dissabte, de juliol 27, 2013

Moments ... in Colorado (3)

Crested Butte, the best place to be if you love MTB ... 

Small Museum, inside, the MTB Hall of Fame ... just amazing

One of the best pictures, August of 1977, a group of crazy guys riding big tires ... read the names, Gary Fisher was there !!!!

One of the first Spezialiced commercials, look for the details ... "it's a whole new sport"

More I think about, more I understand why Crested Butte was considered by BIKE US as the first MTB destination !!!!

From SC, Xavi Paricio

1 comentari:

  1. Pels americans és la Meca del MTB, i aquest lloc, el museu, la història del MTB als USA. Per a un biker ser-hi inclòs, ser inclòs al The Hall of Fame, és la consagració.

    Dies de MTB.
