Exciting times.
The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!
dilluns, de juliol 30, 2012
diumenge, de juliol 29, 2012
Vàrem iniciar ruta ahir
i hem arribat avui.
No pel desnivell, no pels quilòmetres, sí per la qualitat d'aquests.
Dues jornades amb dues arrancades lentes, a la matinada de dissabte jo a les tres encara no dormia. i avui el mateix, ahir a casa, avui al Baix Montseny.
Calor de foc, d'incendis, i en cap en tinc bons pensaments, però pedalar ara és la millor alternativa, mtb, mtb, mtb.
Menjar dels dos dies, dos camions, sí, sí, molt, beure, no el poso perquè quedaria fatal. Però puc dir, molta, molta, molta aigua, i quatre cerveses, aquestes entre els dos genets de Drac.
Equipats d'estiu, portàvem Lites que no hem utilitzat.
Llums, el Powerled al manillar i el del darrera, que no hem utilitzat.
Eines, les de sempre, inclòs pastilles de fre per Shimano 2003 i Formula R1.
Quantes persones a la platja, quants cotxes, quants avions, quants turistes, molts, molts, molts.
No pel desnivell, no pels quilòmetres, sí per la qualitat d'aquests.
Dues jornades amb dues arrancades lentes, a la matinada de dissabte jo a les tres encara no dormia. i avui el mateix, ahir a casa, avui al Baix Montseny.
Calor de foc, d'incendis, i en cap en tinc bons pensaments, però pedalar ara és la millor alternativa, mtb, mtb, mtb.
Menjar dels dos dies, dos camions, sí, sí, molt, beure, no el poso perquè quedaria fatal. Però puc dir, molta, molta, molta aigua, i quatre cerveses, aquestes entre els dos genets de Drac.
Equipats d'estiu, portàvem Lites que no hem utilitzat.
Llums, el Powerled al manillar i el del darrera, que no hem utilitzat.
Eines, les de sempre, inclòs pastilles de fre per Shimano 2003 i Formula R1.
Quantes persones a la platja, quants cotxes, quants avions, quants turistes, molts, molts, molts.
Animas CTI
Podrem pensar, i jo mateix ho faig, una marca menor Dean, ho puc pensar sí, però hi ha un present.
I aquest és el què marca qui és qui al món del MTB.
I aquest és el què marca qui és qui al món del MTB.
dissabte, de juliol 28, 2012
Sóc jo, no sóc jo, sóc jo, no sóc jo.
No serà la darrera.
Volarem pel món, sí, i sempre serem d'aquest, però som d'un país petit, i sempre tornem a ell, MTB, MTB, MTB.
No serà la darrera.
Volarem pel món, sí, i sempre serem d'aquest, però som d'un país petit, i sempre tornem a ell, MTB, MTB, MTB.
Quan pedalar és una festa.
No teniem diners, bé sí uns tres euros com en Caixàs, i vàrem anar a treure diners d'un caixer, que mai vàrem localitzar.
Aquest vídeo és de la tornada.
Aquest vídeo és de la tornada.
Anem junts.
I tant.
Quin dinar dijous, deu meu quin dinar, i el millor estava per venir.
Un dijous BO complert, certament.
Quin dinar dijous, deu meu quin dinar, i el millor estava per venir.
Un dijous BO complert, certament.
La millor idea.
En anys, la millor idea que he llegit pel què fa a bikes.
Amics meus, genets de Drac, bikers, poden passar dies, no sé si molts o pocs, però no és important, sí que ho és el què exposa la marca, l'origen del projecte, el què ha creat, REDUX, per favor, per favor, per favor.
Alegria, la paraula és, alegria.
divendres, de juliol 27, 2012
Com a les darreres tres intervencions.
som ubicats al lloc exacte per ser, la paraula de la sensació és SENSACIONAL.
Si ja ho sé, per això entre planetes hi ha distàncies.
Si ja ho sé, per això entre planetes hi ha distàncies.
No serà la REDUX
Fins demà al matí, amb ingredients durant la matinada d'avui.
Perquè aquests colors m'han aturat, molt, què està passant?
Que ens espera Camberra 2013.
Perquè aquests colors m'han aturat, molt, què està passant?
Que ens espera Camberra 2013.
"Chris Chance showed up at NAHBS in Sacramento this past March. During a
conversation towards the end of the show he commented on how much things
have changed, particularly with regard to mountain bikes. It was really
interesting to listen to the perspective of someone who has contributed
so much to our space, but had essentially pulled a Rip Van Winkle and
removed himself from the bicycle business for over a decade.
Indeed MTBs have changed, some for the better (disc brakes, 29" wheels), and some for the worse (overly complex suspensions, too many sub genres, boring colors).
I reflected on this conversation while traveling home from California, and for some time afterwards. The final impetus for the Deluxe Redux project were several discussions with folks about what mountain biking really is, or should be all about. It ultimately took us down the path of "remember when?".
The early days of mountain biking were lots of things, but the one common denominator throughout the birth of the new sport was fun. Because it was all new, and anti-establishment at that, there was no cultural baggage and no one took things too seriously.
Unfortunately, much of that irreverence has been "matured" out of the sport. Gone are the crazy colors and small brands bringing forward an eclectic mix of innovation and character.
The whole thing got me thinking about what if? What if you took the best of old school and blended it with the best of new school? We're still a very small brand, so we can do pretty much whatever we want if the mood strikes us. We don't need to have a series of product planning meetings followed by corporate approval.
So, out of all of this reminiscing, and a bit of lamenting, we conjured up the Deluxe Redux. The Deluxe has been our MTB platform for over 17 years. It has been continuously refined and updated over the years in both steel and titanium to accommodate increased suspension travel and more recently, new BB standards and tapered steerer tubes.
For the Redux project, we wanted to go back to the essence of early mountain biking... simple machines designed to be quick and nimble and take some abuse. So, we decided to make a fully rigid, steel frame with a segmented fork. Chris Igleheart was the fork maker at Fat City, and he's never stopped refining his skills. We asked him to make his best non-suspension corrected 29er fork, and he delivered.
The bigger tires of a 29er provide some extra cush and roll-over capability, so combined with some versatile New England geometry, we ended up with a light and strong bike that handles crisply. Mated up with modern components like Shimano's excellent XT group, and this thing is basically a geared big kid's BMX bike.
We topped it off with three bright color combos and matching custom Chris King anodized hubs, head sets and BB's to make it visually distinctive and, wait for it... fun. We hope that you enjoy."
Interessant, molt, vull dir que aquestes bikes, aquesta proposta té a veure a on sóc, pel què fa a bikes, rígides, equipades amb components actuals, i vestides de color, molt color, mtb, mtb, mtb.
Indeed MTBs have changed, some for the better (disc brakes, 29" wheels), and some for the worse (overly complex suspensions, too many sub genres, boring colors).
I reflected on this conversation while traveling home from California, and for some time afterwards. The final impetus for the Deluxe Redux project were several discussions with folks about what mountain biking really is, or should be all about. It ultimately took us down the path of "remember when?".
The early days of mountain biking were lots of things, but the one common denominator throughout the birth of the new sport was fun. Because it was all new, and anti-establishment at that, there was no cultural baggage and no one took things too seriously.
Unfortunately, much of that irreverence has been "matured" out of the sport. Gone are the crazy colors and small brands bringing forward an eclectic mix of innovation and character.
The whole thing got me thinking about what if? What if you took the best of old school and blended it with the best of new school? We're still a very small brand, so we can do pretty much whatever we want if the mood strikes us. We don't need to have a series of product planning meetings followed by corporate approval.
So, out of all of this reminiscing, and a bit of lamenting, we conjured up the Deluxe Redux. The Deluxe has been our MTB platform for over 17 years. It has been continuously refined and updated over the years in both steel and titanium to accommodate increased suspension travel and more recently, new BB standards and tapered steerer tubes.
For the Redux project, we wanted to go back to the essence of early mountain biking... simple machines designed to be quick and nimble and take some abuse. So, we decided to make a fully rigid, steel frame with a segmented fork. Chris Igleheart was the fork maker at Fat City, and he's never stopped refining his skills. We asked him to make his best non-suspension corrected 29er fork, and he delivered.
The bigger tires of a 29er provide some extra cush and roll-over capability, so combined with some versatile New England geometry, we ended up with a light and strong bike that handles crisply. Mated up with modern components like Shimano's excellent XT group, and this thing is basically a geared big kid's BMX bike.
We topped it off with three bright color combos and matching custom Chris King anodized hubs, head sets and BB's to make it visually distinctive and, wait for it... fun. We hope that you enjoy."
Interessant, molt, vull dir que aquestes bikes, aquesta proposta té a veure a on sóc, pel què fa a bikes, rígides, equipades amb components actuals, i vestides de color, molt color, mtb, mtb, mtb.
Per a cada biker Moots, un mallot Moots.
Oriol aquest és també el teu, mtb, mtb, mtb.
La Waltworks és 1x, no va amb desviador, mtb, mtb, mtb.
La Waltworks és 1x, no va amb desviador, mtb, mtb, mtb.
Gran bike, gran bike, gran bike.
Que això no indica que aquesta unitat ho sigui, però i si ho és?
La Longboard de casa cada dia m'agrada més, i no és la meva bike, la de la imatge hauria de venir cap a casa ja.
Spot Brand Longboard.
Alineat CT
Demà sense falta he de verificar al milímetre l'alineat del plat i pinyó de la Longboard.
dijous, de juliol 26, 2012
Dia BO.
Avui és dia Bici Oci.
Migi dia de bike, i nocturna de bike.
Ja fa uns dies que fem doble sessió de bike els dijous, i fins avui hem anat repetint.
Avui tenim sopar BO i sopar de mundialistes, serem el primer, la segona, el tercer i el quart del mundial de 24 Hores SOLO 2012, cada un de la seva categoria.
Què puc dir, visca el mtb.
A aquesta hora estarem pedalant, per on? això ho decidirà el Rei de Sant Gregori, mtb, mtb, mtb.
Migi dia de bike, i nocturna de bike.
Ja fa uns dies que fem doble sessió de bike els dijous, i fins avui hem anat repetint.
Avui tenim sopar BO i sopar de mundialistes, serem el primer, la segona, el tercer i el quart del mundial de 24 Hores SOLO 2012, cada un de la seva categoria.
Què puc dir, visca el mtb.
A aquesta hora estarem pedalant, per on? això ho decidirà el Rei de Sant Gregori, mtb, mtb, mtb.
Rapha i una talla menys.
Renoi, quina pensada més bona.
I si fem una talla més, no, no de veritat una molt bona proposta, mtb, mtb, mtb.
I si fem una talla més, no, no de veritat una molt bona proposta, mtb, mtb, mtb.
LES de Pivot
dimecres, de juliol 25, 2012
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