diumenge, de novembre 24, 2013

Beer packaged for cyclists!

So we all know that single speeds and beer are natural partners. But, one of the problems of combining beer and bikes is carrying beer in glass bottles that are heavy and prone to breaking if you have a stack.

This in itself creates a new problem, how to find good quality beer in cans. We don't want to drink to get drunk, although that might happen sometimes. We want to drink because we love the flavour. So no, I don't really want to drink "Riders", even if the name is an appropriate one.

Luckily there are some brewers leading the way. Hats off to the American craft canners who are leading the way.

Today we salute Garage Project, a New Zealand mob who are producing ground breaking beer and they provide it in cyclist friendly cans!!

I know I'd much rather lug a couple of light empty cans home than a couple of empty bottles.

What is more, with flavour profiles like this, who wouldn't want to drink it?

Oh yeaaaaaaah!

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