dilluns, de setembre 05, 2016

Getting all parts together ...

It's been a long time project, I either never had the time nor the option to create such space, now the time to put all together it's here, and I'm pretty happy with the results so far, still a lot to do though. Stay tuned :)

Coffee and bread of the best place possible :)

You have an appointment with your doctor ...

New tools of the house ... 

El Gordo on the Swamp

El Gordo on the bench

El Gordo, Mojo and Tarmac ... the three beast of the house :)
From Greenville SC, Javi Paricio

1 comentari:

  1. Un espai fantàstic, has acoseguit portar a terme un projecte sensacional, fins avui teníem Miradors, ara també tenim un niu de Dracs a South Carolina :-)
