Exciting times.

The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!


dimecres, de juliol 10, 2013

Boulder: University Bicycles

Boulder, CO

Saturday, June 29.

I had my hotel in Lousville, a small town really close to Boulder, when I was driving my car towards my destination, I stopped on a small spot on the road side, the views of the Rockies and Boulder were just amazing. I was there, it was me, not a magazine picture, or a nice video in youtube.

Once in Boulder, I decided to walk the down town, a closed to traffic area rare in the states. This a college city, and thus you can see that on the stile of the people walking around... it's Colorado, not NY, LA or Miami.

University Bicycles shop ... Colorado is different, and the shops here are most of them the original version of the ones we can find right now in hour country.

The first bike you can see from the street ... Spot Brand, please tell me any bike shop in Catalonia where you can have this display ... none that I know, true I've been out for 5 years now.

Colorado jerseys, not sure which one I prefer ...

Full Rapha section, when the guy of the shop started to talk to me, and freaked out when I told him I was from Barcelona. Rapha quality is clearly above standard !!!!

Some other fun jerseys

First big foot bike I've seen, this will become a standard in the rest of the country ....

And my choice of the Colorado jersey ... guapo :)

From Boulder, CO

Xavi Paricio

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