Exciting times.
The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!
divendres, de juliol 20, 2012
Camping Bike
És més que un 10, sí, quan la veig penso, capa a aquí, cap a aquí, per passats els minuts, sí però hem d'anar cap a la carretera, 100% carretera, per passats els minuts, sí però nosaltres ja no fem carretera.
Soroll Belt Drive
Crec que queda clar que amb aquest soroll no podem anar.
És la Longboard, i el Belt Drive CT, senzillament insoportable, fa tant soroll que escolto el vídeo i no m'ho crec, em costa, però és. La toma és de nit escalant de Caldetes a casa després de 70 Km entre pistes de pols. Les clàssiques i pròpies de l'estiu, mtb, mtb, mtb.
Rocquer SS Ti
Si és single speed és Belt Drive, altra cosa és altra cosa, vull dir que jo no vaig amb corretja dentada, però demà hi aniria, i tant que sí.
Aquesta idea no crec que sigui el camí, si més no tal com ve presentada a la Longboard, molt difícil de posar en marxa, molt.
Encara avui passats els dies no hi ha manera que el Belt Drive no emeti aquest soroll quan tracciona, i això arribat a aquestes dates ja podem dir que no funciona, no funciona pel què fa referència a aquest soroll, ningú anirà amb una transmissió que fa aquest soroll, per més singular i atractiva que sigui.
Bé, és a on som ara, amb un problema, que no serà motiu de canvi, avui, caldrà però pensar com fer-ho per eliminar aquest soroll.
Spot Brand Rocker SS.
Amb una bike com la meva, aquestes sempre em criden l'atenció.
Com amb els Brooks, aquesta va a les tres a l'hora dels equipaments.
Tornem a ser a casa.
Són les dues de la matinada fa uns minuts que som a casa.
Dia BO, dia de bikes, al mig dia, sí, i a la nocturna.
Una crònica més a la cua de les pendents, de totes maneres la primera que posaré serà la de les 24+1.
Dia BO, dia de bikes, al mig dia, sí, i a la nocturna.
Una crònica més a la cua de les pendents, de totes maneres la primera que posaré serà la de les 24+1.
dijous, de juliol 19, 2012
Campanades al vol
Quan penses que has vist, i veus una imatge com aquesta, primers l'has d'entendre, per la cadena entens que és el BB de la bike, i després penses, mira que em queden una pila de coses per veure.
Una de la matinada.
I entrem per la porta de casa.
L'aventura ha durat fins a Blanes, a on la nit, no la negra nit, sí la que havia de venir ens ha dit que no era el dia.
La darrera pujada a casa que no és res, ha estat avui, ha estat.
Dies de MTB.
L'aventura ha durat fins a Blanes, a on la nit, no la negra nit, sí la que havia de venir ens ha dit que no era el dia.
La darrera pujada a casa que no és res, ha estat avui, ha estat.
Dies de MTB.
dimecres, de juliol 18, 2012
A punt de fer-la.
Necssito una informació, certament.
Si la tinc anirem bé, a la tarda d'avui, i tot el dia de demà, i tant que sí.
Si la tinc anirem bé, a la tarda d'avui, i tot el dia de demà, i tant que sí.
Bike Care
The fork and frame tubes are sealed up after building. This prevents
the frame or fork from rusting from the inside out. Bottle bosses are
also closed at the ends so water cannot enter the down tube.
What one has to worry about with high performance lightweight steel tubing is exterior oxidation. Any nicks in the paint should be touched up immediately. Failure to do this will allow for oxidation that will in the long term compromise the strength and integrity of the frame or fork tubing in question. This could result in an unsafe riding condition leading to injury.
Be familiar with what your bicycle frame and components look like. Get accustomed to cleaning your bicycle. Doing this will prolong the life-span of the components and frame while helping to uncover potential problems. To protect the paint I recommend using Pedro’s Bike Lust to polish the frame & fork after cleaning. This is a silicone polish that puts a nice shiny barrier between the elements and the paint. Water will bead up and run off more freely. Clean up will be a bit quicker I find and of course the paint work will look beautiful for many years to come.
Inspect the bicycle before and after every ride. Especially after any sort of impact or crash. Any dents, ripples in the tubing, bubbles or cracks in the paint should lead to an inspection by a qualified professional. Any impact that is strong enough to damage components on the frame warrants frame and fork inspection by a qualified professional before the next ride. This is critical.
Any fork that suffers an impact requiring the replacement or rebuilding of a wheel must be inspected before riding again. I said must and meant it.
There is no rational reason to skip inspection. The frame should also be inspected for headtube damage. My gusset is good but the force it takes to destroy a wheel is tremendous and must be respected.
Cycling is inherently dangerous and accidents do happen. An accident can be part of the learning curve and at other times just bad luck. So always wear a helmet, ride responsibly and in control. A yearly tune-up by a professional is recommended minimum, more frequently for avid riders.
Mountain biking is by default tough on equipment and components can break. Taking the short amount of time to inspect and maintain your bicycle as I recommend will significantly reduce the likelihood of equipment failure and or injury. If you have any doubts about the bicycle take it to the local bike shop. You need each other so don’t be cheap. Your life swings in the balance.
The idea is riding to stay happy and healthy not busted and miserable.
So after a day on the trails get out the bucket and sponges enjoy a beer and care for your bicycle.
Do this and your trusty steed will take care of you on the next adventure."
What one has to worry about with high performance lightweight steel tubing is exterior oxidation. Any nicks in the paint should be touched up immediately. Failure to do this will allow for oxidation that will in the long term compromise the strength and integrity of the frame or fork tubing in question. This could result in an unsafe riding condition leading to injury.
Be familiar with what your bicycle frame and components look like. Get accustomed to cleaning your bicycle. Doing this will prolong the life-span of the components and frame while helping to uncover potential problems. To protect the paint I recommend using Pedro’s Bike Lust to polish the frame & fork after cleaning. This is a silicone polish that puts a nice shiny barrier between the elements and the paint. Water will bead up and run off more freely. Clean up will be a bit quicker I find and of course the paint work will look beautiful for many years to come.
Inspect the bicycle before and after every ride. Especially after any sort of impact or crash. Any dents, ripples in the tubing, bubbles or cracks in the paint should lead to an inspection by a qualified professional. Any impact that is strong enough to damage components on the frame warrants frame and fork inspection by a qualified professional before the next ride. This is critical.
Any fork that suffers an impact requiring the replacement or rebuilding of a wheel must be inspected before riding again. I said must and meant it.
There is no rational reason to skip inspection. The frame should also be inspected for headtube damage. My gusset is good but the force it takes to destroy a wheel is tremendous and must be respected.
Cycling is inherently dangerous and accidents do happen. An accident can be part of the learning curve and at other times just bad luck. So always wear a helmet, ride responsibly and in control. A yearly tune-up by a professional is recommended minimum, more frequently for avid riders.
Mountain biking is by default tough on equipment and components can break. Taking the short amount of time to inspect and maintain your bicycle as I recommend will significantly reduce the likelihood of equipment failure and or injury. If you have any doubts about the bicycle take it to the local bike shop. You need each other so don’t be cheap. Your life swings in the balance.
The idea is riding to stay happy and healthy not busted and miserable.
So after a day on the trails get out the bucket and sponges enjoy a beer and care for your bicycle.
Do this and your trusty steed will take care of you on the next adventure."
Ara entrem per la porta de casa, millor dit fa uns minuts.
Tinc tres crònicres pendents, darrera nocturna a Salt, les 24+1, aquestes no com a participant, si no com a públic assistent, i la nocturna d'avui.
La primera però, crec, no ho puc afirmar, serà la de les 25 hores, crec.
Tinc tres crònicres pendents, darrera nocturna a Salt, les 24+1, aquestes no com a participant, si no com a públic assistent, i la nocturna d'avui.
La primera però, crec, no ho puc afirmar, serà la de les 25 hores, crec.
dimarts, de juliol 17, 2012
Temps de 24 hores.
Deixant que els pensaments es posin en ordre.
Anàvem a veure a aquesta primera edició de les 24+1 als mateixos bikers que vàrem coincidir al mundial de Finale, hi anàvem per una estoneta, i varen ser 18 hores.
He de deixar reposar les idees, estic massa cansat encara, i ahir a les vuit ja dormia, i avui però la diana a sonat a les set, millor descansar bé avui, i de cara a demà a veure si tot és posa al seu lloc, que quan això passa, els pensaments van sols cap el Blog.
Anàvem a veure a aquesta primera edició de les 24+1 als mateixos bikers que vàrem coincidir al mundial de Finale, hi anàvem per una estoneta, i varen ser 18 hores.
He de deixar reposar les idees, estic massa cansat encara, i ahir a les vuit ja dormia, i avui però la diana a sonat a les set, millor descansar bé avui, i de cara a demà a veure si tot és posa al seu lloc, que quan això passa, els pensaments van sols cap el Blog.
dilluns, de juliol 16, 2012
Brooks colors
El poso a les tres perquè està per sobre de la categoria de components, i fa un pas en el dels equipaments.
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