dijous, d’abril 22, 2010

Sant Jordi

Hola Genets

Again Sant Jordi, and for second year in a row I will have a "catalan" meeting in Greenville. As Sant Jordi is part of our history and our culture, I will keep this living on the USA. I just wanted to share with you a good proposal of book !!!!

From SC, Xavi Paricio

4 comentaris:

  1. Happy St. Jordi Xavi and all my other Catalan amics. I do not know about St. Jordi but I will learn.

    The book I have!!!

  2. Thanks Michael,

    Today I was at home (seek) and I was reading a road bike magazine, they were talking about David Millar, and all his history with doping, and how he get rid off.

    I enjoyed while reading, feeling the soul of cyclig, feeling that everything is possible even if you made the biggest mistakes.

    He was talking about the real cycling, against this new comercial world, the article was so good, that I was thinking to include on the blog, one of the best comments was regarding his attack on last Tour stage at Barcelona (maybe you remember, he was alone till one Km to the end, where the group ended by beating him), he said "I had no chance, yet nothing to lose. It was cycling at its purest"...simply perfect

    Saludos !!!!

  3. Sant Jordi i el Drac, curiós aquest tipus, un genet sense Drac.

    Ara amb el pas de les generacions a aquest espai nosaltres venerem els nostres Dracs.

    Sant Jordi, una rosa, un llibre.

  4. I remember it well Xavi. I was watching on Eurosport and Sean Kelly (Legendary Irish Cyclist was commentating on the ride)
