dilluns, de juny 22, 2015

Fat Albert

Yesterday was also a day for sharing in the simple pleasures of cycling. My work mate, Murray, had fallen in love with the idea of a Fat Bike last year when he saw one for the first time. He bought his son one, and then was irrevocably in love with Fat.

After many months away, he has returned to work with us and on his first weekend off he laid out the $ for an entry level 8 Speed Fat beast.

I had the privelege of picking the bike up and being the first to ride it. It was also my first time on a Fat Bike. Strange, but instantly addictive. Will I ever own a Fat? I'm not sure I could justify it. Will I want to buy one? Of course! They are a lot of fun...and if I do manage to buy that house down the coast, maybe I could justify it as transport for fishing and surfing...

But yesterday wasn't about me, it was about the sheer joy of seeing someone bond with their bike! I know I easily get caught up in the latest bling and top end gear, so it's great to witness and remind myself that entry level bikes bring a lot of fun and introduce people to a world that they wouldn't otherwise contemplate.

Murray goes for his first spin on "Fat Albert". The bike is of course orange. The colour of Henry, the colour of most of our work clothes, a colour I have grown to love more than I thought I would.

Fat MTB!

1 comentari:

  1. FAT-FAT-FAT!!! :-)

    El món del MTB ve vestit de rodes grosses aquests darrers mesos, diferents, per ser novetat.

    La bike que més m'agrada des del 2013 és una FAT.

