dimarts, de juliol 30, 2013

Moments ... in Colorado (5)

Crested Butte ... where all the world turns around MTB, enjoy !!!!

Time to sit down ...

Old and new, two worlds, one place ...

I spent more than two hours in this cafe, sitting down just watching the time went by. Another day I will explain the best moment of this trip, it was around this place ...

Old houses, mining town, new MTB Meca ... what else

National transport in Crested Butte ...

 Beer time :)

 Bikes, bikes, and more bikes ...

Corners will never be forgotten ...

After a long day I got my self portrait :)

From SC, Xavi Paricio

3 comentaris:

  1. WOW! Looks like a really amazing place.

  2. Fa tants anys que llegim sobre Colorado, que ara veis les imatges i no sé què dir.

    Ens passa com al Roc, de fet ja ho vaig comentar, però és què és així, senzill, planer, Xavi, ets a un lloc mític del MTB als USA.

    OMG, OMG, OMG.

  3. REally an amazing place....I want to go back :)
