diumenge, de juny 17, 2012

Sensacions del primer dia.

Amb una single speed:

"My world just changed forever.

Im sure you've all heard and said this before, but here it is. Its so mind blowing I just have to share it!

I just demo'd my first rigid 29r ss. (niner sir 9).

It was my first time on a rigid 29, and first time on a ss.

How can I sum it up?

First, the singlespeed felt so organic. Climbing was remarkably easy. Easier than a gear'd fs ive ridden that simply bobs up and down. The single gear wasn't hard, it just made me go fast! I never realized that all those gears made me a wimp.

Next: Flats. At first I thought all the pedaling would be annoying, but it was liberating. I probably even went faster than anything else because it was just so fun and I was giving it my all.

DH: I was shocked that I had just as much confidence on this as on a remedy. Granted this was only flat downhill, no jumps or big drops anything, but still. Enough said.

I always used to switch gears continuously thinking I was optimizing my efforts.

Now Im just like. I was stupid. I didn't need them.
I even thought I wanted a big 5 inch suspension because it was fun and you could really roll over stuff. Well, this rolls over stuff even better.

Furthermore, the build was spot on. The bars, the stem, the tubeless, the geometry, even the SADDLE was awesome!

I have no idea mountain biking could be like this. I was born to ride this bike.

I am blown away.

Sincerely and happily,

Single speed convert."

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