dimecres, de març 17, 2010

Happy St. Patricks Day everyone

17th March is St. Patricks Day. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland so today we celebrate St. Patricks day. Not sure if patrick was a MTB'er back in the 5th century but he spent a lot of time in the mountains. So we have that similarity.

Today the biggest Parade is Ironically not in Ireland but in America. The Irish Americans love to tell everyone of their Irish roots. They celebrate it in a big way like anything American extravigant.

St. Patrick

I promise my next post will be about Mountain Biking. Speaking of which new bike arrives Monday I hope.

2 comentaris:

  1. Michael, you are right, there is a lot of parades here for St.Patrick, and one of the biggests is in Chicago, others like Boston and New York are also famous.....enjoy my friend !!!!

  2. "En casa del herrero cuchillo de palo", Michael, nosaltres avui l'hem celebrat per vosaltres, a Aiguafreda això sí i la desfilada l'hem fet de pujada al Pla de la Calma i de baixada també.

    Sabent que avui era St. Patrick, li dediquem la jornada 100% de MTB!!!.

    Bé, el dia de l'arribada de la teva nova bike!!!, gran dia, gran dia, i grans rutes amb ella podràs fer.

    En Colorado ens ha proposat sortida amb tu al juny, èpica de les de veritat, així que un cop siguis aquí, tindràs bones rutes i bons companys de ruta, ho dic concretament per en Colorado.
