dilluns, de novembre 25, 2013

Springtime in Canberra

Lately it has been hard to find time for much cycling outside of the daily commute to and from work, especially to find time for Phil and I to ride together.

Phil cruises the lake

Ironically one of the things inhibiting us from doing rides together is the amount of time currently being spent organising our wedding. At least that event will take place on single track (watch this space for more details on our MTB friendly wedding venue)!

The world as seen from Sally the Fargo

Saturday afternoon finally saw an opportunity for us to get out though and the weather was a blissful 20 something with light winds.

Happiness is!

It was a combined trip of necessity to pick up some supplies for beer brewing and cake making (yes, the wedding cake) and an opportunity to enjoy the day on our Fargos and drop in to visit Ian and Julie for a quick beer.

A warm spring day

Riding towards Parliament House

The ride saw us do almost 40km of bike paths from home, over the lake and back again.

A water bike tackles a small incline ;)

It was a classic Canberra spring day with people out pedalling the paddle boats on the lake.

The international community of single spyders

It was an afternoon of simple pleasures on simple single speeds. A time to reflect on how good life is and how lucky we are to live in Canberra. A time to ponder the fact that we are but one part of a larger intertnational community of single speeders...who knows when the next opportunity will arrive for us to reunite under the SS banner?

I do know that it will be fun though!

Clar que yes!

1 comentari:

  1. OMG, OMG, OMG, casament a la vista, BEC&Phil que bé, que bé, que bé.

    Dies de molt Single Speed.
