dimarts, de juliol 20, 2010

Again "Le Tour"

Why I love so much this sport? why I'm able to sit down till late evening to see the full stage day after day? easy, I love biking, I think always on biking, and I really enjoy watching live the bike's worlds most important event...Le Tour...

Today's stage, was estrange and polemic, with Albeto's attack just when Andy was having a mechanical problem. Fare, or not ? I was reading the press, the forums, and some blogs, and there was all kind of opinions...but one I respect more than other, is from Phil Ligget, VS bike expert, and Lance ethernal friend, just mention today " Contador did no wrong in passing Schleck, never lose sight that the Tour is a professional sport, and these athletes take part to win".

Also, and just because I read all the history before I was able to watch on TV the stage, Contador arrived to the end 39 seconds behind the group where Schleck was riding, but these 39 seconds were just 13 on the top of the port, so even Contador's attack was maybe "unfair", he was able to increase distance by taking more risk on the descent....incredible one by the way.... please enjoy the video, as I did today with the original VS emission on the US

At the end, we still have two more days on the Pyrenees to enjoy this battle, will be great, and I will be there....I love this sport

From SC, Xavi Paricio

3 comentaris:

  1. Haurem de sortir més, un cop veig les imatges tinc clar que em manca una mica de ritme.

    És com quan pujo al Turó però amb més gent, bé i van una mica més alegres, UNA MICA.

    De fet a les hores que hi pujo no hi ha mai gent.

    El Tour és El Tour!!!.

    Bon vídeo Xavi, veure això a primera hora fa que agafar la SS passi a ser un imperatiu.

  2. This years tour has been great to watch. I have enjoyed the highs and lows. This is going to be a great finish. Andy should count himself lucky he is even up at the front. If the peleton had not slowed the day he crashed on the cobbles he wouldn't have had a chance. People say he had contador on the ropes but contador wax back on his wheel when the chain came off. Great racing.

  3. I totally agree Michael, in fact, on the 2nd stage Andy was 4 minutes back, and the groups stopped, just one day later, Andy attacked when Frank felt down, and split the group in two.

    So, lets hope tomorrow on the Tourmalet we will have another great day !!!!
