Exciting times.

The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!


dijous, de juliol 28, 2016

New MTB Paradise?

I know it's been very quiet on the Aussie front, but life has been complicated and lacking in bikes the last couple of years.

That's all about to change though. Finally I have made the move to a little known coastal gem where mountain bike trails abound, and more will be built on my humble block.

It is mid-winter here and this is what the weather looks like:

Today I am going to pick up all my gear, including my bikes! It might take a little while to get the fitness back, but little by little I hope to be sharing my adventures here again. Oh yeaaaah!

For now, a little taste of casa meva:

Watch this space..."From little things big things grow"

4 comentaris:

  1. FANTÀSTIC Bec, no podíem llegir millors notícies, bé sí que aquesta casa fos al costat de casa nostra, millor encara que la nostra casa fos al costat de la la teva :-)

    Ganes de llegir-te, moltes.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

  2. I'm sure we'll get you over here soon to explore!

  3. Que alegría leerte!!! Muy, muy, muy tentador...impaciente de verte pedalear por tu nueva zona.
    Disfruta de este momento, un fuerte abrazo.

  4. Ganes de veuret, de veurens de celebrar no ens en falten.

    A casa el nostre dia a dia està siguent molt intens excepcionalment, i per aquest motiu l'agenda treu exagerant una mica, una mica de fum, que ja va bé, que ja va bé :-)

    Però tu Bec quan parlem de compartir ets a dalt de tot de les nostres prioritats :-)
