dijous, de juny 28, 2012


" Just as no two of us are exactly alike, each frame is an individual. I don't do production runs or cookie cutter designs, instead building each frame by hand to the customer's needs/desires/dreams. One of my passions is sharing the love of cycling with others.

What better way than by helping your dream frame become a reality? Each design begins with you.  We'll work together to nail down a design that will meet your specific needs, anatomical requirements and riding style. Then I'll get to work hand crafting our work out of a custom selection of steels or TI and finishing with a blur of color.

Yep, there's no denying it...I'm not quite like other builders. I've been told that is what attracts many of my customers to me...I enjoy celebrating uniqueness. I like it a bit Funky. In the custom bicycle business, success is dependent on building a relationship with the customer to help define their individual physical needs, performance desires, and to identify who they are not only as a cyclist, but as a person.  The finished product is a culmination of physiology, metallurgy, and personality all rolled into one.  Utterly unique, just like you. To help bring your vision to life, each step of the process in completed by only one set of hands.  Design, machining, welding/brazing, component fabrication, custom paint and assembly, I complete each step of the process to insure your vision is maintained.  To do so means that it takes a bit longer, but you're worth it. Each creation is destined for an audience of one.  Success is measured in smiles.  It makes me feel good when you're happy. Shouldn't that be what life is about?

By the way, I often can't hear the phone over the machines or paint booth, so leave a voice mail if you please.  I answer email 2-3 times a week so don't panic, I'll get back to you.  Please be patient.  I'm looking forward to seeing y'all in Sacramento...make sure you stop by, chat for a bit, and see who my bikes are all about. cheers, Rody"


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