dissabte, de març 20, 2010

El rei és viu. Long live the king!!!!

Friday I got an email to say the bike was ready. I was like a kid at christmas. Very excited and up first thing this morning to await the bike shop opening.
The new bike feels so good. Today I have just been on Roads with Marga on her road bike. The forks, shocks and frame just feels perfect.

For now I have been setting it up and testing the pedals. Hopefully soon I will have a proper test ride on the trails but for now I am the Happiest man ever. I love the new bike and cant stop looking at it. MTB MTB MTB!!!

Today was the first ride of the season with road bike, after all winter sitting on my ass doing NOTHING.
It was 40km, nothing special and just lite. I have to admit that I'm unfit, I need to get myself back in shape, but well, I think that I deserve a Guinness, perhaps even 2 or more ......

6 comentaris:

  1. Congratulations Michael! Now enjoy your new bike!
    I think you chose a very good bike, is a Dragon that will give you great satisfaction...

  2. 100% MTB, Michael felicitats.

    150/150 mm. amb la Fox 32 Talas Fit 110-130-150 mm. els frens Avid Elixir R Carbon, i les rodes Tubeless, fan que la Remedy únicament estigui a l'espera de que el seu genet la condueixi al seu espai, el de les gestes èpiques.

    Michael, long live de King.

    Amb aquest Drac les nocturnes, les sortides inesperades, les esperades, totes elles seran les properes aventures que viuràs, i he de dir que si el Drac vola bé, la resta és senzillament una experiència fantàstica.

    Un nou Drac, un vell genet, la fusió de dos esperits en dos elements, terra i aigua, Michael, benvingut a a terra de creadors.

    MRG, està bé aquests MIX bike-Guinness, les darreres, les Guinness com a premi a bones rutes de bike, sempre. Tens el teu accés creat per a intervenir sempre que vulguis al blog com a contibuïdora.

  3. Nice bike, look awesome,enjoy it!

    ...i cuidado amb les Guiness...

  4. I really think the beer rally this month is going to be for Michael....every black one equals at least three normal !!!!

  5. Xavi,no incitis al personal!

  6. Michael, sé de bona font que avui ha estat el gran dia, com ha anat l'estrena oficial de la Trek Remedy?.

    Puja bé, baixa millor, vola?.
