Exciting times.

The ideas, thoughts and actions in life are just like riding Skyline at Storm-Lo: find the flow and enjoy the ride!


divendres, de gener 07, 2011

NY.....with Rapha

Dear Genets,

I went to NY looking for Rapha, but they were "not open"....reasons, no idea, just not open. But as a great explorer, I was looking for my treasure, so I found at least a part...

Of course, during those days, I opened my eyes, and some pictures came as magic

I was able to shoot the "Blue Brothers"

From SC, Xavi Paricio

1 comentari:

  1. Xavi Paricio, en directe, el que tenim, a on som, és el que aquest espai té, cada dia, cada segon.

    Les millors imatges pel millor genet a USA.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.
