dimarts, de novembre 22, 2016

Morning Ride with Bob and Betty

So today I went for a ride with Bob and Betty. Well, that was the plan. I think they might have had some trouble with their connecting flight to Merimbula, so I had to go without them. I took the Freedom jersey with me instead, so they were there in spirit!

I've spent most of the past two years off the bike due to work commitments, but now I am finally rediscovering the sport I love during my holidays. I'm also living in a new part of Aus, on the Sapphire Coast in far south NSW. I'm loving it here and am constantly surprised by how much it reminds me of the Mediterranean. I think it is the climate and the rocky coastline. Honestly, today there were moments when I felt like I was riding the Finale Ligure course, or that the town I was dropping into was one of those quaint villages I visited in Catalonia last year.

The ride today had a very specific purpose: explore the dirt trails to the Pueblo (or Pub) de Tathra. I see this as a high priority as I will need to know the best routes for taking my Catalan SS buddies into town when they visit, and who knows, that might be tomorrow?

I checked a few maps, examined the Strava segments through the National Park, and took off on my trusty steed. First stop was Games Bay, a secluded beach that I had been to once before. From there it was uncharted territory until I linked into the MTB trails on the south side of town.

I knew the trails into Games Bay were fine, it was the climb back out the other side that worried me. Sure enough, it was a classic hike-a-bike with steps and rocks up the trail. As I teetered on rocks and kept an eye out for snakes I realised the oversights in my ride. I had worn my Sidi Dragons, which aren't much chop walking around town, let alone clambering through the bush. I'd also neglected to spray myself with insect repellant, which meant I was easy prey for the myriad of bitey bugs in the Australian bush. Oh well, too far in now, I had to plough on ahead.

This little critter is what we call a "tick", they burrow into your skin, feed on your blood and pump toxins into your body. I'm not kidding - No es broma! This is not another Drop Bear myth. But don't panic, if you use the right insect repellent you won't have a problem.

While the trail was a challenge, it was doable, and it landed me out on to some magnificent sections of coastline. I can't wait to show it all to B&B!! Eventually I found my way back onto rideable sections of track and finally onto the fire roads that link into the MTB trails I already know. The temperature was by now in the mid to high 20s and I was in need of bottle refills. I smashed through the single track and popped out into town to buy some ice cold drinks at the supermarket and take a breather admiring the view.

Then, with the sun still gaining influence on the day, I set out to return by the fire road option to Games Bay. I also discovered a new section of single track on the way :-)
The fire road has seen little traffic and kept me on my toes with the swift decent over loose rocks and fallen timber. However, it didn't quite link into the road I was hoping, so I found myself walking back down the last section of stairs to Games Bay.

Once back on the other side though, I was in familiar territory again. My only pause was for one of our dragon friends the Goanna. Once this young Goanna (only 80-100cm long) had waddled off the trail I was home free.

Looking back at the stats for the ride, it's the furthest I've ridden in well over 12 months, and the elevation gain was certainly more akin to the riding in the Mediterranean! So now I think it is time for a siesta. Time to dream up the next adventure. Perhaps it will be SSWC 2017 in NZ with Betty and Bob?


8 comentaris:

  1. Bec prepara bons trails per la Betty i en Bob perquè a la mínima oportunitat estarem rodant darrera teu :-))

  2. Everyday I think about what will and won't be on the Betty and Bob list of things to do here. I'm about to brew the Crema Catalan beer, so hurry up!

  3. Seriosament amiga meva ser amb tu rodant propers a casa teva una prioritat de la Betty i en Bob, compartirem trails, molts somriures, més emocions, i moltes, moltes bones cerveses :-)))

    1. I have no doubt, when the moment is right, you will be here. Oh yeaaah!

  4. Respostes
    1. Javi, you know you are also most welcome to come visit! Rideon!

  5. Thanks a lot !!!! I will love to see the world up side down :)
