Exciting times.

The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!


Es mostren els missatges amb l'etiqueta de comentaris Luxe Wheelworks.. Mostrar tots els missatges
Es mostren els missatges amb l'etiqueta de comentaris Luxe Wheelworks.. Mostrar tots els missatges

dijous, de gener 19, 2012

Luxe Wheelworks.

Why Luxe?
Racing in the Pro-Tour gave me a unique view at the inner
workings of the sport and allowed me to see the bicycle industry
for what it really is. My view is one that is stripped down
and totally devoid of the common gimmicks and marketing
campaigns that currently drive the industry. Enter Luxe
Wheelworks. My business offers a unique product, something
that can’t be sourced elsewhere: Justin Spinelli. My real world
knowledge and continued involvement in the sport provide
customers with products that will make a difference in their
overall cycling experience.
There is no doubt the most important thing for a rider is
a bicycle that fits and functions well. Past this, the most
significant upgrade to your machine is the wheels. A pair of
climbing wheels can make an 18 pound bicycle feel like it
weighs pounds less. Factor in a pair of aero wheels, and you
are literally buying seconds against the clock.
Wheels are important. It makes sense for a rider to have the best
combination of hubs, rims, spokes, tires, and wheelbuilder.
I am Justin Spinelli. I’d like to use my Pro-Tour racing
experience and mechanical skills to design and assemble your
next pair of wheels. I work with only the finest material and
have been crafting wheels to exacting standards since 1996.

M'agrada l'explicació que dóna tant de,  on va neixer el projecte  com del perquè de la creació.

M'agrada també el lloc a on té inici el projecte, al nostre pais seria un espai cobejat, és una manera de començar bé, no l'única, ni tampoc un segelll de garantia, però sí un punt molt important.