divendres, de juliol 03, 2015

Time to pack...

And so begins the process of dismantling and packing Sally for her first trip to Europe!

It's so hard to believe I'll be riding with Bob and Betty in a few days.

Oh yeaaaah!

2 comentaris:

  1. Tu prepares la teva bike, sensacional, nosaltres ho estem preparant tot esperant la teva arribada, ets a hores de ser a casa teva, casa nostra és casa teva.

    Bec la June resta descansant, esperant per recollir-te a l'aeroport i carregar-vos a tu i la Sally fins l'entrada d'aquestes sensacionals vacances.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can't wait to see you two.

    I'm also looking forward to riding in June again.

    I just have to drop my dogs off at the kennels and get on a plane.

