Exciting times.

The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!


dissabte, d’abril 07, 2012

SSEC 2012.

He rebut aquest Mail de l'organització, mtb, mtb, mtb.

"Welcome aboard

Bonjour à tous,

You are registered at the SSEC 2012 taht will take place in Floressas. Here are some useful information to prepare your trip.

Floressas, department du Lot : how the hell to get there ?

From Paris

Take the A10 highway to Orleans, the A71 to Vierzon, then A20 to Cahors, exit 57.

All details here :


 From Toulouse

 Take the A20 direction Paris, then exit 58

All details here :


From Bordeaux

Take highway A 62 direction Toulouse, exit 6 Aiguillon/ Villeneuve sur Lot

All details here.


You finally arrived !

You will be welcomed from 2 P.M. in Floressas. The staff will be recognizable thanks to their orange tee shirts, and will receive you by nationality and give you your attendee bag. It also the time to sign your disclaimer. We remind you that rigid helmets must be worn at all times during the race AND the rides.

The staff member who will receive you will be your contact to buy beverage tickets and to order bread and pastries (yummy yummy !). This order will be made in one shot as our baker must plan its stuff (no industrial crap here !)

Regarding the beverage tickets, you will be able to buy some more along the week-end.

Lottery tickets enabling you to win a gorgeous singlespeed SOBRE frame will be sold on several points on friday and Saturday. The ticket will be sold for 2€ each, 3 tickets for 5€ (that’s a bargain !). The lot wil be drawed on Saturday evening after a presentation of Yaika solidarité 46 organization who will receive all the money of the lottery.

Reminder :



A farmer of Floressas kindly put 3 fields at our disposal in the village around the castle. You will need all the camping stuff (tent/sleeping bag/toilet set/teddy bear/girlfriend of boyfriend). Fields will be equipped with dry toilets.

The organisation does not supply toilet paper.

Showers will be centralized next to the castle near the fields.

The organisation does not supply soap, shampoo, towels, hair conditioner, make-up or condoms


Breakfast :

We supply coffee and hot water. A baker will deliver bread and pastries. It is necessary to order and to pay them at your arrival on Friday

Meals :

We wish to show you our landscape, our culture and our food. You will only eat local food.

4 meals are included in the package : Friday evening, Saturday lunch, Saturday evening and Sunday lunch. Bread and water are included with meals but not wine or beer.

Nevertheless, you will be able to buy wine directly from wine-growers from Floressas at very reasonable prices (it is not a reason to get pissed, you winos).

During the week-end, a bar will be held where you can get soft drinks, and also delicious draught beers the the Brasserie artisanale Ratz.

In order to avoid to use cash at the bar, you will be able to buy beverage tickets at you arrival or later. They will be paid cash. You will use them to pay your drinks at the bar and wine during meals. We will not accept cash money at the bar.

Schedule of the week-end :

Local producers market :

We organised a local producers market to make you discover our region and its gastronomic pleasures. You will be able to bring little parts from us to you.

You can fill you shopping basket with honey, tourtières (local pastry, with a demo), prunes, sherbets, cheese, saffron, chestnuts, various wines of course, foie gras and duck products, liquors, gingerbread, and so on…

The tourist office will also be there to inform those willing to stay longer in our nice area.


Non-riding guests can hike on marked circuits. We advise you to bring good hiking shoes as the trails are really rocky. Of course, a small backpack and water are useful.

Schedule of the SSEC 2012

27, 28, 29 Avril 2012, FLORESSAS"

Estarem com ministres, com ministres.


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