diumenge, de juliol 28, 2013

What a difference a week makes!

Venturing out on the bikes last weekend required careful planning in terms of merino wool layering and waterproof shell from the boots up. The temperature didn't get over 8 degrees centigrade, the wind made it feel sub-zero, and the rain and hail were persistent companions.

This week, the forecast was for 15 degrees, light winds and sun. So we pulled out the mountain bikes and set off via the dirt back roads for a lap of the World 24 Course at Stromlo.

Sun at our backs, warming up fast.

Cruising up through Canberra's Arboretum, en route to Stromlo.

The view of Stromlo Forest Mountain Bike Park, from the edge of the old forest next to the Arboretum.

By time we had pedalled the first 15km we were so warm that we were stripping back layers and riding in short sleeves. Sensational Canberran winter day!

The tracks at Stromlo had held up well to the wet weather of the week before and provided endless fun and a tough climb over the back of the mountain.

The view of the Brindabella Mountains from the base of the climb on the western side of Stromlo.

The fire trail climb up from this point is a serious challenge on a single speed. We were discussing tactics for October and both agreed that an easy gearing (32:22 rather than the 32:20 and 32:19 we were running today) and some strategic walking would be the way to go over 24 hours.

Once at the top again, the course descends down a technical set of switchbacks before launching into smooth glowing downhill, followed be some of the sweetest berms I have ridden.

Phil coming in at the end of our lap.

En route to lunch - Happy but hungry, with our beautiful bush city in the background.

By now it was time for serious refuelling, so we headed across town to a reliable bar.

Pints of great Australian Beer: MSB Limited Release and Coopers Black and Tan.

50km down, 30km to go via two more nature reserves and plenty more dirt.

Coming out of the single track at Bruce, 5km from home.

As the sun started to dip it was time to pull out the merino again, but we had enjoyed many hours of sunny warmth. 80km in five hours, and well over half of it on dirt in the middle of our city!

Now it was time for a quick shower, layer up and head out on our wonderful bike paths to find some dinner. 20km each way, with over 15km of bike paths free of cars...just had to watch out for the kangaroos eating grass by the side of the track, saw about 50 of them.

End of the day: 120km with 1600m of climbing.

What will today hold? Something more modest I'm thinking.

2 comentaris:

  1. Awesome, I know is far away, but consider South Carolina your home !!!!

  2. OMG, OMG, OMG, los motores Canberra en marcha, suenan tambores WEMBO 2013.

    Gran aventura Single Speed, y una visita al circuito donde, de ser, viviremos la gran aventura del 2013, mtb, mtb, mtb.

    Son la dos de la mañana, en horas tendríamos que volver a subirnos a las bicis, veremos, veremos, pero vuestra intervención nos motiva y mucho a hacerlo.

    Dies de molt de Single Speed.
