dilluns, de març 09, 2015

Getting dirt :)

It was beautiful yesterday in South Carolina, these Blue Skies invited to pick my Sky Blue Ventana and went for a nice ride. Three on a row, Friday evening warm up in the Swamp, Saturday morning repeating on a cold morning, and Sunday finally hitting the dirt in Paris Mountain.

Old pictures that become new with the Ventana, old trails look like new as the feeling driving the  El Gordo is just a new start. Back to the old times, no fork, 1x10, full rigid ... love it !!!!

The bike eats everything you put in front, the fat tires roll over each stone or tree root, the external 29" is just helping to go "over", like the terrain gets flatter, true that there is less acceleration, the feeling of having more weight to pull, but once the bike is on speed, you're fast ... fast to a point where you have to remind yourself you don't have a front fork ... I just need to be focused on that, as my head was on full suspension mode until just a few weeks ago, and now the front wheel needs more attention.

Still to early to decide, but the feeling is I will get faster with this bike, true it won't allow me to do some of the things I was able with the Mojo, but who cares ... not me. I decided a test Mojo vs El Gordo will take place in just a few weeks. Two different tracks, still to decide, one more XC the other an enduro version, then I will compare on same environment and day ... I can't wait :)

Getting dirt, getting dirt, getting dirt ... I love it !!!!

Do you remember this place ?

Fire Tower trail ... old places, new rides.

Kanuga Trail, a classic ride in Greenville SC

I love this view from the top of Kanuga

The Reservoir ....  

North Lake reservoir ... SC blue skies :)

Our flag in SC
A happy El Gordo ready to go home
From Greenville SC, Javi Paricio

1 comentari:

  1. Xavi són moltes, i molt bones sensacions. Paris Mountain, trails específics per a MTB, nova bike, i no únicament això, és una bike molt diferent de l'Ibis Mojo Carbon. Una Fat, noves dimensions de rodes, ara completament rígida, un concepte de bike molt diferent de l'Ibis, certament, sempre a la recerca de noves sensacions.

    Perquè vas amb marxes, si no ja em començaria a preocupar :-)

    MTB, MTB, MTB.
