diumenge, de març 21, 2010

The Trek Training Ride

Today I got to test the real ability of the Trek. The route is a short training route from my house. Starts on the roads but soon leads onto a mountain track and a great climb to get the lungs and legs burning.

Fox Talas on the road locked out 150mm. The Fox Float RP-2 DRCV Pro Pedal also locked out. As I reach the first climb. On the move three clicks on the Talas drops them to 110mm. I am pedalling hard but the climb feels good. Pro pedal working well with very little bob in the shocks movement. As it gets steeper I get out of the saddle and push hard. The bike feels so solid and responsive even with 26x2.40 tyres on a tarmac road.

As the road changes to mountain track the tyres start to work well with me in the saddle. I get into a rhythm with up strokes as well as down strokes. I am using the stock Custom candy pedals with Sidi Eagle 5 shoes. The difference in being able to pull as well as push my legs is amazing. I only ever rode spd's on the roads so this was a very new experience. Roads and tracks are fine but I was egger to try them out on the trails. As I reach mast the trails start and are in great condition dry with good grip.

The trig point of divis mountain over looks Belfast and this is were the fun begins. Its a short trial but it was great to feel the unity of man and machine in perfect harmony. (As perfect as I'll ever ride anyway) Three clicks back and the talas rise to 150mm lock off and the Float lock off also. As I pedal fast into the first decent I start to feel how good the set up feels. Turning hard into the corners the ride just feels so smooth. The trail climbs a bit again before the first really fast decent.

Bike ready, rider ready, lets see what this bad boy can do.....
Pedalling hard to get the speed I set my self up in full attack position. I feel like an Eagle gliding through turns with ease. Dropping of the small bumps the impact is taken like I am still on the road. I LOVE THIS MOUNTAIN BIKE!!!

(ABP) Active Braking Pivot is a first for me and already I can feel the difference. As I brake on harder corners I can feel the suspension still work to its full. Smooth and fast cornering without loosing the movement required to get around the corners as quick as possible.

ABP from the experts how it works: The ABP allows the suspension to be active and independent of braking by separating the braking and drive-train components. The ABP allows the brake calliper to keep a near constant relationship to the brake rotor, so the calliper doesn’t rotate around the brake disk as the suspension moves through its range of travel.

The trail finishes with only a fast decent on roads home. I am left with a smile on my face but wanting more more more. This is the start of a new relationship that I can already see uniting and bonding well.

Where is the photos I hear you ask. I made a school boy error and forgot the memory card. I was snapping away for 10 mins before I realised. I had a good laugh about that but below is the route profile. It is a nice route for training as I can do it from home and it has a nice climb.


Cleaning the bike took longer than the ride. Tooth brush and plenty of care. I love my new bike.

4 comentaris:

  1. Què puc afegir a un dia tant especial, com és el dia que tens un nou Drac, un Drac per a un genet experimentat.

    Michael, no és la teva primera bike, així que les teves sensacions, les teves opinions són punts de vista més que interessants.

    La Trek Remedy puja i baixa bé, poc més es pot demanar.

    Deixar impecable una joia com aquesta després d'una jornada de MTB, és una tasca obligada.

    Cal veure en trams revirats, en trams tècnics tant de baixada, com de pujada, com va la Remedy, queda clar que en trams oberts vola baix i segura.

    Per la recent arribada de la meva Vicious, tinc molt present, la sensació tant satisfactòria com és l'entrada d'una nova bike a casa,

    Michael, quin gran moment, gaudeix d'aquesta bike de nova generació.

    Bona sortida, bona bike, i millor genet, MTB, MTB, MTB.

  2. Thanks lagranevasio.

    Old trails feel like new when we get a new bike. The bike doesnt have to be ultra modern just different to give us riders a different feel. When a rider can feel how the ground below them is shaped you know you have a good bond with your bike. Exciting times and more to follow.

  3. He de dir, i ja ho he dit molts cops, que jo quan tinc una bike nova, tardo mesos a tenir aquesta sensació de formar un sol conjunt genet-Drac, i sé que els bons genets en poca estona aconsegueixen aquesta sensació, i si no, és que no va bé la bike.

    Jo rara és l'ocasió en que he agafat una bike i tot seguit ja hi he anat perfecte, o molt bé. Amb la Yeti ASR-SL del 2003?, va ser així, amb la Superlight crec que també. Per aquest motiu no vull que la Santa Cruz es mogui de casa, és que el seu dia no vaig valorar l'ASR-SL en la seva justa vàlua.

    Michael, que bé gaudir d'aquestes sensacions amb la bike nova.

  4. Maybe it is the fact that I am on a new bike. My previous "big" bike was second hand. Maybe its the fact that I was so excited to ride but everything just felt so good. I dont think it was because I am a good rider but thanks anyway. haha!!
