dijous, d’abril 22, 2010

GPS is not always the Best Option!!!

On a commute home from work we decided to follow a different route. I know the road start and the road finish but I have never been on the road until today. The GPS showed the road as a small country road. I was on the Trek and Mrga on the road bike. It started fine on a tarmac road twisting down hill but this soon changed. Very rocky and rough stones. Not good for a road bike. Mrga stopped and changed shoes to walk. The road got very steep twisting down to a river. The river had washed away any bridge that may have been there in the past. Stepping stones across the river was how Mrga got over. The trek rode through with ease. Thankfully not long after the river the road surface got better and marga was pedaling again.

The scenary and animals was nice though.
Lessons learned - Check the road first before trusting the GPS.

2 comentaris:

  1. Lesson learned, great.

    Say to Marga she is great, instead of going back, she simply change the shoes and advance with the road biek....amazing !!!!

  2. Bona sortida. Ho dic perquè d'aquesta segur que us en recordareu.

    El tema del GPS, aquest és una eina que és útil en la majoria d'ocasions, en aquesta no ho va ser. Una actualització de la cartografia i tot marxarà bé, però demà pot esgotar-se la bateria, o problemes amb la cobertura, factors que fan que sempre has de tenir clar on tens el nord.

    Gracies aquest error la ruta va tenir un punt d'aventura diferent.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.
