dimecres, de març 17, 2010

Mountain Biking at College

Amazing they didnt have options like this when I was at school.


A Scottish college is running the UK's only academic course in downhill biking.

Six students at Borders College in Galashiels are training as athletes while working towards a BTEC module. All the mountain bikers on the course are racing at a national level and two have professional contracts.

College principal Liz McIntyre said: "This course allows young people to combine sporting excellence without neglecting their education."

Downhill mountain biking is an extreme sport where riders compete to ride down a specially-built trail as fast as possible.

Bike students go downhill fast

The Scottish Borders is widely acknowledged to have some of the best trails in the world and cycle tourism is a vital part of the Borders economy.

The course, which is part of the Borders Academy of Sporting Excellence, offers a level 3 BTEC module.

Students combine their training with academic work in subjects such as psychology, sports nutrition and coaching.

Although not a conventional education, both students and staff at Borders College see this type of course as positive for downhill biking development.

Ms McIntyre said: "In order to get to the top of their field in any sport you do have to dedicate yourself and a large amount of your time to your sport.

"We don't want people to neglect their education because of this."

Valuable skills

All the young men on the course compete at a national level and two, Lewis Buchanan and Sam Flockhart, have been signed by professional teams.

Buchanan, 16, competes in 20 races a year. He said: "This course has helped me in so many ways, especially the psychological, mental aspect of racing. I've definitely seen the benefits."

Staff at Borders College are confident the course will equip students with valuable skills.

Ms McIntyre said: "This course allows students to move into a wide range of sports-related careers."

9 comentaris:

  1. Hi Michael! I am very pleased to read you!
    Can you explain us more about “The Scottish Borders “ what kind exactly? singletrack? have you ever made it..?
    I am looking for it in Google but only seems a very family tourist trail...

  2. Great, as I said in other post, we are far away of other countries on all related to "non football" sports...

  3. If you search google for 7 stanes you will find the trails. The trails are a mixture of man made single track and natural single track. Many parks have different graded trails anything from family leisure trails to full downhill. Check back through the blog I done a report on kirroughtree. This is a world renowned xc man made trail park. Another favorite of mine is AE park. It has two downhill routes and a long red trail with many jumps and drops etc. One trail centre I haven't visited yet is glentress/Innerleithen world class downhill trails and a bike park. Hopefully this summer I will go.

  4. Increïble, una escola de descens.

    Això, em deixa aturat, la Betty diu si no ens hi voldrien a aquesta escola?.

    Bé, és un privilegi disposar d'aquesta informació.

  5. Yes this is mind blowing. Scotland seems to be the masters when it comes to MTB. The good thing is the government backs all of the ventures. Funding is being made for every project but the returns are great. approx 3.5million in revenue from MTB last year. Fortwilliam downhill trail is on the UCI world cup calendar. I do envy the Scottish and their approach to MTB.

  6. My calculations above are way wrong for revenue from mountain biking in scotland. Here is a link to the framework for Mountain biking in Scotland. A lot of reading but it shows how serious Scotland is about MTB. http://scottishmountainbikeframework.org/MTB_strategy_complete_medium.pdf

    For details on the Trail Centers see here: http://www.7stanes.gov.uk/

    Here is a Helmet cam from Greg Minnaar showing the Fortwilliam DH trail

  7. Michael,

    Only to get revenues from MTB (non coming from bike sales) is an mazing info, and shows a clear commitment from the Government. I agree with you, I also envy the approach they have.

  8. Thanks Michael for your info!
    I'm thinking about my next holidays...

  9. tr@il If you need any more information just ask. I know a few companies do B&B with transport between the bike parks. What type of riding do you do? I can point you towards the best trails for your riding style.
