dilluns, d’agost 17, 2015

Summer rides

Here we go again.

Summer is SC is typically hot and humid, with temperatures in the high 90's and a terrible humidity percentage, a weather that does not invite to get on the bike and give your 100%.

But despite this, for some reason this last weeks the temps have been bellow the standard, and although the humidity is terrible, the mornings are cool enough to get on the bike again. And so I've been riding for some days on the Swamp Rabbit trail.

I've been testing different configuration of pressures, but it's clear that to ride the Swamp the higher the better. The bike is working perfect, the Ventana "El Gordo" is fat but so fast I've been beating other bikers with lighter bikes and thinner tires. It's true that the fact to roll with fat tires, gives you a final 29" on the external diameter, and once your speed is getting up, it's just a question to be able to keep it up ... if you can, you roll really fast.

The Swamp is a "green way" like some of the ones in Catalonia, and you can always find plenty of people, runners, bikers, families ... I love to ride there, and now even more that I can leave home and don't need my car to get closer.

Some pics of the last days, hope you enjoy...

From Greenville SC, Javi Paricio

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