dijous, de febrer 07, 2013

Davagh Forest Trail Photo shoot

Davagh forest is my local forest and probably the forest in which I really started my love of Mountain biking.

The forest is situated in the Sperrin mountains close to Draperstown. For years Mountain bikers helped maintain a network of old walking trails that had fallen into disrepair through lack of maintenance and no use from walkers. As the trails were forgotten mountain bikers created a small series of trails to ride. For years locals campaigned to try and get some help from forestry service to help build trails. For years the forestry service dismissed any notion that they would ever create mountain bike trails.

This would all change with the help of Cookstown Council, Outdoor Recreation NI (Formerly CAAN)local representatives and the NI Mountain Biking Association. Years of talks, planning, let downs, highs and lows finally have paid off in 2012/13. Outdoor Recreation NI created the frame work in which Architrail would design the trail network. Planning permission was agreed, Forestry service would allow Cookstown Council control over the trail network and Local contractors FP McCann would create the trails.

Building work on the trails is into the last few months. The trail system is approximately 25kms (15.5 miles) and will be suitable for a range of users including mountain bikers and pedestrians.  The trail system will be made up of 9kms of new build x-country single track trails with technical features and upgrade of 3kms of existing trails, the additional 13kms utilises existing forest roads.

The Marketing team from Outdoor Recreation NI are now finalizing their marketing strategy for Davagh, Castlewellan and Rostrevor Mountain Bike Trail Centers branded Mountain Bike Northern Ireland.

I was asked if I would come along to Davagh on a photo shoot. The marketing team needed some Mountain bike photos and I was delighted to help out. 

3 comentaris:

  1. Quina capacitat d'organització.

    Que bones les imatges.

    Veus la teva aportació i els tambors a casa tiquen una sola música, haurem d'agafar les bikes i sortir a pedalar.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

  2. Quines imatges.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.
