dimecres, d’octubre 09, 2013

WEMBO 2013 - Catalans en casa

I realise that I have been a bit slack, sitting back and watching all the amazing posts from Bob, who is currently sleeping a couple of metres away on our sofa...again! Looking back over the photos I have taken the last few days, it's time I shared the beauty of the smiles on the faces of Betty and Bob during their first ride on Australian soil.

Here we are doing our first 100m together, getting used to riding on the left hand side of the road.

At "Stormlo", Phil led the way up the main climb, closely followed by two enormous smiles:

And the smiles just got bigger and bigger as we got to the top and enjoyed the views of Canberra.

By the end of our first ride the emotion levels were very high. Is this real? Are we really doing this? Am I asleep, or am I sharing some of my favourite trails with two very special friends?

I think the koalas on the handlebars are proof that this is really happening.

What is more, these guys are even funnier, more lovable and special than I had realised.

I don't have any photos to show for the hours we have spent talking, and to tell the truth, I don't have the words to properly express everything that we have discussed and shared. There are moments when I think it is much more important to sit and talk with Bob and Betty than to ride with them, but then the time riding gives us time to digest our discussions (and the beer and ice cream) and once again we have the mental energy to discuss some very big ideas. More than what it is to be Australian or Catalan. Rather, what it is to be human. Clar que yes!

One of the most interesting things for me, apart from the great honour and privilege it is to open our house and our hearts to these two amazing people and all the stories of their great country, is how natural it all feels. It is as if they are "en casa", and this makes me and Phil all the happier!


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