dimarts, de juliol 20, 2010

Glentress Freeride Park

The freeride park is a great place for all, to practice jumps, berms and drops before hitting the trails. There is a number of different lines down starting with a small section of jumps and rolling corners. This section has two lines for every jump. The right line has a steeper kicker to get a bigger jump. The middle section has bigger table top jumps and Northshore. The third section has very big table top jumps, some of these are on corners. It has also got a rock garden, Wall rides and the bottom fun box. A rolling jump onto the box with a drop or a rolling exit. In between the trails there is a section of log rides and the drops. The drops below look small in the video. I can assure you they are not small. My knee and Face can vouch for that.
How to do the drop the correct way!

1 comentari:

  1. Quina aventura Michael.

    Quin recorregut mes treballat.

    I quin salt el del vídeo.

    Els tobogans de fusta són de somni i poder rodar-hi impressionant.

    La primera imatge sembla la sortida de la Copa del Món.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.
