divendres, de gener 24, 2014

Nutritional Supplements

I arrived at work today to find my wonderful bosses had left some groovy presents on my desk. 


Check out how cool the bike on the lunch box is!
Essential fanatic cyclist accoutrements?
So what would be the ideal food to carry in such a lunchbox? The answer is quite simple: Sarah's chocolate brownies, the race food that sustained the awesome efforts of Team Freedom Catalonia during the freezing night of WEMBO 2013 at Storm-Lo. Clar que yes!

The ideal sustenance to carry?
These delicious and nutritious snacks have been designed by the academic mind of a palaeopathologist to deliver exactly the right balance of carbohydrates, chocohydrates and mojohydrates in an easily consumable hand held form.
Good with beer and keeps the interest of Lobo too!

They are certified by General Surgeon Lobo to be yummy and good for you and are endorsed by TFC Captain/Manager/Coach Bob, who described them as "Are these things legal?"

Only in Canberra Bob, only in Canberra. If the UCI actually cared what single speeders and 24 hour racers do, I'm sure that I would find myself in an interview with Oprah having to confess to my ongoing use of these amazing supplements.

2 comentaris:

  1. Ohhhhh les delicioses magdalenes de la Sarah!
    És legal això? :-)

  2. OMG, OMG, OMG, magdalenes de la Sarah, què més podem demanar, MTB, MTB, MTB.

    Lobo té el millor gust, són les millors magdalenes, clar que yes.

    Haurem de venir necessitem les magdalenes, i ja que hi som també a vosaltres, encara que la realitat és que us necessitem, mtb, mtb, mtb.

    Com m'agraden les imatges de les vostres sensacionals concentracions al voltant d'una taula, bons menjars, millors cerveses, sensacionals converses, emotius somriures.
