on my behalf left me leaving the door open on too many occasions. I let riders take my line and push me onto a line I hadn't used before. I got swallowed up and into the back of the pack. Two into one doesn't go and as the open mountain filtered into the single track that became apparent. Riders collided causing a bottle neck. Some tried to pass on the outside of the trail but crashed or got stuck in the longer grass. Bikes and bodies toppled like dominoes. I spotted an opening and took it. Across a bike and onto an open bit of track. Riders on the left and right of me. Elbows touching as we all struggled for grip. Pedaling hard into the first rise before the quarry trail the pace dropped and I had to jump off and run up the hill due to no traction. As I jumped back on the bike I pedaled around the right hander. I stuck my tongue out for the camera and got ready for the descent.
I came round the corner to another bottle neck. The descent along the quarry trail was very slow, passing was at the risk of wheels getting stuck in the ruts. Some managed it some fell into the gorse. I passed bikes and bodies as riders scrambled to get back on the bikes. No serious crashes just slippery conditions and different paced riders. As the race opened out a bit we had a bit more space. Being so far back some of the riders spent most of the time on the brakes with feet on the ground. It was hard to get into a good pace to use the bikes grip. The slower I went due to slower riders the harder to find grip. By the time I reached the flat quarry section there was a good gap to the next set of riders. I used this section to try and get caught up a bit. I tried to change the gears and they start catching and skipping. Nothing was going right at this stage so I just settled into my pedal strokes and eased my way back towards the river trail. I had another crash through the trees with a rider stopping in front of me. I went left but ended up bouncing of a tree. As I reached the finish line the chain was slipping so bad I had to roll over the jump.
Foxhunt 2012 finished with a smile. Well down the pack but one of the best weekends on a Mountain Bike I have ever had.
Photo Courtesy: www.redbull.ie
The format is a simple role reversal of the controversial Foxhunt. This format the hunters become the hunted. The Fox - former world champion Mountain Biker Gee Atherton. The hunters - A collection of Amateur and semi professional mountain bikers from Ireland, UK and Europe. The 120 hunters start in a mass start with the Fox starting 10 seconds after. Gee rides the course trying to pick off as many of the hunters as possible before the finish.
This event was held over the weekend of 24th and 25th November. The real work began 6 months prior to this, getting permits and a full backing from Belfast City Council. The organizers (Plush MTB club) addressed the issues that some of the local conservation groups forwarded. When the Council where happy that everything was in place the proposal went to Council Meeting for a vote and the event was passed unanimously.
The weather before the event wasn't the greatest with heavy rain. The organizers done a lot of hard work preparing the course to have as little impact on the area as possible. Clearing over grown areas piping drainage away from water logged areas and generally cleaning up an already eroded trail (From many years of walkers) This is the type of work that goes unnoticed by the majority. The type of work that some of us may take for granted but without this there wouldn't be an event.
Photo Courtesy: www.trailbadger.com
Saturday would be practice day with a category seeding race in the afternoon. The morning was cold but dry and a little over cast. The event village was the grounds of Cavehill Primary School which backs onto the park. I arrived early to get registered and get the bike ready. Riders were arriving from all over smiling with anticipation, story's of the seasons races rang out as riders were reunited from previous races. Some new faces riding an event like this for the first time myself being one of them. We just took it all in chomping at the bit to get onto the mountain. After we registered and received our number plates and arm band it was time to get ready. Numbers zip tied to the bars, chain lubed, tire pressure dropped for more traction, forks and shock set. Before riders could ride into the park all bikes went through the power wash to reduce the risk of potentially spreading the tree disease in the area. Another step the organizers took which showed just how professional and well run the event was.Leaving the event village it was a short ride to the uplift track. The uplifts are tractors and trailers with riders and bikes loading up to save the energy for the descent. Myself and other keen riders where the first up the mountain. We arrived at McArts fort on the top of Cavehill, the trailer door open and riders hopped out to get a look at the start of the course. The view from here is spectacular with the mountain dropping away below our feet. The woodland carpets the land below stretching out to the suburbs of Belfast. The city of Belfast is within touching distance yet feels so far away from this heather and mountainous terrain. Belfast Lough stretches out below as far as the eye can see. To the south east Northern Ireland's highest peak Slieve Donard dominants the horizon with its tip covered in snow. Its not every day you can race in a setting like this and as the trailers kept arriving it became apparent the riders appreciated just how special this setting was. Everyone stopped to take in the views, pause for a second to marvel in the surroundings before getting their race face on.
I was the first to leave the start area, as this is a local track I know it fairly well so I pushed hard across the first section. Open mountain quickly filtered into the narrow single track that skirts the edge of the mountain face. This is usually a very fast section but conditions were tricky and as it was practice the pace dropped slightly. Reaching the top of the famous quarry trail a marshal stepped out to tell us the track hadn't been open yet. Some walkers where still on the track and we would stop to give them time to clear. We got the all clear and as no one was edging forward to go I took off down what is my favorite part of the track. The narrow single track hooks around the hill to the right with a series of banked corners cutting through the bedrock that can be taken flat out. The track from here opens into a mixture of soil and rock. It is quiet technical with bumps and a large rut cut down the middle. It is a very fast section that falls away with corners right and left before two lines open up. A steep drop into a step up jump or a flatter corner with a small kicker on the top. As the trail merges there is another series of tight corners with a few small drops and rocks that can catch you out. After this there is a long right hand corner before yet another set of tight fast flowing corners with a pitched almost berm like side so riders could keep the pace through here. The track narrowed with a fence to the left and the quarry to the right. It swooped down between some trees and across a burn on a grassy descent. A small jump lead into the next section which would turn into the scene of some amazing crashes as the weekend unfolded.
Photo Courtesy: Keyser-Soze
I was loving it and despite the rain the track was quiet grippy and riding well at this stage. I smiled as I rode knowing this was just the start of an epic weekend. We now joined the Belfast castle gravel based paths that would link the top quarry trail with the final single track river trail. This was I think every riders least favorite part of the track. A long section of rolling hills that had every rider gasping for air. The climbs weren't too steep but the pace before and the technicality of the track meant you were working hard from the word go. So reaching this stage the heart and lungs had already been pushing to there limits. Some areas of the path had steps but a gravel ramp had been filled so riders could stay in the saddle and pedal through. This was the case for the first practice anyway. After this tiring riders opted to walk the short climb and jump back on at the top. With 75% of the track complete we now dropped of the main walking path into the forest proper. The natural track meandered through the trees with a large natural roller jump.
Photo Courtesy: www.industryimage.com Warren McConnaughie
The seeding run was a mass start in our categories. As we lined up the elites took of first followed by the seniors which I was in. I hadn't the best of starts as both feet were on the ground as Colin shouted go taking me by surprise. By the first corner I had clawed my way back up to the top 20. I had great ride the rest of the course with only a couple of small incidents picking off rider after rider I eventually finished 11th. Saturday done and my face sore from smiling all day. We returned to the event village to give the bikes a much needed wash and load up to get some sleep before race day.
Race Day
Sunday was a hive of activity from very early morning. Riders setting up, international camera crews
and security loading golf buggies with cameras and equipment which would record the race for a global audience. Looking around it was almost surreal to be part of this and on my door step. This is the type of event I normally see on TV from central Europe or further afield. Mountain biking has come a long way and to see and be part of this event was amazing. This race wasn't just special for the riders. Spectators both young and old could get up close with a former world champion and possible future world champions. A format never seen before in the North of Ireland meant riders of all abilities could ride together to the entertainment of the crowds. People that may become inspired to pick up the sport and give it ago after seeing such a spectacle.
The Sunday schedule was a quick practice followed by the category races and then the main event of the weekend the Foxhunt. As time was limited we rode the lower section before taking the up lift. Heavy rain over night had made conditions worse with a slick muddy surface. Race day was going to be fun either in the saddle or out. The crowds where noticeably bigger on the Sunday with spectators lining the course from top to bottom.
Category Races
We lined up on the start line in our categories in rows of 5 in the order we finished the heats, I was in row three and picked a nice line off the heather onto the path. It felt like we were gladiators getting ready to go into battle. The bikes rocking back and forward as we pushed the pedals getting ready for the start. The elites got under way and after a short pause Colin let out a yell "Gooo" for my category to start. The first row go, quickly followed by the second row and then my row. Just as the first row started two riders tangled and crashed. I quickly passed them by as they bounced straight back up and onto the bikes. A good start but only a couple of places gained. As we dropped into the next section another crash had me passing riders. I was aware of a few riders close behind but I was concentrating on my own lines. At the first small climb I got a good line and passed a few more. Shortly after this on a very fast section a rider in front crashed and as I was going past tangled with me and I went down. Quickly back on but a number of riders had past. On another section a rider again crashed but before I had time to go round two had crashed into me from behind. I can only describe it as exciting carnage. Although crashes were happening most of the riders laughed and joked as they got on with it. A tough middle section had me tiring for the last river trail. As I approached the roller I pedaled hard for a big jump. I went big having landed this all day Saturday. Big mistake as I landed hard my front wheel washed out. I remember seeing two kids dive for cover as me and the bike bounced out of control. As I hit the ground I bounced back to my feet raising my hands and cheering to the crowd "Best twenty pounds I've ever spent" I got a good laugh at that and jumped back on the bike to finish the race. As I pedaled the next section I noticed the gears slipping. A combination of a bent hanger from the crash, thick muck, grass and twigs caked into the cassette meant the gears weren't at their best. We rode straight back to the tractors for the uplifts for the main event of the day. Unbeknown to us most went back to wash the bikes so their gears would work again.
The Foxhunt
Photo Courtesy: Redbull
After the carnage in the category races this was only going to get worse. Riders started gathering back at the start area. Excitement and tension building the buzz of the helicopter chattered in the clear blue skies. As the helicopter flew in over the castle it pitched up and circled above us. Cheers went up as riders waved for the cameras. Spectators, Friends and families shouting their good lucks for the riders. I glanced over to the highest point on McArts fort and could see Gee "The Fox" Atherton getting ready on the side of the cliff edge. Marshals Ready, Cameras Ready, Riders Set. The Hunter with his horn ready to start the race on Colin's say. 120 riders starting together trying to filter into one single track all at once. Before the start you pick your line and have it worked out in your head.The horn went with a few sharp blasts and it was go. As the race starts that line you picked goes straight out the window and you try aim for any space there is which there isn't much. This isn't the type of race to make friends. Every rider for himself, elbows, bar ends, knees and toes anything that you can use to get in front and stay in front. It may be looked at as aggressive but in a competitive way and not a nasty way. Inexperience on my behalf left me leaving the door open on too many occasions. I let riders take my line and push me onto a line I hadn't used before. I got swallowed up and into the back of the pack. Two into one doesn't go and as the open mountain filtered into the single track that became apparent. Riders collided causing a bottle neck. Some tried to pass on the outside of the trail but crashed or got stuck in the longer grass. Bikes and bodies toppled like dominoes. I spotted an opening and took it. Across a bike and onto an open bit of track. Riders on the left and right of me. Elbows touching as we all struggled for grip. Pedaling hard into the first rise before the quarry trail the pace dropped and I had to jump off and run up the hill due to no traction. As I jumped back on the bike I pedaled around the right hander. I stuck my tongue out for the camera and got ready for the descent.
Photo Courtesy: Uberdog Magazine
Foxhunt 2012 finished with a smile. Well down the pack but one of the best weekends on a Mountain Bike I have ever had.
Dia BO?
Acer Skyde
Una opció curiosa, per què no acer a preus de titani?
Vull dir, els seus quadres de titani ja són de gama alta, pel què fa a preu, ara acer, per què no inoxidable?
Vull dir, els seus quadres de titani ja són de gama alta, pel què fa a preu, ara acer, per què no inoxidable?
Subscriure's a:
Missatges (Atom)