dilluns, de març 02, 2015

Flash back ...

Today I had a flashback ... sometimes called "deja vue", but I had one where we were riding in Terrassa, with our Orange and Green Pesto Ibis Mojo (and the Yeti if I'm not wrong) under the rain back to Terrassa after a full day of MTB.

It was fast, it was raining, we were laughing ... not sure about what, I'm thinking just about the stress, the fact everybody needed to be back "soon", and we were laughing, under the rain, happiness, is all I can say ... it was a rainy and happy moment.

I had a similar one today, again on the Swamp Rabbit trail, when I was riding down back to Greenville, the rain showed up, light rain, not strong as the Terrassa one, but it was nice to have a similar feeling ... this time the Orange Ibis was not there, I turned back to see if the Vicious and the Spotbrand were on the corner, or ahead of me, or just behind ... but you were not there.

It was nice though, it was nice to feel alive, to feel close, and to feel that friends are as close as you want them to be, and as far as live drives you away. But on my mind, I can tell you were riding with me today ... I was laughing, promise, and I was happy ...  you were riding with me.

Crossing the rails ...

Crossing the rails ... 

Downtown alive, old bricks and new buildings

Downtown alive, old bricks and new buildings

Downtown Ready River Falls ... just beautiful !

Our Freedom jersey :)

From Greenville SC, Javi Paricio

1 comentari:

  1. Ahir llevar-nos i llegir la teva aportació em va fer pensar que pulsant un botó pogués triar a on ser, seríem rodant al teu costat, els tres amb el mallots, que satisfet que estic d'haver compartit el moment SSEC2012 a Floressas, després a la SSEC2014 de Sant Gregori via aquest mallot. Sentiments de molta densitat, com les de les imatges d'aquesta aportació des de South Carolina.

    Són dies a Catalunya molt i molt durs per un dia a dia jo diria, escoltant a la mare, que més foscos que els de fa ara 75 anys, ser a aquest país a aquest tram, és tradició d'aquí que sigui ple de la sensació fred i calent, res funciona, i volem un tot unificat com a nació catalana.

    Ahir vaig veure la teva aportació, la vaig llegir i vaig pensar en primer terme com faig sempre, deixo aquesta aportació com la única i darrera del dia, i al vespre ja faré la meva crònica, un cop al vespre vaig pensar, quina sensació més bona pensar en la teva aportació, millor la deixo fins demà, i avui a la matinada a minuts de la sortida del Sol, la sensació és, el pensament és, Cerdanya pedalant els tres, el Maresme fent un cafè els tres, mtb, mtb, mtb.
