dissabte, de novembre 16, 2013

Greengrocers of Goulburn

First of all, apologies to Betty and Bob that we forgot to take you to this joint. Next time!

We are on a road trip to Sydney and just stopped for lunch at our favourite Velo Cafe: Greengrocer.

Most of the bikes aren't really our "cup of tea", they have too many gears, too much carbon fibre and not enough steel. Not to mention the prices...we could fly to Catalonia and back for less than the price tag of most of these beasts.

But that's not why we visit this joint, it's because it's a cool cafe with good food, excellent coffee and a neat bike shop where you can buy high quality clothing, bike accessories, as well as the whole bike sales and repairs thing.

Nice hat Phil!

Oh yeah, and it is a Greengrocer where you can buy fruit and veg! Neat, hey?

There is also an intriguing pizza menu:

I think I would be a Bianchi... that is, if I was a roadie...

We did make a bike related purchase too.

My summer gloves are literally falling to pieces after WEMBO, so these little beauties are going to be very welcome on my little mitts!

Pity this is a weekend of descans from the Dracs, the gloves will have to wait a day or two to meet the bikes...we have a date with the great Leonard Cohen in Sydney...

OMG OMG OMG... Hallelujah!

3 comentaris:

  1. Bec, Phil, la nostra anada a Sydney va ser magnífica, l'estada inoblidable, per ser-hi amb vosaltres dos, no pel lloc, que també. I si hi ha llocs com aquest per veure, millor, ja hi anirem junts al proper Vol de Drac a Austràlia, segur, segur.

    Clar que yes.

    La "gorra" del Phil és la que més em va agradar de totes les que vaig veure a Cogne, amb diferència, però és ell que la fa lluir, sense cap mena de dubte.

    Bec, Phil, veure les imatges i pensar en fer un cafè dels de veritat, per tant és inevitable que les imatges siguin únicament les de la casa Bec&Phil i el ·vostre genuí "caphil".

  2. One Colnago for me, please! ;-)
    Com que tornarem, ja hi anirem. Com tots els llocs on ens heu portat, segur que ens encantarà. Molt bonics els teus nous guants!
    Em feu enveja, Sydney, Leonard Cohen...Primavera :-) què més es pot demanar?

  3. It was an unforgettable weekend. Leonard Cohen was sensational and we discovered a great new bar in Sydney. We will definitely take you there next time that you are in town.

    Can you guess what it is called?

    Frankies! Some sort of irony there?
